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Sunday, November 25, 2007

Moist Chocolate Cake 巧克力蛋糕

I love Chocolate Moist Cake. Ate one made by a friend years ago that used corn oil, and I fell in love with it. And I lost contact with that friend. So, after searching few years online for a recipe that can create a similiar taste, I found one.


Moist Chocolate Cake Recipe

2 cups flour
2 cups sugar
3/4 cups cocoa powder
2 tsp baking soda
2 large eggs
1 tsp salt
1 cup buttermilk (I substituted with soured milk =1 tbsp lime/lemon juice +250ml milk, make sure they curdle)1 cup corn oil
1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1 cup boiling water

1. Preheat Oven to 160C (the original recipe called for 150C)
2. Line a 9 X 13 inch baking dish
3. Place all ingredients into a mixing bowl
4. Mix at medium speed until all ingredients are smooth
5. Pour into the baking dish.
6. Bake for 1 hour.


  1. I tried this recipe twice, very very tasty! Instead of boiling water, I can substitute boiling milk? Buttermilk can I replace with plain yoghurt?

  2. If u substitute the water with boiling milk, it'll make it richer.

    I've never tried substituting buttermilk with yoghurt. You may try. Both are acidic anyway. I've seen in websites, half yoghurt half milk can be used in place of buttermilk. Do tell me the result of the experiment. hehe.

  3. I was one of the recipients of your Christmas choc cake. I'm missing it and this is sth I'd love to bake but I'm not good at baking. Some doubts here. To prepare buttermilk, do I just mix the lime huice together with the milk? Lime not lemon?

  4. Hmmm.... who are u, Anonymous..... hehehe!! Lurking around, being someone I really know.
    This is a very easy cake, just mix and bake. No worries.

    Anyway, lime or lemon, up to u, even vinegar will do the trick. I chose lime bcos a lemon is bigger and will be a bit wasted because not a whole lemon is needed. Unless u have other uses for the cut up lemon. Anything acidic that will curdle the milk will be alright.

  5. Or just use yogurt. I tried that and it worked as well.

  6. I baked the cake last weekend. I couldn't wait for your reply and used a whole lemon with 250 ml milk. It turned out well. Nice texture.

    The only flaw was the cake rose in the middle (9x9 inches dish) and cracked a bit. Any remedy?

    And I'll tell you who I am in good time.

  7. ok, I see where the flaw in my recipe is.
    I'll note down how much.

    Yeah, the cake is not flat, mine cracks too.
    You can try lowering the temperature to 150C, but u must prolong the cooking time.

    Cakes like these, or butter cakes rarely go flat unless emulsifiers are used or no leavening agents are used at all.

  8. I know who u are, Ms Lee CY...

    Hey, if u have a microwave with combination baking mode, use that, gives better results than conventional baking, in half the time. But remember to use suitable bakeware in the microwave, like Pyrex.

  9. Hello. Stumbled upon your blog and I simply love this Moist Chocolate Cake!

    I substituted 1 cup of buttermilk with 1 cup normal fresh milk + 1.5 tsp of cream of tartar. Reduced the sugar as I didn't like too sweet a cake.

    And it turned out really good! All it took was 10mins of preparation, pop the batter into the oven, wait for 1 hr and that's it!

    Thanks for such an amazing recipe. I have classified this as my I-can-eat-this-forever cake already. Too bad that it doesn't look so pretty as it's all dark due to the cocoa.

    Do keep such recipes coming!

  10. Haha.. I'm not LeeCY.

    Anyway, I've baked the cake twice so far. I still have a bit of the second cake in my frigde. Hey, they can keep for long. It's been more about two weeks. I can indulge bit by bit. The texture and taste are still very good.

    Thanks for making me feel good when I bake this cake. I will try to decorate it with your royal icing the next time.

  11. Oh..i lup choc cake. Will def. try this.

    My Dung Po Pork is simmering now. Waiting to steam it. :D I kinda... mixed up the recipe somehow. Is your dark sauce, the caramel one or the other dark soya sauce (salty)?

    Sorry for writing this here.. LOL..I'm commenting about ur Dung Po pork everywhere but the actual post itself!

  12. Mott,
    The salty dark type, I used Lee Kum Kee, dark soy sauce. Caramel type will need lesser, cos very very dark.

    Haha, hope u try out the choc cake and write the comments here :P

  13. Hi

    Just love this moist chocolate cake... cheers

  14. Olivia,
    Great to know you loved this too.

  15. is this the recipe from the box of hershey's cocoa?It looks familiar! This is my trusted recipe, I use it everytime making layered cream cakes. It is very moist!!

  16. Carine,
    The source of my recipe is stated in the post and it's not from Hershey's, but I don't know where my source sourced it from.

  17. Dear Wendy

    Can I replace baking soda with baking powder and is it the same measurement?

  18. Yen Li,
    No, can't substitute baking powder with baking soda. If you use baking powder here, you will have a dry, short totally awful tasting cake.

  19. Hellooooo Wendy (got the baking soda...)
    Just to let you know that I did try your recipe. The only 'wrong' thing i sort of did was forgetting to buy lime, so in the end, i followed one of your reader's method = mixing 1.5 tsp cream of tartar wt the milk. btw, the milk didn't curdle.(is it supposed to curdle?) I went ahead and baked it anyway. The cake didn't rise much but the texture was moist and good. Plus as i prefer it to be less sweet, so i used much less sugar. In the end, my husband and i both love the cake so much! thanks for the recipe..hehehe...

    Yen li

  20. Yen Li,
    You can use 1 Tbsp of lemon juice if you want instead of lime
    Cream of tartar is not sour, so reducing the sugar is still ok.
    It doesn't turn out bitterly chocolatey, then it's fine.

  21. Yeap...I tried too for my mother in law, and I did like Yen Li's...yeap it turn up the same...I think milk with cream of tartar is not a good idea...will try milk with lime..maybe with vineger..

  22. Adeline,
    I tried that method before too, the milk doesn't curdle and the texture of the cake is not as good.
    Yup, go for lime juice/lemon or vinegar.
    It's much better

  23. Hi Wendy. 9"x13" pan is quite big for us. We cant finish the big cake. If baking using smaller pan how much should I reduce in the ingredients n temperature? I only have 8" square pan and 8" loaf. Appreciate your advice alot!

  24. Nicole Wong,
    Do half the recipe, just bake until skewer comes out clean. It should take about 45-50 minutes, not much less. Temperature remain the same.
    You must test its doneness to make sure it's done.

  25. Hi Wendy. Tried baking half of the recipe. The cake is soft and nice but it stick at pan when I remove it. So end up the cake was broken into two. Partly came out while partly stick on the pan although I did lined the pan. Wonder y. May be I demold it too soon or the cake is too soft?

  26. Nicole,
    the cake stuck to pan? even with a paper lined base? Your paper leaked is it?

  27. Wendy I only grease the pan with some butter cos I thought mine is nonstick pan no need gua. I didnt line with paper.

  28. Nicole,
    No matter what pan it is, if it's a big cake, always line it for best protection.

  29. Wendy, thank you for your advice. I will remember that. Just that actuali I'm not expert doing lining with paper. Need more practice. By the way when I pick up 1 slice of the cake, is it normal if the cake can be easily broken into 2 pcs? I feel like the cake is like too soft altho it is nice lar.

  30. Nicole,
    Lining is just putting a piece of paper underneath. It's just cut and put, nothing much of a skill. If you had it when it's really hot, it can be quite fragile. But when it's properly cooled off, it is soft but sturdy.

  31. Ou ok only at the bottom. I tot all around the pan and I have bn thinking how to line the corners. So silly of me. I understand now Wendy. Thanx so much for your advice and patience explaining it to me.Thanx again.

  32. Hi Wendy,

    Don't mind may i know do you have any chocolate ganache recipe that will turn hard (non stick) when glaze on a cake?

  33. Cutie07,
    Sorry not here on my blog

  34. Hi Wendy,what type of cocoa powder is suitable for this recipe? (eg Hersheys or Valrhona)
    Can this be made into cupcakes? Thanks, AA

  35. AA,
    Hersheys should be fine.
    I've never used Valrhona but shouldn't be a problem. Mine is just Van Houten, regular stuff

  36. Hi Wendy,

    Can I omit vanilla extract? I only see vanilla powder, vanilla flavoring in supermarts. Are they the same actually?

  37. Anonymous (pls leave a name)
    chemically they are not the same, but function wise, they are the same.

  38. oh, I see. Thanks. I decided to just omit it(lazy to drive out :P) as saw from other sites, some say it may taste bland, some say little variation, some say no different.

    Just pop it into the oven. Hopefully it will come out good. :)

    I am trying many of your recipes lately. You are my baking 101 guru. :)))


  39. BEL,
    Vanilla always enhances chocolate cake, you may not taste it like vanilla, but without it, something seems missing, that is if you compare with the same cake.

  40. Wendy,

    The cake came out. The missing part was obvious, but not too bad. Now I know the importance of it.

    I've sent you an email about my cake. Please have a look and I would really appreciate your help.

    Thanks thanks.


  41. Hi Wendy,

    I tried baking this recipe today in cupcake from - the tops turned out really chewy and rubbery, any reason for this?

  42. Hi again Wendy!

    I was wonder why my cupcakes turned out horribly, so I reread the recipe and realised I made the biggest blunder ever - i missed out on the cup of corn oil!

    If you notice in the recipe, the corn oil is typed at the end of the buttermilk, just a formatting issue, but I cant believe I missed it! and I was wondering how could a cake not use any oil/butter.

    I will attempt this recipe again one day in the future, after I get over the trauma today haha.


  43. Very nice cake. made it last nite but only made 1/2 recipe.

  44. Hai wendy, I nak tanya lah.. if i bake for raya fest. berapa hari boleh tahan

  45. Mrs Hakim,
    Ini susah nak cakap, tengok suhu dan keadaan di simpan. Macam kek biasa, nak tahan, masuk peti sejuk, simpan dalam kotak kedap udara

  46. Hi Wendy,

    I made this cake 2 days ago. I wonder why mine turned out so heavy and wet. I followed the recipe exactly, with 1 cup buttermilk, 1 cup corn oil, 1 cup boiling water, that's a lot of liquid. By the time I pour into the baking pan, it's so watery and I was worried it won't turn out right. It's very dense and heavy. It's supposed to be the simplest cake to make, just mix everything together and yet mine turned out not so right. Any idea why? Thanks.


  47. Jennifer,
    Yes, this batter is very watery.
    I suspect your cake is underbaked. Did you test the doneness?

  48. Hi Wendy,
    Just dropping by to say hi. Hehe....

    I love baking. I'm not THAT good in baking though. I tried your pumpkin butter velvet cake. It was AWESOME!!!
    My friends liked it. I always come up to your page to look for recipe. This chocolate cake will be my next attempt for a friend's farewell party.

    Please keep on blogging about food n recipe. I love it!

  49. Hi Wendy,

    Your recipes are so cool!!!

    Guess I am just too used to grams for measuring flour, sugar...can I know how much is your 1 cup?


  50. Janice,
    This cake is very forgiving. I have never made this cake with weighing.
    how much means? weight or volume? 250ml.

  51. Hi Weddy,

    I have bookmarked your BlogSpot for few years already as I always find your recipes very innovative and easy to follow. You make cooking so fun and easy. I have finally got an oven now and look forward to try out the very first recipe of baking 101 with your chocolate moist cake.

    Please keep up the good work!

  52. Candice,
    thank you for the support ;)
    I wish you all the best!
    Get to know your oven as most ovens are never exactly alike

  53. Hi Weddy,

    Noted on your advise! just to share with you that the cake turns out well and one of my colleague said I can use Olive oil instead of the normal vegetable corn oil in the recipe.. will it still work ?
    I look forward to make my favourite pineapple cookies with your recipe.. :) THank you for always sharing the lovely pictures with step by step guide instructions.

  54. Candice,
    You can use any type of oil you like, but for olive oil, I would suggest you use light olive oil, as EVOO is not suitable for high heat applications.

  55. Dear Wendy,
    In step 4, by 'mix' does it mean I can whisk all the ingredients by hand? I am planning to bake half of the recipe in either 7inch round pan or in individual foil cups. Is there any adjustment in oven temperature and timing?
    Can I use grapeseed oil instead of corn oil as I do not have the latter?
    Can I use icing sugar instead?
    Thank you for replying.

  56. Lynn,
    Half the recipe if u want to bake in 7 inch round.
    Timing will be lesser, around 45 minutes, but always test the cake before removing from oven to cool.
    You can mix this batter with a spoon,spatula or whisk, as long the whole thing comes together, it's good enough.

  57. Hi Wendy,
    I baked this cake just this evening and used yogurt and icing sugar instead because they were what I had on hand. The cake cracked big time like earthquake lol. It was soft yet crumbly inside. I wonder why the cake was not sweet enough. Could it be my hubby's tastebud? thank you for this extremely easy chocolate cake. It was a breeze to prepare.

  58. Lynn,
    1 cup of icing sugar is less in weight than 1 cup of sugar. So, you have used much less sugar for the cake. This cake cracks like mad, it's usual :)

  59. Hi Wendy,
    Can I use sour cream instead of buttermilk to bake this cake?


  60. Lynn,
    Should be ok, it'll be richer.

  61. Ok thank you! I shall use up the sourcream from the lime cheesecake to bake this Choc cake.

  62. Wendy,
    The Choc cake turned out well received by my hubby! Thank you!

  63. Hi Wendy, I read from somewhere that 2 tbs of baking soda is too much for a cake with 2 cups of flour and will produce a bitter taste, is this true? And what is the use of the buttermilk? (:

  64. Anonymous,
    Please state your name. thank you.
    Baking soda is used when the batter is acidic.
    And in this case, the batter is very acidic with the amount of buttermilk and cocoa powder. If the batter is not acidic, and you used too much baking soda, the cake will be bitter.
    If you choose to use baking powder here, you will have a much shorter cake, dense and dry, and you will be glad to throw away the cake.

    Buttermilk acts as a humectant and tenderizer in this batter.

  65. Can I use caster sugar? Or granulated sugar?

  66. afoomi,
    yeah, generally for baking, caster sugar is used.
    Or if not, fine granulated sugar.


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