
Thursday, May 22, 2008

Pasta in Cream Sauce 白汁依粉

This may be a very common recipe to many others, but many of my friends have been asking me how to do a cream sauce for pasta.

Here's how I do it. You can put in whatever you may like.... calamari, chicken, ham, peas, carrots...

I use whipping cream because it is the most common form of cream available in Malaysia.

Pasta in Cream Sauce Recipe

Portion for 2
150gm pasta, cooked al dente.
1 pip garlic (chopped)
1/2 red onion (chopped)
1/2 cup prawns
1/2 cup mushrooms
1 cup dairy whipping cream (Anchor, Emborg... bla bla bla)
1 tsp parsley flakes
2 Tbsp olive oil
salt and black pepper to taste

1. Heat pan and put in olive oil. Saute garlic and onion until fragrant and softened.
2. Put in prawns or whatever meat preferred and stir fry for a while until almost cooked.
3. Put in mushrooms or whatever vegetables preferred and stir until everything is cooked.
4. Pour in whipping cream and season with salt and pepper. Sprinkle in parsley flakes.
5. When sauce has boiled and thickened, put in cooked pasta and coat pasta with sauce.
6. Remove from heat and serve.


  1. normally 1 cup is equal to how many ml?


  2. Oi Lai,
    In my blog, all 1 cup is standard measurement 250ml. In any recipe, if it's stated 1 cup, just go by 250ml or 8 liquid oz.

    Anyway for cooking recipes, u can use a rice bowl to measure 1 cup, but for BAKING, u must use a measuring cup.

  3. hi. sry to cut in here ya...1 cup in baking is approx. 140g or 110g?

  4. ice-ayrez,
    1 cup in baking is 250ml.
    How much things weigh in 1 cup depends on its density.

    Flour can be anywhere 100-150gm (depends on type and how compact)
    Water is 250gm
    Butter is 225gm
    Sugar is 200gm

  5. wendy, sry to disturb again?
    can i use the non-dairy whipped cream (Redman's) for this? and add some milk maybe?

  6. ice ayrez,
    Sorry no. Non dairy cream taste sweet, so it is not suitable.
    You can buy the 200ml pack,
    or if not, use milk and thicken with flour + water (not cornstarch). Use butter to cook and not olive oil.

  7. oh..i forgotten it's sweet. oki okie..
    thanks a lot!
    i'll try!!

  8. Wahahahhaa.. so easy! I just dished this out for my kid. Thanks.


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