
Friday, February 21, 2014

Serradura 木糠布丁 - AFF HK Macau Desserts #3

These are set in Ikea's tealight cups

Serradura, also known as Sawdust pudding is a Portuguese dessert popular in Macau, the former Portuguese colony.
Why the name sawdust? The cookie crumbs that make up this pudding is the sawdust. :-)

I first got to know of this dessert from a TV documentary. The host visited a dessert factory in Macau and was taught how to make this simple dessert.

The ingredients are simple but the trick lies in getting nice layers. I didn't do a good job, hehehe. But doesn't matter too much too me, although a bit disappointed with myself, but it's ok.

I think this is a very nice dessert to do, if you have excess whipping cream from that large carton and don't want to spend more time or money to use it up in another way.

I managed to make 6 servings out of this recipe, but it depends on how big your glasses are

Serradura @ Sawdust Pudding
Reference: My Buttery Fingers

120gm Marie biscuits
200gm Whipping cream 35% fat
50gm sweetened condensed milk/creamer
1/2 tsp vanilla extract

1. Grind marie biscuits.
2. In a cold bowl, whip whipping cream to medium stiff and beat in vanilla and condensed milk.
3. Place whipped cream into a piping bag and pipe a layer of cream on the base of your glass. Top with some biscuit crumbs. Use a spoon to gently level it without pressing the crumbs tight. Repeat layering the cream and crumbs until you reach the rim. Use the back of knife or pastry scraper and level the top layer of crumbs.
4. Keep chilled until time to serve.

*I find a ratio of 2:1 of cream and crumbs taste better than even thickness layers.

I am submitting this to Asian Food Fest Hong Kong Macau Month


  1. That looks perfect to me! Jaynelle

  2. Will try this one day...thanks for the recipe...
    Patricia TPS

  3. Wendy, any substitution for sweetened condensed milk? thanks.

  4. delia,
    You can always use sugar and sweeten it to your liking. Just that it's not the way it's done in Macau. Its your personal preference.

  5. Very elegant looking dessert! Can't believe it's so simple (well, at least you make it look easy!) :)

  6. Banyak cantik! I want to go look for the tealight cups :)

  7. Very simple, thanks for sharing.... I think i'll give it a try...


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