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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Mashed Potatoes with Eggs - Potato Week #3 and an announcement

Roughly about 12 years back, during uni's 2nd year, my housemates and I held a pot luck at our newly moved in student house. We invited friends and seniors over. One of my seniors, Peggy, brought a fantastic mashed potato and it was mashed together with hard boiled eggs. The egg yolk lent a wonderful aroma to the mash. Yummy!! That was all I can say.

Allan CCM, if you're reading this, please tell Peggy, ok!!

It's not difficult to make...
The rule of thumb that I abide with whenever I make this is

1 Russset Potato : 1 hard boiled egg : 1 Tbsp butter

Easy and nice!

Mashed Potatoes with Eggs
Recipe source: Wendyywy
Inspired by: Peggy

4 russet potatoes
4 hard boiled eggs,
4 Tbsp butter
Salt and pepper to taste

1. Bring a pot of water to boil (won't need to big a pot,  5-6 cups of water will be sufficient)
2. Peel and cut potato into chunks.
3. When water has come to a boil, put in 1 tsp salt into the water.
4. Put in potatoes and boil until soft.
5. Drain potatoes and put into a mixing bowl.
6. Put in peeled hard boiled eggs and butter into the hot potatoes. Put in 1/3 tsp salt and some pepper.
7. With a mixer, whip the potatoes until they look all mashed up.Taste and adjust if not salty.
8. Serve with roast or just eat it on its own. Yummy!!!

All these pics were taken during the period of time where my dearie set the ISO to 1600!!!
And I was just stupid stupid taking ugly pictures not knowing why
Very high noise problem and super hard editing them.



Dear Readers,
This will be my last post for potato week.
I need to take another break, this time, for much longer.
I do not know when I'll be back, probably 3-4 weeks time, maybe sooner, maybe later.
I'm moving, yes I am. Finally!!!
The house has been renovating since October 2010 and it's time to move in and I'm busy with the final fittings and packing and unpacking stuff.

I'll still be checking email from time to time and the comments section too, just in case some of you have questions, but I cannot promise prompt reply.

Thankyou and I'll see you again with pictures of my new kitchen.

Love ya all,


  1. An all time favourite with me when I was younger but these days, I'm cutting down on butter and other sub for it won't yield the same taste!
    All the best to you on your new place. Bet your kitchen must be well-equipped and awesome!

  2. I'll miss your posts! (If you don't have any backlogs planned) I hope you have a good move and be careful. Don't carry things that are too heavy. Take care and those 3-4 weeks will be over in a blink of an eye. Can't wait to see your new kitchen. :) Have a great week and take care.

  3. busygran,
    Yeah, butter is so so so indispensable in this dish, the more the better. Too bad olive oil doesn't make it taste the same.
    Thanks for the wishes.

    I do have backlogs!!! How can I not have?? Hahahaha. Lots of them still. Hahahaha.
    But I can't commit to answering questions promptly, which is why I'd rather stay away from my blog. If I'm still posting BUT not replying comments, I can't do that.
    Thanks for the wishes and don't worry, I won't be doing all the "coolie" work. I'll just be the "pointer" and most of the light work only. My curtains still haven't finish. But I'll get that done latest by tomorrow.

  4. Oh gosh, gonna miss you & your post Wendy! I always read your 'daily fresh' post everyday while waiting for my girl to get off from school. But I guess somethings are far more important! So excited for you about the new house! Can't wait to see your new kitchen! Take care yah! Oh btw, gonna make this mash potato, just bought 5 russets & 30 eggs just now, lol!

  5. Love the texture of Russett potatoes. Easy to cook and easy to handle too!

  6. the potatoes looks great. Hubi will love this. Hope you settle down in your new house soon and cook up a storm for us here :D

  7. Looks delicious! I have not mixed eggs in mashed potatoes before, I should try this soon! Happy moving house, I don't envy you the packing and unpacking:D

  8. Wendy, finally jor!!! Yay to new kitchen and KA !!

  9. Congrats on the move!
    And the dish looks wonderful. I hope to 'see' you - and the new place - soon :)

  10. im going to miss you! anyways, hope to see you in your lovely and cosy place with more yummy bakes and food (: (: take care! (:

  11. hi wendy,
    wow, gong xii gong xi, for your new home.. oh ya, can i suggest something to u about this mashed potatoes with eggs? there is a cold salad i always order in sushi king, it is something like your recipe, but they also included fresh chopped onion to make the mashed potatoes more sweet..
    take care and be more careful when moving..

  12. Bee,
    Wah, 30 eggs?
    Haha, hope u love this.

    Yeah, one of my favs too

    Small Kucing,
    I hope so too :)

    LOL, hahah, yeah, don't envy that part!!

    Swee San,
    Yalor, the KA has been in the box for almost 6 months since arriving.


    Remember to be back :)

    Oh that is different. That's a potato salad. It's mashed up with mayo instead of butter, eaten cold instead of warm.
    I'll be careful, don't worry :)

  13. hi wendy,
    ooh.. thank you for different the two of it..i know now..waiting for your return oh~ take care..

  14. Simple yet tasty :) Looks delicious Wendy! And all the best to you...remember to come back soon!

  15. wow.. I love this mashed potato! :)

  16. Mashed potato nicely done! Beautiful clicks! Congrats on your new home. See you next month.

  17. Lovely mashed potato and congratulations to you!

  18. Congratulations Wendy. I know you have been looking forward to move into your new house. Do be careful. Don't carry any heavy stuffs. This side dish is interesting. I only add hard boiled eggs to potato salad but not in mashed potatoes. I should it out when I make this the next time.

  19. Jenn@ChasingFoodDreamsMarch 23, 2011 at 8:24 PM

    Yay.. so happy for you! Cannot wait to see yr new kitchen. Do take care though.

    Thks for the recipe, this looks like something I can make any day since the ingredients are always available in my pantry!

    See you soon... :)

  20. take good care..shall miss your posts!

  21. Jean,
    Thanks :)
    I will

    It's very yummy, for me.

    Quay Po,
    Haha, always that kind with photography comments, thankyou.

    Little Inbox,

    Do try it out for some variation. Don't worry, my Mike will be my coolie. LOL.

    It's pretty much just a kitchen, haha, nothing too fancy.
    I hope you love this mash.

    haha, I tot u'd miss me instead.

  22. Wendy...congrats on new house and with a bigger kitchen and a new KA and more bakes from you. Take care and like what Gert said dont move heavy thing coz you are heavy now :p See you in a mth time with more for us.

  23. I've only added butter and cheese to my mashed potatoes, never thought of adding an egg into it.

  24. Hard boiled eggs?? Very interesting, must try!

  25. Good Day Wendy
    Best wishes for moving into new place. Trust that everything is well for you and family. Look forward to see pics of ur new place, esp. kitchen and your baking equipment, eg. what sort of oven u use, equipment u use for your dishes, etc.
    Priscilla Poh

  26. Elin,
    You won't believe it. At week 30, I'm just 1kg heavier than normal only. Hahaha!

    Blessed Homemaker,
    Try it with egg. Makes it more wholesome :)

    Oh yes with eggs :)

    Haha.. my kitchen will be rather usual only la.

  27. Congratulation to your new loving hut....hehe...will gonna miss you post....although i dont write on blogs but i do follow your blogs it to every bit....Have a great day and take care

  28. Yay! You'll still have backlogs. I'll miss you still. I also want to share an award with you. :) thanks for being one of my first followers and taking the time to give me tips on what I did wrong or can improve on for my baking. I was able to learn many new things from you. I really appreciate it, so I wanted to share the award with you that I got from Lena.

  29. You will be greatly missed... Congrats on your place. :)

  30. CONGRATS - Happy Moving

    yay for a new place :)

    Betty Bake

  31. Happy moving~! look forward to your return:).

  32. Happy moving Wendy. Sure the new home will make the whole family happier.

  33. Have fun moving houses! :) I can't wait to see your new kitchen! This mashed potato sounds delicious- I've never actually thought of putting hard boiled eggs into potatoes! Well I guess that's something for me to try next time I make mashed potatoes :D

  34. yummy!
    have fun moving house! :)

  35. Congrats for moving into a new home ;-) cant wait to see your new kitchen!

  36. Hi there,

    I have an award for you. Kindly view it here.

    Thank you =)

  37. Hi there,

    I have an award for you,


  38. I have an award for you. Check this out

  39. I have an award for you, please come to collect from my blog :

  40. Hi Wendy, I have an award for you too.

  41. awww.. a new move! that's awesome. Hope u r having a restful yet good time moving. I love how u added eggs to mashed potato- what a simple yet fulfilling dish!

  42. Wendy,

    I have an award for you =]

  43. wow what a neat idea to add eggs :-)

  44. interesting!! now I can curi your idea to make mashed potatoe for hubby side dishes..usally I just sprinkle with melted cheese ..thanks!

  45. My kids love potato mashed and I am definitely going to try this. Thanks for sharing and happy hse moving.

  46. Miss your recipes :) Have a happy housewarming, and take good care of your body and health too, don't get overstressed with all these moving, renovation etc.

  47. Hey! Your blog looks great! Both photos and recipes! :)

  48. Hi Wendy, I made this and tasted yummy! Thanks for sharing.


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