
Friday, February 21, 2020

Coffee Hazelnut Friands & why I've been MIA for so long


I'm sorry that I've been away for more than a year.
Last year, I thought I wanted to be blogging again, but some health issues came up.

After I blogged about the Chocolate Ombre Cake, I went to Vietnam with my friend for few days. It was a tiring trip and I had trouble sleeping. And when I came back, there was more travelling with the kids, my body ended up exhausted. Two days after reaching home (finally), I fetched my mom for her medical appointment, and as I was driving home, the pain came.... simply put it as, my fourth time going into active labour. Yes, it was that type of pain, as if I was labour induced. Stopped my car beside the road and called my brother, who was the nearest one to me at that moment. I couldn't breathe whenever the pain came, you know, like when the strongest contractions come?
I was rushed to the hospital. I lost my ability to stand for the next few days because my spine flared up very badly. A month later, I flared up again. Anyway, cut the story short, it took me two hospitalizations to finally got diagnosed as having Spinal Osteoathritis. Couldn't stand for long, couldn't carry my handbag anymore, couldn't walk for long, .... took me one year of resting to be actively back in the kitchen. I started cooking again a month after my second hospitalization. But it was all simple meals, that I needed a few rests in between.

I thank God that I could stand and walk again, and it's a blessing to be able to do that. Actually it's not really a big issue, but when I was bed ridden, I realized that being able to stand each day, is really a blessing, His grace.

Here's one of the new recipes that I've done, before I went to Vietnam. It's on Youtube, just that I've haven't sit down and get it done on my blog. I was still able to do things with my phone on the bed, but to blog, I have to sit at my table with my laptop.

Lovely tiny rich nutty cakes. Friands tends to be quite sweet, and when made with coffee in it, the sweetness will be greatly offset, and it’s just nice for me.
Keep them (airtight) overnight and they turn so tender and fragrant.

I used instant Nescafé. You can use other brands of instant coffee that doesn’t contain any sugar or creamer.You can change to any type of nut meal, but you can’t substitute the amount with flour. It’s ok if you don’t want to use soft brown sugar. Just substitute the amount with icing sugar (100g+100g). I do not suggest for any sugar reduction, as the Friand might end up dry.
These friands taste better the next day. It softens and becomes very tender without being fragile.

Coffee Hazelnut Friands

Created by WendyinKK
Makes 24 mini friands and a few muffin sized ones

185g salted butter
1 Tbsp instant coffee
180ml egg white ( from 5 Grade A eggs , 63-65g shells on)
100g ground hazelnuts
100g soft brown sugar
75g plain flour
100g icing sugar
1/4 tsp vanilla extract
More butter for greasing the pan

Quick Instructions
1. Melt butter with Instant Coffee. Cool down.
2. Whisk egg whites until frothy.
3. Mill brown sugar with some of the flour until fine.
4. Combine all the dry ingredients. Make a well.
5. Pour all wet ingredients into the well and combine.
6. Put batter into a 24 hole buttered mini muffin pan.
7. Bake in preheated oven 200C/180C (fan) for 13 minutes or until done.

🌰Baking time:
Mini muffin pan (full) : 13 mins
Muffin pans (half) : 17 mins
Muffins pans (full) : 25 mins

For visual instructions, please watch the video below


  1. Thank God everything getting better for you. I follow your blog and subscribed via Feedly so that I won't miss any of your post. Meanwhile, takes thing easy. When emotionally and physically well, even a simple cup of morning coffee is an enjoyment.

  2. paperpapier,
    Thank you :)
    Cheers to coffee every morning!

  3. Sorry about the health scare, they suck! I'm glad you're better and love that video! X

  4. Hi, I have been a silent reader of yours since I studied abroad in 2008. Reading and trying out your recipes have always been one of the ways to bring me closer to home. I've graduated, worked abroad and now I am back home in Malaysia, and still checking out your blog regularly. Glad you are back. Take care and do keep posting. Thank you.

  5. Love your recipes and have been following your blog for baking recipes. Recently made pineapple tarts for CNY using your pineapple jam recipe which I found very detailed and useful. The jam tasted really good and we are so happy to have found your recipe. Sorry to hear about your health issues and hope you are well and continue to stay healthy. Look forward to reading more recipes and posts from you. :)

  6. So glad you are back. Sorry to hear your health issues. Thank God you are well now. Look forward to more recipes from you. Take care and God bless.

  7. Good to hear you are back on your feet. Been a fan of yours.
    Blessings from downunder.

  8. So happy you came back and recovering well. Keep doing what you do. I love your blogs and hoping to find time to try one soon to share with you. Stay healthy.

  9. Hi Wendy, I’m sorry to hear that and glad that you’re well now. Take care, gambatte!

  10. I have not checked on this blog for a long time. Was so happy to see that it has been updated again, then, my heart sank when I read about your health issue.

    Wendy, take care!!


  11. Hi Wendy, take care and concentrate on getting yourself better. Wishing you the best.


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