Visit our past Event, Malaysian Food Fest
Let us celebrate Asian Food by cooking it at the comfort of our own home. Have some fun!
How does it go about:
Participants to the event will need to cook/bake/make something edible that is a specialty of the country/countries, be it traditional or modern. Then they need to submit the entry to the host of the month, together with picture, recipe and credit the source.
Oct 2013-Sept 2014
Who can join?
Facebook users, please like this Page in order to participate via FB.
We apologize in advance if some countries are not included.
Oct 2013 | Japan | Alan Goh of Travelling Foodies | 01.10.2013 | 01.10.2013 | Japanese Food Gallery |
Nov 2013 | Thailand | Lena of Frozen Wings | 01.11.2013 | 01.12.2013 | Thai Food Gallery |
Dec 2013 | West Asia | Shannon of Just as Delish | 01.12.2013 | 01.01.2014 | W.A Food Gallery |
Jan Feb 2014 | Hong Kong Macau | Annie of Annielicious Food | 01.01.2014 | 01.03.2014 | HK Macau Food Gallery |
Mar 2014 | Indonesia | Alice of I Love I Cook I Bake | 01.03.2014 | 01.04.2014 | Indonesian Food Gallery |
Apr 2014 | Korea | Sharon of Feats of Feasts | 01.04.2014 | 01.05.2014 | Korean Food Gallery |
May 2014 | Indian Subcontinent | Alvin of Chef and Sommelier | 01.05.2014 | 01.06.2014 | Indian Food Gallery |
June 2014 | Indo China | Kelly of Kelly Siew Cooks | 01.06.2014 | 01.07.2014 | Indo Chinese Food Gallery |
July 2014 | Philippines | Swee San of The Sweet Spot | 01.07.2014 | 01.08.2014 | Pinoy Food Gallery |
Aug 2014 | Taiwan | Alan Goh of Travelling Foodies | 01.08.2014 | 01.09.2014 | Taiwanese Food Gallery |
Sept 2014 | Singapore | Grace Phua of Life can be Simple | 01.09.2014 | 01.10.2014 | Singaporean Food Gallery |
*China is not included because we have another upcoming event planned to celebrate the cuisine of China, right after this event has completed.
1. Can I join certain months but not all?
Yes, but it'll be great if you can complete it. Give yourself a big big pat on the back if you have tried cooking food from every country in the event.
2. Can I cook localized fusioned versions?
Food is global and somehow it gets changed to suit local tastebuds and personal preference. We encourage you to try doing it as close as possible as it is to the original dish in the country, not in your own country. Try it, maybe just this time to be close.
3. Can I substitute the ingredients? Check out with the monthly hosts for substitutions.
Some things are actually similar in other countries cuisine, just that it may come with other names. But substituting with brown rice for sushi rice will not reflect how it is done in Japan, although both are still rice. We do understand there are religious and allergic reasons, but there are always other things to try out if you prefer to omit a particular ingredient.
4. I don't want to buy the stuff and use just once or twice. Can I use sauce packs and processed ingredients? Yes you may. We hope that things don't get wasted too. We do understand that some of you have no access to the raw fresh ingredients but have jars and packs of sauces on the shelves. But we will not accept entries that is a store bought finished product that needs to be reheated or requires only a final cooking step. For example: You can buy a frozen crust and bottled sauces to make the pizza, but not a frozen complete pizza to reheat for the event. Or packaged instant ramen and cook it as it is for Japan/Korea.
5. I don't own a blog.
Can I join? Sure! We accept emailed entries for the monthly roundup and you can join us on Facebook as well.
6. Any prizes involved?
Nope, this is not a competition, it's for fun.
7. My blog is about baking, can I not blog about savoury dishes and yet join?
Sure, our Facebook event page welcomes you. Just LIKE us, and JOIN us. But then, each country have bakes of their own too.
8. The recipe is from a book. Can I not type it out?
No problem with that, just name the book and author. If possible page number too! We understand there are sometimes copyright matters. If the recipe is from another blog and it'll be fine if you just provide a link to the source. As long as it is credited, it is fine with us.
9. I didn't cook it, but my mom or aunt did it (or someone else). Can I submit it?
Yes, as long as you state it in the entry. But then please, no plagiarism from the internet.
10. Can I submit to BOTH Facebook and the monthly host for roundup.?
Up to you. But only blog posts blogged within the state's month will be accepted for round up. Old posts can be submitted to FB anytime.
We will not dispute the entry if
1. It is sourced from a cookbook/magazine/newspaper which mentions of the country
2. It is sourced from the internet with the owner of the recipe saying it's a specialty of the country.
3. It is stated as a must eat or popular food from tourist information sources (internet or books, brouchures).
4. If you can provide the information that you have eaten (or was told) the particular food in that country and found it different from other versions in other countries. And a copycat version is produced according to the difference. Some elaboration will be good to help us learn more about the 'special characteristics' of that special version.
Cook something from Taiwan,
Blog about it from 1/8/2014 to 31/8/2014
and join us by submitting below
Blog about it from 1/8/2014 to 31/8/2014
and join us by submitting below
The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.
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