
Friday, February 17, 2012

Buttery Dinner Rolls - Plain Rolls # 3

This is a Peter Reinhart’s recipe, found in the book Baker’s Dozen. This book has very very few pictures and most of those that I have attempted are those with pictures. I guess pictures do play a very important role whether or not we want to read through the recipe, moreover try it out.

The name is a bit misleading. It doesn't taste that buttery. Compared to Parker House Rolls, this is a clear loser in the "buttery" competition. I was almost tempted to change the name to Yogurt Dinner Rolls, but somehow, didn't. The original recipe called for buttermilk and we can hardly find that here. Even if you can find it, it is very expensive. Usually I will substitute with soured milk (lemon juice + milk) or just use yogurt for it. I used almost full yogurt the first attempt and the yogurt was homemade stuff bought from the Indian eateries that is locally called as ‘tairu’. And they can be very sour at times. Well there isn’t any QA since it’s homemade. I wasn’t satisfied with the first outcome, and I did it again. This time using less yogurt, store bought manufactured yogurt.

Peter said this dough is slacky and tacky and it's meant to be that way. The tackiness is reduced after the 1st proofing. But if you really cannot stand the tackiness after the 1st proofing, add a little bit of flour, but not too much. The buns get wrinkly all the time after baking, I've made this 3 times, 3 times! I wonder did I overproof or I should reduce the yeast. Or I should just bake them after they get puffy but not doubled after shaping? I won't give up on these rolls, and I hope that one day I will be able to make them look like what is in the picture, smooth and round. And these 2 rolls shown are the best among the 3 batches I made. LOL.

Buttery Dinner Rolls
Recipe source: Baker's Dozen
Converted into metric weight by Wendyywy

500gm all purpose flour (I choose the type with 9.8% protein, read the nutritional label)
200gm plain yogurt (I used Nestle Natural Set)
200gm fresh milk/full cream milk
60gm butter
50gm sugar
8gm salt
10gm instant yeast
1 small egg, beaten
Some poppy seeds for sprinkling

1. Put everything together and knead until you form a dough.
2. Continue to knead on low speed for 8 minutes (I used speed 2 on my KA)
3. A slacky and slightly sticky dough will form.
4. Let it proof (covered) until double (Peter said, 1.5 hours, true indeed). It will turn tacky.
5. Divide into 50gm balls of dough (I got 21pcs)
6. Roll the dough into balls and place on a lined or greased pan
7. Proof (covered) until dough balls double up again.
8. Preheat oven to 160(fan)/180C.
9. Brush top of dough with beaten egg and sprinkle on some poppy seeds.
10. Bake for 15 minutes or until golden.
Verdict: Buns are hard to shape, I've made this 3 times and they get wrinkly all the time, but the texture inside is fine and delicious. To me, it has that "bounce" when you bite into it, and it's what I love about this ugly bun. Not manual kneading friendly at all.

Come let's slather on some butter............... yummy!


  1. These dinner rolls look really good either way - I'm not one for a buttery taste so the flavor of these would probably be good with me! ^^ I even made a similar type of bread for tomorrow's bentos.

  2. Oh yes, it is yummm! I love your posts!

  3. Wrinkly or not, this looks inviting!!
    And thanks for the photos to differentiate between Sticky and Tacky, now I can judge the bread dough better.

  4. Tesco got sell buttermilk, I bought one last week.
    Buns looks so nice, ya, more butter on it please....yum yum....hahaha

  5. I truly agree that pictures play important roles. It helps in making decision whether to attempt the recipe or ignore it.
    It also helps me to decide whether to buy the book or put it back on the shelve.
    I love your bread. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Aiko,
    Oh yeah, some ppl don't really like it buttery ;)


    U're welcomed.
    I used to be confused too.

    Yeah i know, but the price is Woah!

    and sometimes got conned to buy those books by its too pretty pictures, LOL. The recipes are not as good as the pictures.

    I proof half an hour also same. I think should'nt even do the 2nd proofing at all la.
    But the yogurt seems to make the gluten strands very fragile, as yogurt always tenderises gluten in cake, making the crumb really tender.

  7. home made goodness instead of the sugar laden ones found outside!

  8. Such beautiful yummy looking buns with poppy sprinkle. Emm, I wonder if it goes well with sesame?

  9. missblurkit,
    I never knew that it's sugar laden, even if they are bought.

    Can also... as you like :)
    But I just follow the book to use poppy seeds.
    Actually I am dying to finish it up, bought one pack long ago

  10. Ugly or not, they look good to go with butter and kaya.
    Please drop by my blog - an award awaits you!

  11. I have the same book too,collecting dust in the shelves for the same reason, not many picture illustration on the end products.

  12. but your buns look good to me, not as wrinkly as you mentioned. Burger buns also a little wrinkly but nice. The yeast amt seems alright here..yeah, if we think something is wrong, just got to keep experimenting..i know you're very good at this!

  13. busygran,

    Haha... I sort of regretted buying the book, but the few that I've tried, some of it quite nice

    cos i only showed the best lookin ones. LOL

  14. The texture looks incredible good! Very tempting to try. But sounds very challenging ler...

  15. i haven't tried this PR recipe cos I'm usually not convinced that 'angmohs' have got their dinner rolls soft and buttery but you've convinced me otherwise! bookmarking this!

  16. Vivian,
    If manual kneading, sure pengsan.

    yaya, their soft is no where as soft as ours.
    But the yogurt helped tenderise the gluten and it's very fluffy. Mouthfeel a bit different from the usual rolls.

  17. I like the crumb, looks fluffy and bouncy as you described it...I might try this out too when I get my yoghurt:)


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