
Thursday, August 20, 2015

Kuih Ketayap

This kuih goes by many names

Kuih Ketayap
Kuih Dadar
Kuih Gulung
and my ex students from Selancar calls them kuih hijau

Malaysian school's home science textbooks calls this kuih ketayap.

It's one of the first kuihs that I made during my teens. Quite a no brainer kuih, as long as you get the crepe right. When I was young, I just made this by feel, adjusting the batter as I cooked.

But I should standardize it for my own reference.

This kuih looks better with some pock marks. Not all smooth. To get the right pock marks, you must get the right temperature for your pan. Too hot and the crepe cooks too quickly before you can spread. If the pan isn't hot enough, the pock marks turn elusive. But if you don't mind the 'markings', then just cook it as you like. A light brushing of oil helps to form the marks.

Kuih Ketayap

by WendyinKK
Makes 10-12 pcs

100g plain flour
260ml pandan juice (blend 260ml water with a cup of pandan leaf)
50ml coconut milk
Pinch of salt
1 egg

1.5 cups sweet coconut filling or amount as needed

Oil, as needed.

1. Mix all the ingredients for batter and let it sit for at least 30 minutes, up to an hour, covered and not exposed to sunlight.
2. Heat a small frying pan (6 or 7 inches at the base) on medium low heat and lightly brush on some oil.
3. Pour some batter over to form a thin crepe.
4. When the sides takes on some colour, flip the crepe onto a plate.
5. Repeat cooking until all batter is used up.
6. Place crepes, smooth side up onto a plate. Put some coconut filling (I don't like to be too generous), around 1 Tbsp, and fold both sides in. Roll up and arrange them neatly. Refer to this post if a pictorial guide is needed.

* Keep these kuih away from direct sunlight to prevent discolouration, as there is no food colouring used.

As this kuih is not preferred by my husband and his side of the family, I am glad I have my colleagues. They give me chances to make things that previously, no one will help me eat.



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