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Monday, March 21, 2011

Eggs baked in Ham and Potato Hash - Potato Week # 1

A week of school break passed by so quickly. Now that Lydia is in kindergarden, I do feel the spirit of school holidays, the breath of relief that I do not need to wake up that early to prepare her, hahahaha!!
Well, I didn't go anywhere except back to my mom's for a few days and meeting up with Lena over for lunch. I didn't take any pictures with her, except that to tell you, she's a very nice lady. She came to pick me up at my mom's as I didn't drive that time, wasn't allowed to! We chatted for almost.... 4 hours. Hahaha, if it's not for the rain, it'll be even longer. Thanks Lena for the tarts, my nieces walloped every piece except for one that I ate. Hahah!

I had been sewing and sewing during the school break. 14 windows and glass doors needs to be adorned with curtains, which brings to 14 pairs of curtains and 13 pairs of screens, which comes to 27 pairs = 54 pieces of curtains!!! Crazy? Yes. My SIL asked me, why didn't I just pay to get it done. Gosh, if you have invested in a good sewing machine and yet pay thousands to get the curtains... then the machine would've gone wasted. I only used less than RM600 for 54 pieces of curtains. Less than 10% of what I would've been charged to get it done.

Many years back, I bought a book at Doulos. If you have no idea what Doulos is, it’s a ship that sells books. Yes, you go on the ship and buy books!!! It was only RM10 for a 256 colour filled country kitchen cookbook. A steal, so I didn’t really look through.

That time, I wasn’t exposed much to western food, besides what fast food outlets offer or, Steak houses(The Ship, Victoria Station, and the rest), so called western food that are all steaks, potatoes and boiled vege. When I flipped the book when I got home, I was only interested in 1 recipe, Duck Casserole with Chestnuts. The rest seemed unappetizing to me. Casseroles and everything jumbled up in one pan is not my thing that time.

Now, as I grew older, and as my cooking knowledge increases through blogging and surfing, I seem to go beyond the looks and look into the recipes.
Few days back (or months back), while chatting with Pei-Lin, I flipped through this book again, and I just found myself mesmerized by so so many of the recipes in a book I once made a white elephant.

Here’s the first recipe I tried from this white elephant that will now be made a treasure trove.

Eggs baked in Ham and Potato Hash
Recipe source: Country Cook's Companion by Liz Trigg
Servings: 4
200gm cooked ham (I used ham chips, and requested for the thicker chips)
200gm cooked russet potatoes (2 medium sized ones)
1 can of corn nibbles (the large one, I added this, because it's on the brink of expiry. It wasn't in the recipe itself)
3 pieces sliced cheddar cheese (That's the only cheese I have)
1 medium sized onion (about 70gm)
2 Tbsp Ketchup (I forgot to put, and it'll definately taste better with this)
200ml whipping cream (I put this in last minute because I was worried about the dish being dry)
4 eggs
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
50gm butter
1 heaped tsp chopped fresh rosemary (I had a pot of this, had**)
Some parsley for garnish


1. Dice ham, potatoes, cheese and chop the onion.
2. Preheat oven at 160/180
3. In a pan, melt half the butter and and pour the butter into a 8 inch baking dish/4 small dishes. Swirl the butter around and pour back into the pan.
4. Put in chopped rosemary and let it heat for few seconds. Pour rosemary infused butter into a bowl, Set aside.
5. Melt remaining butter and cook the onions until soft.
6. Pour the onions into a large bowl and put in ham, potatoes, cheese, and ketchup.
7. Taste. If not salty enough, season with salt and pepper.
8. Spread the mixture in the buttered dish/dishes.
9. Make 4 wells in the dish/dishes (picture above), drizzle in the whipping cream and bake for 15 minutes.
10. Remove from oven and pour egg into the wells and and drizzle the rosemary infused butter over the dish.
11. Bake for another 15-20 minutes until eggs are set.
12. Garnish with parsley and serve.

My kids loved this dish. Especially Lydia
Picture taken months ago, they do look older now.


  1. this is so lips smacking delicious so yummy! your kids are forever such cuties!

  2. wendy,
    all i can say is you are so talented..! you are correct when u have a good machine why need others to do it for u. then next time i can ask for advise on how to make curtain, if u won't mind. previously i do have my business in making uniform, but i quit now for my second up coming princess..

  3. it look soooo yummy! and your kids look so cute and pretty! (: (:

  4. yours kids look so adorable! and the dish looks absolutely inviting! I would love to eat it too!

  5. This potato ham dish is so comforting looking, can eat a big bowl. :) wah, you still have back log put to months ah....good lah, good back since you will be super busy very soon, heehee! ;)

  6. J3ss,
    Thanks :) They can be a bunch of nasties at times :)

    Sometimes can be too bubbly!! Haha

    Oh, you are a tailor. No.. I have to all u sifu instead. I only do basic curtains nothing too fancy.

    Thanks and Thanks :) :)

    Thanks. You can try to make it.

    Hahaha, it so happened to be stashed up waiting to be posted. The next ones will be rather "fresh", just few weeks back. I'm not that high on back logs now, with those few months of inactivity in the kitchen, I've cleared 90% of it. But now it's climbing high again since I'm back there, but it'll slow down very very soon.

  7. yup young children really grow up the creamy sauce oozing out of the bake... making my mouth water now hahah

  8. Wendy, you can cook, you can bake, and you can sew... what else you dont know? Hahaha...

  9. Looks yummy..thanks for sharing this recipe

  10. Jenn@ChasingFoodDreamsMarch 21, 2011 at 5:51 PM

    Glad to have you bake and also happy to hear you have rested well...we all deserves a break now and then.

    This recipes looks simple and yummy! Happy to know its potato week.. I m a big fan of potatoes!

  11. yummy yummy, your kids is lucky to have you as a good cook!

  12. Very yummy dish! Your gals are cute ;)

  13. Jean,
    Oh, especially toddlers...Haha.

    I can't do anything sports related nor anything IT/video games related, hahaha!


    I didn't rest, but sew my butt off.
    Sorry to tell you it won't be a full week of posting.

    so are ur kids :)

    Thanks and thanks

  14. You still able to do sewing at this moment?
    By the way, this is something nice for a different meal.

  15. Little Inbox,
    For the sake of a 90% discount, I can!!!

  16. i wouldnt have realised that we have talked for that long until now that you mentioned that..still i think both your daughters really look alike except one is taller than the other. Next time i must also ask some photography tips from you, the food here looks very nice. Meanwhile, happy sewing..!!

  17. Lena,
    Haha, I know this pic makes them look alike, haha.
    The pics in this blog post were taken mostly with bounced flash cos it was already dark when I had it for dinner. And editing of course :) LOL.

  18. You are terror. Can cook, can bake and can sew too. Your hubby is lucky to have you ;) This is such a comforting dish. Great for Sunday brunch. I have two friend volunteering on Doulos. I remember they dock in Klang many years ago and I wanted to visit but the line were just too long.

  19. Such a comforting dish!

  20. I LOVE the picture where Lydia is holding the plate. It's like she's saying "I knooow you want this..." HAHA!

  21. How did I miss this...printing it out!

  22. This dish is really nice, just I can't get the top like yours... Do you put cheese on top, before you put eggs?

    Thanks for sharing!

  23. amano,
    No I didn't. I wrote the instructions based on exactly how I did it.


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