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Friday, May 18, 2012

Mrs NgSK's Butter Cake - Butter Cake # 3

This is a side piece, not the middle, but it's sooooooo flat.

I don’t know about you. But I used to hate how short my butter cakes are.

Well, maybe I want value for money. Butter is not cheap, hence I want a BIG cake for the block of butter, LOL.
I’ve tried using methods to make a big cake w/o using more butter like adding lots of liquid, then flour, but results have always been not favourable. Cracks and huge ones. Tried egg separation method, but still not really like as big as I would like it. Actually I don’t really mind the cracks on butter cakes. But I’d just like to try making one cake, just that one cake that doesn’t crack. I only want to dispel the jinx in me. Whether it’s due to me or the recipe.

I am always in awe of Mrs Ng’s butter cakes, big (9X16) but no cracks. I was wondering, did she mix half margarine or is it full butter or what… Because when I make such cakes with margarine (back when I was still in my teens) they don’t crack. So, one day I mustered up my courage and asked her for her recipe of which she gladly gave me verbally. The original recipe is 250gm butter, but Mrs Ng told me, she tried reducing to 230gm and it was fine. So, I followed suit. And mine indeed turned out tall, fluffy and no cracks!
So now I know, I’m not jinxed with cracked buttercakes. It’s the recipe, not me, LOL!

FYI, Mrs Ng is a fellow church friend in Kampar Wesley. She always bakes for church events.

Mrs NgSK's Vanilla Butter Cake
Recipe source: Mrs Ng SK
Method by WendyinKK

230gm butter (salted), softened (cool at 18-20C, not glossy)
200gm eggs, no shell (4 grade B eggs)
50gm + 150gm sugar
200gm self raising flour, sifted.
60ml milk
1 vanilla bean, seeds scraped (or 1 tsp vanilla extract)

1. Preheat oven at 180C (conventional). (I only use 170C). Prepare a 8 inch square pan. Line the base and grease the sides (greasing helps the cake’s sides to rise well)
2. Separate the eggs, and place the whites into a medium sized bowl (6 cup capacity)Beat egg whites until soft peaks, gradually add 50gm sugar and beat until stiff. Set aside.
3. Cream butter and 150gm sugar until pale and fluffy (KA speed 2-4 ). Put in vanilla seeds and and beat for a while. Put in egg yolks one by one and beat well after each addition.
4. Put in half the flour and mix on low speed until incorporated. Put in milk in 2 additions and mix until well incorporated. Mix in balance of flour.
5. Put half the egg whites in and mix on low speed. Pour the balance of egg whites in and FOLD.
6. Pour batter into pan and level.
7. Bake for 45 minutes or until skewer comes out clean. (I reduced to 150C for the last 15 minutes because the top seems to be getting dark)

*Note: I did step 2 and 3 simultaneously. Butter in the stand mixer and egg whites with the hand mixer.

And when the cake came out of the oven, my jaw dropped. I did not only get a non cracked butter cake, I got a FLAT cake. OMG OMG! This is double bonus! Fluffy and soft!

Lesson of the day is, don't be stingy with butter.
Yes, I've learnt my lesson.
Mrs Ng, Thank you so so so much

For those of you who wish to try this cake and blog about it, please credit Mrs NgSK as the original owner, that is if you've used it as it is, or adapted it to your liking. It's her recipe, not mine.
But then again, there are a lot of similiar recipes out there, I won't know. It's just a matter of conscience.

Dear all,
I'm afraid any comments after 16/912013 will no longer appear if you ever leave me a word on this particular post.
I have no idea why. I hope to find out the reason, and if you know, please let me know.
I can still see the comments (after this date), but it won't appear, unless I delete the older ones.


  1. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I have been looking for butter cake recipe for so long. Every time try got problem. Always crack and not fluffy.

  2. oh yes! finally a beautiful butter cake recipe.. mine also sometimes crack and I thought I over beat the cake batter... btw... what is yr favorite brand of butter for butter cakes?

  3. Phong Hong,
    I hope this is the one that u are looking for

    Food Dreams,
    I used SCS for this and I find it being more yellow. I don't make that many butter cakes with many types of butter, so can't really say.

  4. Ohh...what lovely butter butter cake always came out crack and taste dry the second day. Will definitely try this as the photos looks so tempting..:p

  5. hi wendy,
    so coincident, i am looking for a perfect butter cake recipe..thanks for sharing! May i know what do you mean by softened (cool at 18-20C, not glossy)?

  6. Eileen,
    I hope this is the one :)

    the condtion of the butter. Temperature.
    If it looks glossy it is too warm for creaming.

  7. I remembered my old fashioned cake also no crack and flat, maybe due to egg separation method since Mrs Ng also use the same method. By the way, who is Mrs Ng huh?

  8. hahaha i am also one of the person who stingy with the butter because it really costly lor....heheh i want to try this!! this weekend?? hahaha...

  9. Wendy, this cake looks really good. Will KIV.

  10. my 1st butter cake is using separation eggs method god-mother teach me.....i still remember the miss it...too bad i loss the recipe....

  11. This cake looks so soft. I loves butter cakes especially my dad. I know whenever we want to bake a butter, we must use the good grade of butter so the cake would turn to be perfect in its taste.

  12. My mom lovesss butter cake!
    The recipe we use does not require us to separate the egg white/yolk though, and the cake still comes out flat and no cracks!
    So yea, it is not you, it is the recipe ! hehe...
    Looking at your photos gives me an urge to bake one for my mom this weekend.
    I might try Mrs. Ng's recipe... If I manage to dig out the old recipe my mom has,I should probably blog about it & share with ya !

  13. I usually use Buttercup for making cakes. Is it good enough to make a non-crack cake?

  14. This butter cake looks very buttery and nice.

  15. This butter cake looks gorgeous.

    I tried to replace 50% butter with yogurt it worked.

    When I read the butter part I grin coz I used to be one of those. I realize when I buy butter in small qty like one two pcs each time I will be "stingy" over it. Then I started to keep at least 10 blocks of butter at home each time I became more generous in using it.

    I think generally separation egg method gives flat top . I tried my Malay colleague recipe which using separated egg method and little condensed milk it came out flat and no crack.

  16. Sonia,
    Mrs Ng is a fellow church friend.

    Pei San,
    Exactly, it's the $$

    hope u like this

    Dun worry, lost liao, now u found this, keke

    Yes, never margarine, good butter. kekee.

    I was once told a creaming method too by my kid's nanny, and it should come out flat. One day I should try her recipe.

    what if I say buttercup is not real butter?

    Yummy bakes,
    Thanks to SCS

    It's not about the amount I have in fridge.
    Sometimes I even buy 20 blocks of butter.
    It's about the $$$$ and the calories. One block of butter is equivalent to 2 lunch's $$.
    Previously I tried another separated recipe, it wasn't as good as this

  17. That's the thing I love about food, how it brings people together. Mrs Ng is so sweet to share the recipe with you, and I must say it looks a winner! Light, fluffy, moist, and without using too much expensive butter, nor resorting to unhealthy margarine!
    p.s. Hi Mrs Ng, if you're reading this blog, you're brilliant!

  18. Nice looking butter cake. This is my own observations about making cakes. Whenever I bake it in loft pan or round cake pan the cakes will usually cracks at the top but when I used a square pan the cakes will usually have a flat tops.

  19. Wild Boar likes butter cake...I seldom bake for him..once in a blue moon coz he will wallop the whole cake all by himself....meaning 1 whole 250 gm butter in two days... and he always ask why you always bake different and funny cake...bake la butter cake for me. I told him if I bake everyday butter cake for him...firstly, he will be Hippo instead of Wild Boar and secondly no one will come read my posts...butter cake, butter cake in every post...haha.

    Thank you Mrs.Ng for sharing this wonderful butter cake with us. I will try this out and Wild Boar will OINK in victory ! The cake looks great!

  20. Wendy,

    Hehe I think it's my own mentality, when I see I have many in the fridge when I use I don't feel heartpain. My thought will be like ya I still have plenty to spare. :p

    I shall give this recipe a try since it is highly recommended by u.

  21. Hi Wendy...your butter cake looks great...really flat top, I want to try this recipe soon..thanks a lot for sharing.

  22. Shu Han,
    This recipe is using a lot of butter by %! Which is why I said, I should learn not to be stingy with butter, LOL.

    I have baked buttercakes in this same pan, many many times, each time it cracks, except this time.

    Yawoh men love butter cakes, dunno why.
    My man too.

    Aaa.... I just show how much I like this cake, one man's poison is another man's meat.

    I hope yours turn out great too!

  23. Butter cake is one of the comfort food I crave one once in awhile and it's good to have another good one, copy copy! Love the no cracks! Looks so even and nice! Gonna try this recipe, Ty Mrs Ng + Wendy, heehee!

  24. i remember i used to bake a butter cake with no cracks too, with a lower temperature. Funny, i have a friend who told me that she always wants to hv cracks on pound cakes on a loaf, she said that it gives her cake more 'character' . Dont worry, if i make the cake, will sure give credit to mrs ng, will also state from which church!

  25. Hi Wendy...I try it tonight, can't wait anymore..ha..ha...and the result is flat and even surface. Will post the picture tomorrow. Thanks again.

  26. Bee,
    the best part was how flat the cake was. ;)

    Wah, no need until what church, becos Sonia asked who is Mrs Ng, so I added in that line lor. I don't want ppl to say this is my recipe. It's not fair to her, u see. I know u know me.

    Wah, so happy to hear it's flat and even.
    sure, remember to put the link in here!

  27. Wendy, looking at the recipe and ur photo, this surely won't be "poison" to me. keke.

  28. It looks lovely... i love butter cake. For sure will give a try.

  29. yes..i know buttercup is also blended butter and vegetable which butter brand u recommend?

  30. may,
    I used SCS here. I haven't been experimenting with a few butters to make buttercake, so can't say much.
    I use Bulla, Tatura, Devondale, Lurpak, President, Anchor, Westgold, Greenfields to bake just anything. Whichever goes on sale, then I buy that.
    But I don't like Golden Churn.

  31. Such beautiful butter cake! Wendy, thanks for this recipe. My girl adores butter cake so much and I'm bookmarking this recipe (will wait for my super-high mood for baking).

  32. Thanks for sharing!! I always thought u need the egg separation method in order to get really soft fluffy cakes. So far all the cake i made still not soft as stored bought bakery? Do you think there is some agent added? I also find that using self-raising four always produces softer and better raised cakes than using plain/cake flour with baking powder. or it it just the recipe?

  33. WOW!All of us at home loves butter cake!! Must try this recipe! But i am too lazy to separate the yolk and white!!! :) Ya..u r right Butter is not cheap nowadays! Thanks for sharing Wendy! JasMine

  34. yvonne,
    Do u need a catalyst to make it high tomolo?

    I'm ok about tight crumbs butter cake, just that I want it flat and no crack, LOL, just that once to dispel the jinx.
    Yeah, I think self raising flour do have something extra in them la... besides flour and baking powder.
    But this recipe I tried is really soft la. Better than Yochana's recipe with the same method.
    I haven't been doing a lot of buttercakes, LOL, as in plain ones, so haven't tried many recipes. Can't compare much, but this is so far the best that I've done. Had been doing fancy cakes too much.

    dun be lazy, I assure u, u won't regret it.
    butter super expensive now.

  35. Hi.. Loves butter cake very much... Always like to try out new recipe.. Will try out this one sooner... Tqvm for sharing

  36. mmmm, this taste good with a cup of hot oolong tea....yum

  37. hi..i try to bake this cake cake outside look ok..but inside is too soft like not cooked enough.i had baked more than an hour..when i pour batter into pan..i feel that it very is because of the milk i put wrongly. Mandy

  38. Mandy,
    Some ovens will need a longer baking time.
    I'm not sure about ur oven

  39. I love the flat no cracks top, which one do u prefer taste wise, this or the topo map cake? I cant decide which one to try first lol!

  40. Jeannie,
    This is light and fluffy
    Topo cake is tight fine crumb and cracks. LOL

  41. Hi Wendy,
    Thank you for all your effort, dedication and generosity in educating us. I am a retired lady who loves to bake for my children and their children from time to time. Though I have not tried any of your recipe, I know it must have its integrity to hold the website for so long. I will give this butter cake a try and let you know :)
    Thank you again Wendy.

    best regards

  42. it's very hard to find a nice butter cake. i remembered stale butter smell in the butter cakes i ate while young, that sort of swear me off buttercake. Yours look yummy. Egg separation buttercake are soft and fluffy. I m going to try it..=) thanks for sharing..=)

  43. Hi Wendy,

    Can I understand more about this note : softened (cool at 18-20C, not glossy). How do I ascertain that it's not glossy?
    Btw, any special reason why you do not like Golden Churn?

    Many thanks,

  44. Jaques,
    LOL, that may not even be butter!
    Oh yes, egg separation method is soft and fluffy... but this recipe's result is sooooo flat.

    visually look at it, no other to ascertain besides looking.
    The butter should be cool enough to be picked up with fingers, but soft enough to be dented, (refer my buttercream post)
    Golden churn seems to leave an oily mouthfeel that I don't like, and got the smell I don't like.

  45. I managed to bake this in the evening...flat surface! Tomorrow then slice to see the interior :)

  46. Hi Wendy, I tried this recipe last night but cheated by not doing the egg separation as I was short on time. Added some choc chips (or nibs) and baked it in a loaf pan. The result: YUMMY!! no cracks too!! Regards, Leen (Australia)

  47. Wendy, this is one awesome butter cake!

  48. I tried this butter cake yesterday. The cake was soft and true enough there's no cracks on top and it tasted nice too. But I m not sure why my cake is a bit on the dry side. Not buttery. I used SCS butter but because I do not hv a big pan, I used two small ones but baked it at the same time.

    Wendy, can u please advise what could possibly be the reason?

  49. Aileen,
    If u split the batter in 2 pans, probably 35 minutes is sufficient.
    Take note that the smaller the pan is, the lesser baking time is needed.
    Muffin sizes takes only 20-25 mins, and egg tart tins only needs 15-17 mins.

  50. I did a marble cake out of Mrs NgSK's recipe and when my hubby brought them to his workplace today, some are placing orders from him!!! That's how good this recipe is;)) Thanks for sharing, and by the way I used golden churn butter ;))

  51. quizzine,
    Glad ur hubby's colleagues enjoyed this cake.
    It's just me, not liking Golden Churn.
    Personal preference only la.

  52. Hi Wendy,
    My favorite is pure butter cake. Yesterday I made the cake followed your recipe but reduced the sugar to total of 170g instead. The cake turned out really good but still with a slight crack on top. I salvage almost 1/2 of the cake myself. Tks for sharing.

  53. This recipe is definitely for keeps. Tried it and everyone loves it...
    Thanks for sharing..

  54. OMG Wendy.. i see so many people tag you on this recipe in FB make me want to bake it so bad :) But i have not recover and my girl also so cannot start my baking yet. :( but it is ok, the 1st cake i going to bake will be this once my girl and me fully recover. :) thanks

    Jamie (fan-cy)

  55. Hi Wendy,
    Do you the paddle with your KA or the whisk? I use my paddle and the cake doesn't come out as fluffy as when i used to use a hand mixer before i got my KA.

    PS: I haven't tried this cake..will try once i figure out my new KA speed and functions :)


  56. Carol,
    I'm using Beaterblade with my KA. It's a paddle, but with scrapers attached.

  57. Hi Wendy, could you let me know the brand & model of your oven; I'm looking for a good oven. Thanks.

  58. Good quality butter is easily S$4+ per block here and I don't like to use cheap butter in my bakes. So I'm glad I don't appreciate butter cakes hahaha! But I'm definitely going to try baking this for my Sis who loves butter cake.

  59. Thanks Wendy.

    I tried this cake and it is really very flat and soft. My only problem again was that it was not airy but more dense.

    What speed do use for the KA to beat the eggs?

    And do you mind sharing where u got the beater with the scrapper (Beaterblade)?

    Many thanks Wendy.


  60. Caroline,
    I used high speed on my hand mixer to beat the egg whites. The highest.
    Speed 4-6 on KA for butter

  61. Wendy wendy, I have to refer to you for tested recipes as always! My cake turned out cracked as I think I reduced sugar drastically from 300g to 200g only and I used brown sugar. Also, I added orange zest to test our my new zester. That said, the cake was so so so good that my hubby promised me to sponsor me good tools from now on for my baking journey. Yup, finally, he's getting me my very own KitchenAid! Thanks to you and Mrs Ng for the recipe!

  62. Ronni,
    thanks for the feedback.
    The sugar was never 300gm. It was 200gm all the while.

  63. Hi Wendy

    Hope to hear a reply from u soon (posted on 11/06). Could u let me know the brand & model of yr oven. Thanks for sharing.

  64. vivien,
    sorry, might have overlooked.
    Picture of my oven is here

    It's a Bosch, I think they might have dicontinued this model as it's no longer found in their website

  65. Hi, I tried the recipe, really taste good! Softy n fluffy :) my cake cracked thou is it cos I used a round pan instead?

  66. FRan,
    A round pan won't cause it to crack, hmm.. try baking on a lower rack.

  67. Yup guess you are right, I did put it on a higher level n i saw it turn brown on 22mins n i shifted it one level down.

    Nonetheless thanks to you n Mrs Ng for sharing this wonderful recipe! I think I found THE butter cake hb & colleagues love it too! 8" is too small to share around but I'm too lazy to bake twice in a day :p

  68. Fran/Mrsthio,
    I'm glad that this is THE cake for you.
    8 inch is easy to finish up, especially when it feels so lightweight

  69. Hi Wendy,

    I tried your recipe today but the bottom bit of the cake was slightly translucent. Do you know why it turned out that way? The top 3/4 of the cake was alright. Also I noticed the cake shrank a little after cooling down.

    I used a 10 x 6 cake tin to bake - just in case that's the reason.

    - May-

  70. May,
    Any cake will shrink a little, due to cooling.
    Try putting your cake on a lower rack. The base is slightly undercooked, or bake it for another 5 minutes.

  71. Thanks Wendy.

    Few more questions as I'm really a newbie baker:-

    1. Do I lay the base with parchment paper? Wondering how you get the pattern on the topside of your cake.
    2. If I use KA to whisk eggs, please advise speed and time. I'm not sure if I'm getting the egg whites stiff enough.


  72. May,
    1. Yes, instrution no 1 says so. When recipes call for lining the pan, it's always with paper. The pattern came from my cooling rack, see picture after recipe, it's below the cake. I inverted the cake onto the cooling rack, and inverted it a 2nd time onto a plate.
    2. Time, is hard to say. As long as the whites don't fall when overturned it's good enough, and the peaks aren't really droopy. A hooked peak will be good. I prefer using speed 6-8 for beating egg whites, speed 9-10 easily causes overbeating. The exact state of the beaten egg white here isn't as "crucial" compared to making chiffon cakes :)

  73. Hi Wendy, I baked this butter cake, very yummy, thank you for the recipe :).

  74. If I'm making 10 inch, should I 1.5times your recipe? Thanks a lot!


  75. Claire,
    Yup, 1.5 should be nice to fit the pan.
    Don't forget to bake it longer :)

  76. Hi Wendy...thanks so much for sharing this wonderful recipe. I've tried today and it turned out great. Only mine is shorter because I used 22 cm pan. Thanks again...

  77. Hi Wendy, After long time did't cook or bake amything lately. This morning decided to bake a butter cake & recall your post on Mrs Ngsk butter cake. I did follow accodingly but turn our very dry. (Will post in my blog later)
    FYI, many time try to bake butter cake but always turn our dry. Not fulffy like your pic shown. FYI, I' using convetional oven, flour shifted, pure butter, or speed & fold accordingly to yr recipe.

  78. Mary Chey,
    Hmmm.. wondering what's the problem, becos with 60ml of liquid added in, the cake should be moist.
    If you used a convection oven, then yes, maybe it'll turn dry due to the fan, but conventional baking.. weird hoh. But before this I have always baked with convection, ok ah.
    If overdose on acidic factors, cake will also be dry (with a sticky powdery texture), but this cake has none acidic components.
    If cake was cooled "express" in the freezer, it will also turn dry.
    If ovalette is used, it will also be dry, but I'm sure you didn't, right?

    I am really wondering where is the problem, wish I can help you. The only suggestion that I can say, if you have changed none of the recipe, is that try cooling the cake covered with a plate right in the pan.

  79. Hi Wendy,

    Tried the recipe again and used an 8 inch square pan this time. It's fully cooked this time but the middle cracked and the cake shrank by half 5 minutes after I took it out of the oven. Can you advise what could have gone wrong?

    Also, I noticed my egg whites are slightly lumpy at the base when I folded in with the batter. A little disappointed my cake turned out worse than last time.


  80. May,
    If you beat the whites first, before creaming the butter, after sitting for a while the whites will look lumpy, but it's fine as long as you don't see 'melted' whites below the bubbles.
    Your oven could be too hot, that's why it cracked, I hope you didn't use the oven fan.
    All cakes will shrink after removing from oven because the oven is way hotter than room temp. But as long as the cake don't collapse and dense up (forming dense spots), it's fine.

  81. Wendy thanks for your advised, I will try again & see how the result.

  82. Hi Wendy,
    There's a lovely butter cake u have there and I would love to try it out.May I know how do u manage to slice it so evenly and neat?Love ur blog and looking forward to more great recipes.By the way,I have just click 'like' on ur fb page,hope to be inspired from a wonderful cook/baker like u.Thanks. :)

  83. Nan,
    Leave the cake to cool completely before slicing, best is few hours, or even overnight.
    Use a sharp straight knife. I don't use serrated knives.

  84. Hello Wendy,

    I followed your recipe exactly - the texture of my cake was good, but any idea why my cake felt really oily to the touch?


  85. Hi Wendy,I tried your recipe yesterday, in my hurry,I didnt notice the recipe call for egg separation method and also accidentally leave the fan oven mode on, and I have reduced sugar to 130g, though the cake turned out slightly cracked on top, but I would say, I would say, this is so far the best butter cake I have made.
    Soft and fluffy , not oily and the sweetness is just right.
    Thank you so much for sharing.

  86. Jo,
    May I know what brand of butter did you use?

    If you didn't separate the eggs, the cake will be shorter and less fluffy, just that. Glad u liked it

  87. Hello Wendy,

    I am too looking for a perfect butter cake recipe. Learning to bake isn't easy. I've tried tonnes of butter cake recipes & have yet to find a perfect one. My brother is complaining about getting a heart attack soon!

    Hope this recipe helps!

    Btw, where did u get your vanilla beans?

  88. Sherry V,
    I bought some from bakery supply shops, some online.
    I hope your quest for the perfect one ends soon. It's not easy :)

  89. Which supply shops? Are they fresh? I'm planning to make my own vanilla essense ^^ but can't seem to find any real stuff here...

  90. Sherry,
    Here? Malaysia?
    If u're in KL/PJ, Bake with Yen will have it, it's a bit dry, but if you're making Vanilla extract with it, it doesn't really matter because you're going to soak it. You only need it moist if you're going to scrape it for baking. There's one shop in Ipoh whose beans are soft and moist, retailing for RM5 something per bean. Even those that I bought online were once soft, but after keeping for a while, they turn dry.

  91. Oh thanks for the tips! Im fr Subang so maybe I can go to the BakeWithYen in Puchong.

  92. Just realized I've got a butter cake recipe that yields a moist cake too.

    3 eggs, separated
    125g butter
    125g sugar
    125g sifted self raising flour
    1 tsp vanilla extract

    If I do a 4 eggs with this recipe, I get something quite close to Mrs Ng's recipe.
    4 eggs, separated
    170g butter
    170g sugar
    170g sifted self raising flour
    1 tsp vanilla extract

    I've baked this before, will try out Mrs Ng's version to make a comparison :)

  93. Hi Wendy,
    May I ask you where to buy your type of cooling rack? I can't seem to find it in dept stores.

  94. Hi Wendy
    I tried tonight. The cake really soft, moist n yummy. The only thing is cracked. Maybe my oven too hot, overbeat the last step, or my pan too small. Missed out the butter temperature step. Mine is totally glossy.

  95. Anonymous,
    dun worry, as long as the taste is good.
    work on the "look" next time.

  96. Hi Wendy, i have try the recipe. The result is not like what i have imagined. TT
    Urs look very nice, brown in color..but mine..TT.. dark chocolate color..i Wonder why...
    i think it is over-baked but when i taste it i feel the cake is wet.
    i really have no idea about that. Can give me an advise? TT

  97. Btw..i like your blog.. :)

  98. Pong Li,
    It seems that the upper heat in your oven is hotter than the bottom heat.
    Which rack did you put it on?

  99. i put in the middle rak, should i put at upper rak?or should i use bottom heating only? the side of the cake also in dark chocolate colour..TT..i used a square pan which is black in colour, i wonder is this one of the reason?

  100. One more thing i forgot to mention, i use botton heating only at the 1st 30 the upper part of the cake is brown color.. only the bottom and the sides is in dark color..

  101. Pong Li,
    Oh, I thought u said the top is darker. Cos usually that's the problem.
    Ok then, then it's your pan and the way you baked it.
    Darker pans are "hotter" so, you will need to use a lower heat, maybe by 10C-20C lower, plus the earlier 30 mins with lower heating only defintely has cause the cake to underbake and turn dark brown on the sides and bottom.
    Always test the cake with a skewer if you are not familiar with visually gauging the doneness of your cake.

  102. okie..i will try again next time.
    Thanks for your advise :)

  103. hello Wendy
    I tried the recipe this morning and put them on muffin trays instead.Its also my first time using SCS butter, and boy its VERY buttery(previously, I've always used tartura or anchor butters). I did one mistake though, i put in the egg whites together with the sugar before i even start beating the egg whites. the result was overly watered egg whites which cant even rise up. In the end, i gave up on the 4 egg whites and pump in another egg into the butter/flour mixture...boy..thank God it came out well :p the texture is very soft and crumbly and with the just right amount of moist. phew...hehe

  104. Hi,

    I tried this cake today but used a 9 inch round pan instead. I used the exact amount that you have used but the height of my cake is only half of yours :( Any idea to make it rise higher? I followed all the steps closely.

  105. world angel,
    you probably have deflated the batter.
    Make sure your egg whites are well beaten and you folded, not stirred.
    My batter was almost 3/4 full in the pan.

  106. Hi Wendy, can I beat egg white 1st and beat batter later? I only have 1 mixer. How long the beated egg white can wait?

  107. hi!i follow your recipe and got a nice cake that was crackless and flat.but it became flat only after it cool for awhile after removing from the oven.inside the oven,it look like a small that normal?when i mix the butter and sugar,the sugar doesnt seem to be able to dissolve inside the was only after adding in the milk and flour than did it blend inside.

  108. Hi Wendy, I made the cake ystd 4 tea time & it turn out very well... My bro who is a fuzzy eater had praise it... Feel gud... & thks

  109. Nicole Wong,
    If you've beaten it enough, it'll be fine while waiting. If you worry, add in 1/4 tsp cream of tartar, then it can definitely wait.

    Keroppi Koh,
    It's ok. Mine slightly domes while baking, the final result is seen after cooling :)
    Mine doesn't fully dissolve while beating as sugar dissolves best with the presense of water or any other liquid. It's when you beat in the eggs, make sure the sugar is fully dissolved.

    Glad ur brother loves it :)

  110. its definitely a great cake!All my family and neighbours say it taste great as well!Thanks for sharing

  111. Hi Wendy,

    I read thru earlier comments, noted that selection of oven knob important in baking out the cake. Mine is Ariston, which has 5 racks, i always use fan oven cooking to bake. Is that why always get dark brown cake top with cracks? I put the cake tray on the 2nd rack from the bottom with a bowl of water inside.

    I always in doubt which knob is the best for baking static, fan oven or grill ...

  112. WCChin,
    I believe your oven's manual will give you the best answer on which function to use. Understand the heating of your oven and you will know which knob to use.
    Baking with some water on the bottom is for some breads, not all breads. This method is not used with cakes.
    When the bowl of water is below, for sure the temperature under the cake is lower, then for sure the cake's top will be darker, comparatively.

  113. Can I ask, what type of milk did you use?? Thank you. :)

  114. Hi Wendy,
    Just baked this cake. Got so disappointed seeing the risen hump when the cake was still in the oven. Quickly logged on to your blog to look for advice. You have mentioned that the cake would flatten out after some cooling. Just took out my cake from the oven... hope will see the same beautiful flat top yours is.
    Keeping my fingers crossed.

  115. Hi Wendy,

    This recipe is very very forgiving. I say that because of the few stunt that I did:

    I use Fernleaf/Anchor butter sold at 227gm per block and I buy 10 because got offer.

    I put whole block of of Tatura/SCS 250gm/block instead of 230gm as per recipe. No eye see.

    Sugar, 50gm + 100gm and it was good.

    200gm flour +/- 20gm.

    I did put 1/8 tsp cream of tartar and the egg whites stands stiff.

    I do not have milk on hand, hence I mix 2 tbsp of milk powder and water to make 60ml.

    4 eggs grade B, 5 eggs grade C.

    It does rise tall in the oven but than goodness that it was flat with no crack when cooled.

    Each time I make adjustment, the results is always good.

    Like all bakes, the moisture seeps in the next day making it fabulous, marvelous, don't get jealous. :)

    It worked out beautifully. It was so good that I make extra and freeze it so that I have constant supplies of butter cake.

    He he he he he.....Thanks Mrs. Ng for sharing to Wendy to sharing to us....

  116. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  117. Hi Wendy, love your blog and have tried numerous recipes from here. They all turn out great. Thanks so much. I have tried your light honey butter cake in cupcake cups but it shrunk too much, so was thinking of using this recipe for it. What do you think? Hope to hear from you soon.

  118. Anonymous,
    If you're using rigid cups, this cake might shrink and pull away from the sides too. I think it happens with all cakes made with egg separation method. There is always some shrinkage due to expanding when hot and shrinking when cooled.

  119. Hi Wendy, the very pictures of your butter cake makes me drool...I am so sad...I have gestational diabetes and cannot eat many things esp when I am craving for sweet butter chocolaty stuff! Hopefully after giving birth and back to normal, my cravings remain so I can compensate and eat like a hog! Thanks for your wonderful blog! Love it!

  120. Thumbs up to this recipe! Very delicious. thanks for sharing such a great recipe!


  121. Hi Wendy,
    Your butter cake looked so fluffy & tall but mine turned out really short & cracked . Also the bottom half looked abit soggy. I used 170 degrees & 150 degrees for the last 15mins like u did. So I baked it again today but used 160 degrees instead & the same thing happened! :( Mine is a toaster oven with convection. Could u help advise why & what I should do? My friend said I should turn off the bottom heat & just use the top. What do u think?

  122. Emily,
    Top cracked and bottom soggy means one thing.
    You placed your cake too high up and the top is cooked before the bottom is.
    You must use top and bottom heat and place it on the lower 3rd of the oven. (Make sure the top of ur cake pan is below the middle line of the oven)
    If you used just the top heat, the cracks will be worse and the bottom will be totally raw.
    Small countertop ovens usually have temperature accuracy problem. But it's not impossible to bake with them. I have used such ovens for large baking projects before and so far so good, you only need to know your oven well enough to manipulate the baking time and temperature accordingly.
    No matter what your oven is, ALWAYS test your cakes before removing from oven. Time given here is just a guidance, and always always poke a small stick/knife in and make sure it comes out clean.

  123. Hey Wendy,

    Thx for advice! I was suspecting too that the problem lies in the top heat being too hot. Actually I'm already placing the cake pan below the middle line. Maybe I would bring it one step lower & try again.

    In any case, even the failed butter cakes tasted delicious. Can't wait for it to be successful! :)

  124. Hi Wendy,

    if i want to use all purpose flour instead is it okay? Do i have to add in baking powder? :)

  125. linglovesyou,
    If you want to use plain flour, go for the one with 9% protein. Probably might need 2.5tsp baking powder. Sift it 3 times.
    But the results definitely will not be as good.

  126. Finally, I baked this today. I used 200gms AP flour + 2-1/2 Tsp DABP. Cake turned out great! Thanks, Wendy and Mrs Ng for sharing this recipe.

  127. Hi miss wendy, this is looking good, gonna give it a shot soon! :) thanks for sharing!

  128. Sister Wendy,thanks for sharing the recipe, i have encountered the same problems when baking butter cake previously.I 'm using convention oven.What temperature should i use? How long duration is the time for baking?

  129. Thank u so much for the recipe! I baked 2 portions both light, fluffy n moist with no cracks! So happy!

  130. Anonymous (I wish I know who u r),
    I'm glad Mrs Ng's recipe worked well for u

  131. Hi Wendy, I am an avid follower of your blog. I had been baking for few years, but NEVER NEVER NEVER ever get my butter cake right. I had tried recipes with egg separation too, but failed also.

    My butter cake collapsed and has wet layer/spots.
    Do you know why does this happen?
    I had many sleepless night about this issue.
    Hope you are able to help me or give some suggestions.
    I can even send you pics of my failed cakes, very sad, :-(

  132. Anonymous (pls leave a name),
    First of all, may I ask did you test the doneness of the cake before you remove from oven?

  133. Hi Wendy,
    How tall does your cake rise?
    I tried so many times on an 8" square pan and the tallest it can ever reach was a mere 4cm...
    I can only achieve a taller height with an 7" square pan.
    anyhow this cake has become a favourite in my household. It's a weekly bake and a sinful one. lol

  134. Hi Wendy thanks for your reply, my name is Rita.

    I didn't test for doneness. But i did bake it in 8-inch pan and for 45mins as recommended.
    For other type of cakes such as choc or cheese cakes, they are done.


  135. zhu zhu,
    Mine is almost there.. max also 4.5cm.

    Always test your cakes especially since you have never got any of your butter cakes right and the problem I suspect is it being underbaked.
    The collapse is due to it being underbaked.
    Wet spots are also due to it being underbaked.
    The structure is not well formed and then once you stop baking it, it collasps and dense wet spots form.
    Baking times are always just guidelines because not all ovens work the same. I still do the stick test whenever I bake large cakes.
    Take note that different levels of racks will also affect the baking time, the size and type of pan will also affect the baking time and temperature

  136. Wendy, thanks.
    I will try it again this weekend.
    Hope it will be a success.


  137. Thank you Wendy and Mrs. Ng! My cake turns out well, just like what Wendy said - flat, no crack and fluffy! Simply awesome.

  138. Hi Wendy,
    I finally baked this cake over the weekend (after reading about it in your blog few weeks ago). One word - WOW!!! ... It's simply delicious! Love the texture, just right level of sweetness.

    I baked it as cupcakes (halved the baking time at the suggested temperature). Once out of the oven, my hubby "sapu" two, my two princesses - one each.

    Thank you (and thank you Mrs Ng) for the recipe. This is definitely a to-keep recipe and will bake it again soon!

  139. Wendy,

    I tried to bake it last night. It came out wonderful. But after leaving overnight, the cake hardens a lot today.

    Is there anyway I can fix this?

    Thank you


  140. Carmen,
    I'm not sure which country you are from, but if it's winter where you are now, for sure the cold room temperature will harden the cake.
    If you are in a tropical country, keep the cake covered in a container. Never leave it exposed.
    If the cake is sliced, heat up a steamer and steam the slices for 1 minute.
    If the cake has not been kept properly, microwaving will just further dry it up, but if you are having winter now, zapping the slices for 10-15 secs might do the trick

  141. So tempted to try it out now, but so late already. Will definitely make one tomorrow.

  142. Hi! Thank you for sharing Ms NgSK's recipe, I always use this recipe whenever I want to bake a butter cake! My parents and relatives love it! Cheers ;)

  143. Dear Wendy,

    I have try the butter last night. My cake was terrible stirred when take out the cake. I put half cake batter in the cupcake when in oven the high is double of the cake batter but after take out the cake stirred and the size is become as the high before put in the oven.

    i bake for 20 minute. Lower rack. I have no idea why my cake turn up like this....pls advice...


  144. Jeslin,
    I think it's pretty normal for cakes to rise in oven and shrink when cooled, because hot air causes everything to expand. Cakes with egg whites beaten separately will expand more than cakes made with creaming method.
    If it's not dense and lower than before baking, it shouldn't be too much of a problem.

  145. Is it OK if I reduce the sugar level? My family don't really like cakes that are too sweet.

  146. Hi Wendy,

    I have intention to try this cake but my cake pan is only 6 inch. How many percent of ingredients I should reduce? The oven fan mode should let it on or off? Tks


  147. Yvonne,
    Reduce by half.
    Fan Off
    Maybe u'd like to know that conventional means 'fan off', convection will mean 'fan on'

  148. Dear Wendy, you are soo nice to share this recipe and so does Mrs.Ng. I believe this recipe will bless many people. I am gonna try it out tonite. will let u know the result. Thanks.

  149. Hi Wendy,

    Just to let you know that I have been following your blog and tried some of your recipes, and including this butter cake yesterday. It was awesome!!! I tried baking butter cake before, but it collapses before. So thank you for sharing this recipe and to the original owner, Mrs Ng too, thumbs up to the both of you!


  150. I stumbled upon this recipe this morning, and I made it in the evening. It's the fluffiest cake I've ever made!! Even my son was asking for more and more. I only have one cake mixer so I beat the egg whites first. By the time I finished creaming the butter and sugar etc, the egg whites have turned a bit watery. So I just poured in the water with the first half of the whites, and stirred by hand. Then I fold in the other half. I have a small oven toaster and it took 30 mins at 180C. Thank you so much! I'm a fan of your blog from now onwards :)

  151. I try this cake in last Sunday.
    I follow all the instruction but I reduce the sugar to half, means 50g + 50g and replace 60ml milk to Fernleaf milk powder (2 tsp of powder + water to dissolve) as I dont have any fresh milk at home.
    Texture were good and very delicious too but only 1 things that I still confuse, my butter cake colour look like coffee cake colour. It was not shown in golden brown but slightly toward coffee colour.
    Appreciate if you could give me some advise to improve my butter cake on 2nd try ^^

  152. i trien making a vanila cake using the below recipe. 250 butter 200 sugar 200 flour 4 eggs 6tbsp milk, baking powder, vanilla paste. mix evrything together n d cake cake our burn from sides n 2 minutes after taking it out the cake sank. could you pls give me advice if the above recipe is ok. can you give me a recipe that does
    not saperate the yolks and white

  153. anonymous (11.45am, pls leave a name),
    did u use brown sugar?

    anonymous (11.54am, pls leave a name),
    There is nothing wrong with the ingredients ratio. All cakes will sink slightly after cooling - hot things expand, cool things contract.

  154. Sorry for misleading, I'm write of anonymous (11.45am, pls leave a name)

    I just use normal sugar for baking one instead of brown sugar. The colour just came out in brown, so any ways to improve?

    - Crystal_0

  155. Crystal O,
    I have no idea why it turns brown as I have never encountered that before nor have I seen white sugar that turns a cake brown unless it was baked for 3 hours or more

  156. Once I see the pic of this butter cake, omg it looks so delicious, I will try it with my daughter next week !

    Thanks so much for this wonderful recipe.

  157. Thank you so much for the receip. I have try it out and it was one of the best butter cake I have ever made. The colour, taste was so delicious, my kids love it. Can you advise, why the centre of my cake sink? Is it because I use a 20cm round baking tin?


  158. Autumn,
    Your cake is slightly underbaked, that's why the center sunk.
    Try a 23cm round in instead.
    If not, try baking 1 hour for your 20cm pan.
    Baking times depends on your oven and equipment :)
    You must always test it

  159. Thank you Wendy. I will try to bake longer, hee, don't have a bigger tin. Do you think if I reduce the quantity to half would do the trick too?

    Thank you

  160. Autumn,
    Reducing by half is too drastic la. Try reducing 25%, by making a 3 egg cake

  161. Hi, Wendy, thanks for generously sharing the recipe. I'm a huge butter cake fan and I hope you will be able to help me solve a baking problem I have. I use a gas oven at home and it can bake using bottom fire only. My butter cake taste yummy and fluffy but appearance wise, it seems to have excess fat resting at the lower middle part of the cake. What might be the causes? Hope you can enlighten me. Thanks in advance.

  162. Vicki,
    The cake is slightly undercooked. An extra 5 mins will solve the prob ;)

  163. hi...i read from your post which says u can purchase a vanilla bean in ipoh for around rm5. Which shop is that?


  164. pinkie,
    U can get vanilla beans from either Intrico or Yummy House in Ipoh Garden.
    Bake with Yen (KL) has them too, but I'm not sure about Ipoh. My personal view is that those from Intrico is of a better quality, more moist and fragrant.

  165. thanks wendy...will go tomorrow :d


  166. Hi Wendy,

    Thanks for sharing this Mrs. Ng SK's vanilla butter cake. I am sooooo crave for a nice butter cake and searching looong for a good one. Since yours has so many good comments, I decided to give it a try. It did tastes very good and soft but some how mine has cracked top. But I am totally okay with it. :">

    A little doubt as mine has a very strong eggs fragrance not sure if I over beaten my egg white. But it still tastes good to me. :">

    Regards, Angeline

  167. Thanks Wendy for sharing Mrs Ng's butter cake recipe. I tried at least 5 times already, tonight's result is the best . The culprit was my oven, placed t cake too low which made my previous tries a bit dense on the bottom of the cake. To encourage those who r still trying, try tweakiing your oven n press on !! success is just round the corner. My maid helper n I shouted hallelujah tonight when t cake came out perfect , praise be to God :)

    1. Wendy,

      I baked it again last nite after 1 mth of busy @wrk n prep my gals for t exams. Just to affirm myself it still comes out fluffy, it was !!! I gave it away to my neighbour whose daughter just cme hme from Australia for a visit, it gave me an opportunity to meet up with her gorgeous Aussie hunk :) -Becky

  168. Angeline,
    Add more vanilla, it'll help :)

    very very glad to hear! 5 times, wow!

  169. Hi,

    Thanks for the recipe. I really enjoyed the cake.

    I am tasked to bake a butter cake for a old folks gathering and I wonder if I can reduce the sugar to 100gm. Do you think this is feasible and will it affect the structure of the cake? Do I need to increase the portion of other ingredients to compensate for the sugar reduction?

    It will be great if you can advise as I really hope to make something nice for the old folks.

    Thanks alot!


  170. since 200grams of flour is needed can i use 100g of plain flour and 100g of self rising flour. if yes do i add any more baking powser or baking soda into the 100g of plain flour. By the way i was born in kampar Perak. Moved here whn i was still a baby n rite now i attend the word centre church located at pandan

  171. Pris,
    50% reduction will give you a drier cake for sure.
    You can use a mixture of flour but the texture will be coarser and less fluffy.
    If the old folks have their bile removed, you might need to reconsider making this cake.
    Try the orange muffin cake instead because that cake has half the fat compared to this cake.

  172. Hi Wendy, this is the first time to you blog and glad to find this butter cake recipe. I have always loved butter cake. Can I beat the egg white with a hand held mixer?

  173. teo ai li,
    No prob, can even beat with manual whisk :)

  174. hello, wendy. thanks for the recipe. it is a very fabulous recipe indeed, i use 227g butter, 5 eggs, 220g self-raising flour, and 2 tsp of brandy on top of the 1 tsp vanilla. it is very fluffy, tall and soft, and on top of all, the cake does not cracked. thank you! :)

  175. Becky,
    LOL, don't worry, it'll still come out fluffy.
    Hope your neighbour and the hunk loved it :)

  176. Hi Wendy,

    Thanks a lot for sharing so much of 'working' recipes. Appreciate all your effort in writing detailed steps and tips.

    May i know how do you create the checkers pattern on top of the cake. I tried using a pineapple cookies rolling pin but it dont work.

    As for the scraped vanilla beans, mine turned out to be a lil cracking when eating. Is that normal?

    This cake is really good, i kept sniffing my fingers after i am done eating :)

  177. Esther Lee,
    the marks are made by my wire rack. They formed when I inverted the cake from the pan onto the rack :)

    I think you might have scraped some of the vanilla pod 'shell' in.

  178. Hi Wendy, thanks for sharing this recipe. It is simply AWESOME! Just wondering if we are able to make it into chocolate butter cake by replacing some flour with cocoa powder? I guess some raising agent will be needed but not sure which one (baking powder or soda) and the qty.

  179. Sue,
    If you're replacing just 2 Tbsp of cocoa powder, I think there's no need to add baking soda.
    Unless you plan to replace up to 1/2 cup of it. Then probably you might need 1/3 tsp baking soda.

  180. Hi Wendy,

    Hope you don't mind helping me out, quite a newbie in baking. How do I make this an orange butter cake? Thanks!! Hoping to make it for Mother's Day hehe


  181. Charmaine,
    replace milk with orange juice and add some orange zest in

  182. Hi Wendy,

    I've tried baking this butter cake for 4 times and just got the best result on Sunday! The cake was so light and fragrant. Perhaps I changed my oven, so it gave very good results. The previous time, I think I failed in my egg white - the whole cake was so dense and wet I had to throw the whole cake away.

    To those who have not yet tried this recipe, do try! Keep on trying till you get the right feel of the cake cos I did!

    Thanks Wendy for sharing this recipe!


  183. Hi Wendy,

    Please advise if I can use unsalted butter for this recipe and if so how much salt should I add? Do you think it will affect the texture of the cake?
    Many thanks.


  184. Jean,
    glad to hear that, but usually even if the egg white part was not beaten well, the cake will still rise because of the baking powder in the SRF.
    Good for you for not giving up! Ganbatae!

    1/2 tsp should be nice :)
    It won't affect the texture, I do swap salted and unsalted sometimes, depending on what I have.

  185. Wendy,

    All I can say is... THANK YOU! to you and Mrs Ng!
    I too, thought i'm jinxed at butter cake. Apparently NOT!!
    My Hubby, Mum and Friends Lovvveeee it! Always asking for encore :)
    Thank you again.

  186. Hi Wendy,
    I'm a beginner at baking cakes, so I would like to try baking this cake for my first butter cake. But I would like to halve it, can I just cut everything in halve? Including baking time? Also, can I omit vanilla extract? My local mart doesn't supply it.


  187. Rachel,
    No, you can half the ingredients but not the time.
    It might probably take 35 minutes to cook the half recipe.
    Always test the cake with a skewer if you are not sure

  188. Hi, i tried your recipe yesterday,this is really the recipe i has been looking for YEARS!!!! The cake come out soft and spongy and its not dried out. i transform all the leftover to lamingtons and they come out pretty well!! everyone loves it.
    im feeling lucky~~~~~~~~~~~~!!! thanks for the

  189. Hai wendy, warmest greetings from Bali..
    Im trying out this recipe now... Still baking the cake and cant wait to taste it...sooooo excited!
    I've been looking for looooong time for a moist n good butter cake... I hope this cake would satisfy my wish list and end my "adventure" heheheh.. Keep postng good recipe and im looking forward for it... Will post a comment aft the cake fully baked...

  190. Hi Wendy.....

    Just a quick update...

    This vanilla butter cake recipe is perfecto!!!

    Thanks for sharing and big hug for Mrs. Ng

  191. Hi Wendy, I had tried your recipe for few times But my cake turn out is slightly wet at the sad. Can i know where goes wrong ? Thx

  192. Hi Wendy,
    Mine got a single shallow crack. It also has slight elevation towards the centre. Have to lower oven temperature and spread the batter more evenly next time? This cake has lovely texture. Thanks you to Wendy and Mrs.Ng.

  193. Hi Mrs Ng,,,,,, really I made awesome super moist butter cake following your recipe,,,,it's absolutely spongy....there is no words to thanking for you...simply tell u all guys, since now start to make this cake.ohhhhhh when it's remember really mouth watering to have it..thanks a lot ............

  194. Hi Wendy,,,really I made a super moist butter cake following your recipe,,awesome and really seems mouth watering to have patient.there is no words to thanking you,,and really wondered,,my cake was baked within 15 minutes..but in your recipe mentioned 45 my cake was done in short time??? thanks a lots...

  195. Dinoo and Dharshani Shaki,
    Thank you for the feedback and I wonder why your comments did not appear even when I have clicked them.

    Did you use a microwave or an oven with temperature with celcius control?

    sorry, I'm not Mrs Ng, Mrs Ng is my friend.


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