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Friday, March 11, 2011

Blueberry Yeasted Sugar Tart - Berry Week #5

Remember the Apple Yeasted Sugar Tart? It was so delicious that I made another version 2 weeks later with blueberries. My blueberries were wrinkled... hahaha. But then it won't matter when it's smothered with cream and baked.

Recipe here

Simply sprinkle the blueberries on top instead of pressing the apples in at step (8). The rest of the instructions remain the same.
Because the blueberries weren't pressed in, the yeast tart might puff up during baking and cause the cream topping to flow down the sides. To prevent this, I shaped a ring around it, with small pieces of dough.
I also changed my baking temperature to 180C (first bake) and 150C(second bake after putting on the cream). Colour was better this time. The baking temperature may vary with your oven.

Frankly, I preferred the apple version. The inserted apples gave the tart a moist and soft texture. This version is not as soft, but still nice.

I'm taking a week off.
Happy School Break to all parents and students
and see you again on
21st March 2011

I am submitting this to Aspiring Bakers March 2011 Fruity March


  1. Looks yummy to me! the texture of the bread is what i wana to achieve but failed sigh!

  2. Very pretty & definitely yummy bread. *thumbs up* :)

  3. Looks yummy, like the bluebery fragrance,bet it tastes good!

  4. Lovely patterns on the tart, so cute leh!

    Happy holidays

  5. Love how you decorated the bread pie with round balls on the side! Ok ok, will try the apple version instead. :)

  6. I am in love with the border on your tart:) Thanks for showing how you made it! I have been coming across so many yeast related dessert recipes that i am very eager to try a few out including yours...

  7. Wendy, You're very creative. This looks pretty and delicious. :)

  8. Jenn@ChasingFoodDreamsMarch 11, 2011 at 4:13 PM

    So impressive.. good for party!

    Have a good holiday with your family.. :)

  9. J3ss,
    This bread is not hard to do, really. One of the easiest so far.


    The fragrance was nice indeed

    thanks, same to u

    Yeah, the apple version is nicer and moister. This one's not bad if you don't compare it.

    thanks. Do try this out, it's nice.


    thanks :)

    Yeah, can be rather inpressive when brought to a party, but it's filling.

  10. So pretty, Wendy! Can I have a piece? I'm hungry after viewing your pictures.

  11. Happy Holiday to you. So where you and your family going? Have a wonderful time. This bread is so pretty and I like how you decorate the side. Reminds me of the double cheese pizza here :)

  12. This is simply lovely and drooling. ;p

  13. Looks amazing, Wendy! I love the idea of using blueberries with that dough - yum!
    Thank you for letting me know, sweetie!

  14. I love your creative way of making the dough ring around the side!! The tart looks so tempting!

  15. like others, i also like the little breads on the sides. looking back at the recipe, i really think the cream topping is delicious, got to try making this one day...wah, so many bakes i want to try..

  16. Min,
    this was done half a year back :)

    Not going anywhere. Just taking a break :)

    Happy Flour,

    Thanks for the recipe

    Ah Tze,

    The topping is the killer!! Really one.

  17. I love this blueberry tart with yeast dough!

  18. Hi Wendy,
    I'm Vivian & have been reading ur blog for some time now. Ur tart looks absolutely awesome. Can't wait to try it out. BTW, can i use the bread machine to do the kneading?


  19. Very pretty looking pie! All your bakes always looked perfect!

  20. I know I have said this before, but your pictures are very very delicious !

  21. Angie,

    Thanks :)
    I'm sure you can, but I have no experience with using one.

    Haha, not always.. but thanks

    Same to u :)

    Experimental Cook,
    LOL, too bad you can't eat them.

  22. Very nice! Good idea to put a 'ring' round it!

  23. I've never seen anything quite like this....I love the shape of the tart- with all those little balls of dough :) And this looks delicious too! Blueberries are really expensive here now :( Otherwise, I'd be making this too :D

    And wow- you already have a school break! I want a break too...*sigh* only I've still got 11 weeks to go :(

  24. Your tart is lovely. Have a wonderful holiday and enjoy yourself.

  25. So cute! Reminds me of stuffed crust pizza.

  26. Ooo, that looks delicious! I can't wait for it be blueberry season here...

  27. Dear wendy,

    As usual, you always amaze me with your creation.

  28. hi wendy,

    i did try the apple version of this tart :)

    its very nice

    but i have question

    the dough is really soft, i have problems in making the small balls like yours LOL , do you add some flour to shape it? or am i not kneading it long enough. thanx

    but worth trying! its really awesome :)

  29. keratosis.aniston,
    Glad to know you liked this tart,.
    The apple version didn't need the ring, as when you press the apples into the dough, it'll create dents to hold the cream in. But if you want it for aesthetic purposes, hahah, then I won't sat no to it. Well, after the 1st proofing, the dough shouldn't be sticky anymore, but very manageable. I didn't knead it that long, just until it didn't stick to my other hand, that's it. I didn't add any extra flour to form the balls too. Sometimes, an old pack of flour (if you're from the humid tropicals) will be moister than a new pack of properly sealed flour.

  30. I love the border with those pretty round dough. Little effort with stunning results! Very clever!

  31. i love this one! did you double the dough recipe to use for the small rings?

  32. Anonymous,
    No need. Just pinch of some dough and make the ring.


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