New Youtube Channel

Now that my home's internet speed is upgraded, I can make more videos!
This is my new channel
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Wednesday, April 22, 2020

French Apple Cake

Cake is fresh and warm as I’m writing this, again with the phone.
I’m excited to share this recipe with you all.

During MCO, I prepare tea time daily, because we have early lunch. And whatever that’s left from tea, the kids will eat as supper. They are growing up now and they eat a lot :-)
My kids don’t eat the same cakes. And this cake pleases my eldest, but my Second kid won’t touch it.
So, I will bake things they like on rotation. Very few of my bakes pleases every kid in the house. They just don’t have the same taste buds.

Friday, April 17, 2020

Tosei or Dosa

I’m writing this post with my phone.
Malaysia is currently under  Movement Control Order for Covid19. Stuck at home, can’t dine out, we yearn for food that we love eating out. My kids have Tosei once every fortnight and they love it.

So I plucked up my courage and tried making this at home.
Many recipes online require raw rice , like idli rice. It’s not something I can get easily in Malaysia and most recipes don’t provide exact water amount. Vague instructions like ‘just enough’, ‘not too thick not too thin’ doesn’t help the noob like me who has never ever seen it made from scratch. Eyeballing takes experience, like real life experience seeing and feeling the batter.

I messaged one of my readers , Thenmathy on Facebook, and she guided me from purchasing to fermenting... I’m grateful for her help.

So here is my version of Tosei, that will remove the guessing game.

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