
Friday, November 21, 2008

Orange Raisin Pull Aparts 葡萄橙小面包

The topping is very delicious!

This is taken from a Japanese site… Guessing the translation really makes my head scratch..but nevertheless, here’s my adaptation of it.
Whole process, almost 3 hours. Do this if u are not in a rush.

360gm Bread Flour or High Protein Flour
2 tsp Yeast
60gm sugar
1 tsp salt
1 Tbsp milk powder
1 large egg
40 ml orange juice
160ml water

40gm butter (room temperature)
120gm raisins

40 gm finely chopped walnuts
50gm sugar
1/8 tsp cinnamon powder
Zest from 1 orange
40gm melted butter (not hot!)

1. Combine bread flour, sugar, yeast, salt and milk powder. Mix and make a well in the centre.
2. In a separate bowl, beat egg, add in water and orange juice.
3. Pour (2) into (1). Mix well. Knead for 10 minutes.
4. Put in butter and knead for another 8 minutes.
5. Put in raisins and knead for another 3 minutes.
6. Cover and proof until dough becomes double. (almost 1 hour)
7. Meanwhile chop walnuts, grate orange zest and mix both with sugar and cinnamon. Set aside.
8. Punch dough down and knead it for a while.
9. Rub some melted butter onto palms and take a small dollop of dough (as big as a small lime) and roll into a ball.
10. Dip ball into melted butter. Roll ball on palms.
11. Dip ball onto topping (7).
12. Put ball topping side up onto a 12 inch round baking tray, starting from the rim. Arrange dough balls nicely towards the centre.
13. Wait until dough doubles up again. (almost 1 hour)
14. Bake at 170C for 15 minutes and 160C for 10 minutes.


  1. Wow, kudos to you for figuring out a Japanese translation! I'd be scratching my head too!!

    Looks like a fun, delicious recipe.

  2. this looks sooooooooo good!!! i love the flavor that oranges bring to baked goods. it's making me hungry just looking at these photos.

  3. Recipe Girl:
    It's very difficult trying to figure it out even when translated to English, eg: dough is cloth when translated! But the E-pan site is a nice site for breads, complete with process pictures . Luckily making bread's instructions are rather similiar.

  4. Joanna:
    It not only looks good, it really does taste good!
    Everybody that ate it loved the topping.
    U can use the topping for ur vegan breads.


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