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Thursday, July 8, 2010

Iced Calamansi Tea

This is the de facto favourite iced drink of Malaysians, Teh-O-Ais Limau.

It is actually a local version of Iced Lemon Tea. Lemons don't grow here, but calamansis thrive here. So, we use calamansi to go with iced tea and it taste absolutely lovely.

Actually I don't really like the Mamak's version (local Indian muslim eateries). I prefer my mom's. Mamaks only use 1 calamansi. My mom uses minimum 2. They use cheapo brand tea dust, my mom uses Boh. So, after drinking the version made with quality tea dust and more calamansi, those out there seems.... diluted.

If you ask me, Boh or Lipton. I will at anytime say Boh. I never like Lipton, it's got a tanninny taste whereas Boh is fragrant and smoooth.
And if you want to know whether there is colouring added to your tea dust, there is one simple experiment.
Just put your tea bag or tea dust into a cup of cold water (tap water will do) and if the water is coloured, then there is colouring. Because real tea is supposed to release its colour only with very hot water.

And if you are used to the orangy coloured milk tea or dark amber plain tea (like mamak teas), I'm so sorry that if you do this with Boh tea, it's gonna make you dizzy. Some people cannot consume too concentrated tea, it makes them dizzy. My mom does. And with Boh, the colour should be much lighter than when you use other teas, but believe me, the flavour is just as strong, and even better.

Iced Calamansi tea for 2 glasses about 350ml
1 Boh tea bag (yes one will do)
350ml boiling water
Sugar to taste
4 calamansi limes

1. Place tea bag into a heatproof jug/teapot., or a large glass/mug
2. Pour boiling water onto tea bag and let it steep for 5-10 minutes. The longer the darker.
3. Sweeten with sugar (must be slightly oversweetened).
4. Pour into 2 glasses, squeeze juice from 2 limes into each glass and top with lots of ice.

Perfect for a hot day :)

Actually if you ask me, I prefer the red one than the gold blend.


  1. This is the usual drink i often prepare, but i prefer Lipton Tea.

  2. I don't add it to tea, but I made honey calamansi drinks. :)

  3. Love the golden hue of this cuppa...

  4. very nice pics...u take them yourself?

  5. I love this drink. I use Rooibos Tea coz it smells awesome and taste awesome too. :)

  6. Hey, Wendy, add some tapioca balls and you have bubble tea!

  7. This drink is exactly what I need in this sweltering heat! =)

  8. Hey! I just made this a few weeks ago (leftover limes from cooking Hokkien Prawn Noodle). And like Sonia, I prefer Lipton.

  9. Love the drink! Just right and cool!

  10. Sonia,
    Diff ppl diff tastebuds.

  11. Little Inbox,
    Honey Calamansi drink sounds good, just like honey lemon drink :)

  12. Manglish,
    Yes, but I think that night my hubby took a few too, but I forgot which ones did I take from the snapshots.
    It's all about.... editing :)

  13. Sue Me,
    Rooibos is nice too.. and healthy

  14. Shirley,
    I don't have those dark tapioca pearls :(

  15. Blessed Homemaker,
    Prawn noodles???? Wah.. can't wait to see them on your blog. I have stashes of prawn shells in my freezer waiting for the day I turn them to broth and make my own prawn noodles too.

  16. Angie,,
    It's summer there right?
    Make some!!

  17. Refreshing drink for the hot wheather.

  18. This reminds me that I wanna plant a limau tree!!! Planted in a pot before but died... then another one beside my house (my house is next to a field cum playground), that was stolen by someone...the whole tree was dug out man!!! So now still thinking of planting one.

  19. DG,
    Yes, it's super dee duper hot today
    I need lots of iced drink

  20. A great thirst-quencher! I like the lime with 'chin chow' or grass jelly or even agar agar in strips.

  21. notice how u cut the limau hehehe u taught me before.... cut it horizontal in middle. am i right? sifu

  22. Looks so delicious and great to ward off the summer heat.

  23. Busygran,
    I like calamansis best with studded with a sour plum, and I suck suck suck on it.

  24. Mel,
    I'm going to plant one too.. but I'm going to wait for CNY period first, so that I get one oredi big big, then easier.. no need to wait and wait

  25. Voon,
    Very good "tou dai" ah....
    Good boy!!

  26. Jo,
    It's summer everyday here... we drink this all the time

  27. I really miss calamansi limes. They are just the best. I love it as a dipping sauce with lots of chopped garlic. I like it as a drink too, very refreshing. Yours look very refreshing too.

  28. I will try to see if I can find the pearls for you. I will pass to Pei Lin.

  29. Shirley,
    Oh, you'll be meeting Pei-Lin!!!
    That woman has been pestering me to go to Singapore with her, with my 2 toddlers tugging along. Hahaha, it's impossible la. My hubby will kill me and I will "kena kutuk" (criticised) by all his family members and relatives if I ever do this.

  30. MaryMoh,
    Yeah, calamansi is so juicy that it makes a good base for dipping sauces, unlike limes where one has to gather all the muscles to get a teeny weeny bit of juice out.

  31. I never know that calamansi can be used to make tea. I only know how to make ice lemon tea, lolz. Thanks for sharing, will sure try this, it is much easier to get calamansi than lemon at the wet market here!

  32. This looks really refreshing! Have not thought of making this kind of drink it'll be good with BBQ or some spicy food. ;)

  33. HappyHomeBaker,
    Now you surprise me cos you stay in the region and have never encountered this. Maybe Singaporean Mamaks are known for other drinks. The last time I went to a spore mamak was 13 years ago... and I've forgotten everything except that Roti Canai here is called Roti Pratha there.

  34. Bee,
    Yes, it'll be super for BBQ.

  35. Cookin Canuck and TorviewToroto,
    Thanks :)

  36. Hi Wendy,
    Can you make me one big glass... hehe the color looks nice. Anyway on contrary I don't make this at home, the one I had at one restaurant is addictive!

  37. HomeKreation,
    Diaorang letak ganja kot!!!

  38. I tried this ice calamansi tea, it is very refreshing, my kids love it too! Thanks for sharing.

  39. Happy Homebaker,
    Thank you very much for the feedback.
    I'm glad you and your kids enjoyed this.


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