
Monday, July 17, 2017

Charcoal Mung Bean Buns 竹炭豆蓉包子

Recipe created in 2013

Few years back, baking with bamboo charcoal was popular. A lot of people were baking bread with bamboo charcoal powder, creating black loaves or zebra looking loaves. Bamboo charcoal does not impart flavour to the bake, but there is a mild difference in texture. I have no idea whether this is activated or non activated bamboo charcoal powder because it's not stated on the bottle it came with.

Back in the days when picky eater Lyanne will eat buns with fillings, I do try to make them with different creamy fillings. So, making a black bun with a bright filling seems good, and she thought it was chocolate bun :)

Nowadays, she will only stick to Kaya steamed buns.

Charcoal Mung Bean Buns

by WendyinKK
Makes 15 buns

Easy Mung Bean Filling
150gm peeled mung beans
3 blades pandan

75-90gm sugar
30ml cooking oil

Bun dough
1tsp instant yeast
150ml water
Pinch of sugar

300gm pau flour
1tsp baking powder
30gm sugar
30gm butter
2 tsp bamboo charcoal powder

1. Soak peeled mung beans for a few hours until they soften. Strain and put them into a dish/bowl. Tear pandan leaves into small pieces and mix it into the beans. Place the bowl into a steamer and steam until the beans are soft.
2. Remove the beans from the steamer and take out all the pandan leaves. Stir in sugar and oil. Lightly mash them. Divide into 15 portions. *Keep covered until time to use.
3. Prepare yeast mixture. Mix yeast, sugar and water together, leave aside for 5-10 minutes, if the mixture looks frothy, then it's good to use.
4. Mix the rest of the bun ingredients together and pour the yeast mixture into it. Knead until the dough becomes smooth. Cover and leave to proof for one hour or until doubled.
5. Divide proofed dough into 35-37g each and wrap each portion of dough with the mung bean filling. Place each formed bun onto a piece of baking paper.
6. Leave to proof (cover and don't let it dry up, I like to put them in my cold oven) for an hour or until double.
7. Steam on high heat for 15 minutes.

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