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Monday, May 16, 2011

I'm back!

Sorry for being MIA for so long.

Initially I thought, I'd be moving, I mean, moving major stuff the following week after my announcement. But one of my contractors delayed me for a week, and then finished off the job 2 weeks later (he said he'd complete the job within 4 days, but took more than 2 weeks to do so). During this time, I was running to and fro the old and new house many times in a day and it was very tiring. I only started sowly transfering my stuff over when the cabinets were finally completed. The old and new place were just 10 minutes apart, but going few times in a day during 3rd trimester is no fun.

I was lucky to have my in laws helping me clean up the new place. My FIL did my garden for me and most of the drilling. My MIL did most of the new house cleaning. If it's not for them, I'll be dead meat doing all these. Where's my hubby? Haha, diligently working of course and becoming my driver. He didn't allow me to drive much during this pregnancy. Well, I've been having mood swings this time and it sure does scare the hell out of him, hahah!

I finally moved in and had my first night in the new place on 30th April. It sure does feel good that I can finally rest assured that I won't be stuck at my old place when my baby arrives. It's not that I don't like my old place, but it's so bare in the end, and my butt was still there was what scared me. It's no fun sleeping in an almost bare place, with only necessities like my kid's milk supply, TV, Milo and biscuits. We didn't move everything but only the smaller stuff which is like 90% of what we owned. The new place's big stuff were mostly new, like major electrical appliances and furniture, as we have already anticipated to move since 4 years back.

After I moved in, only then I started preparing for my baby's arrival. I packed my hospital bag, collected baby clothes from my cousin, washed them, dried them, folded and kept them in a clean plastic drawer. It took a while to prepare the temp baby room(for confinement lady and baby) as I needed to wait for the tiler to do something there and then get some of the old stuff moved in. And it's finally done now. Another moment of relief.

Now, it's the time to do final arrangements in the house, with all the excess in the store room, still in bags, boxes or whatever to be arranged and put at the right places. I can slowly do this part as there's no rush for it.

Relieved, yes I am. And I can finally blog again....but my laptop is not in good condition now. I had to do a repair thingy everyday before I could luckily turn it on. Hubby's planning to get me a desk top. Well, actually it's an excuse for him to get a desktop so that he can start his games again. LOL. He hasn't been playing much computer games since he got laptops for himself and I.

Last Fri, I went to see my doc and my baby. He's at 2.6kg now. At 38 weeks, it's quite small. Small in comparison to my girls. Lyanne was almost 4kg when she was born! Yikes! So far, I've gain only 3kg. Yes. 3kg ONLY. The least so far. Both Lydia and Lyanne's time were like 5kg only. Yes, only 5kg. Haha. I'm weird, where people gain weight and size during pregnancies but I shrink. I have always been heavy, yes, very heavy. And during pregnancies, one can see my arms and thighs shrinking. My family and friends have always found this to be humourous. Some even like to look at my still deep belly button and laugh at it, saying "Oh, u still have belly button". LOL. Whenever I go to buy herbs for my confnement, I always get asked, "Why buy so early? You still have a long way to go.", But I'm oredi in my 9th month!!! So, you can actually guess how I look now. I only look like 5 months preggers, according to most ladies telling me.

Ooohhh... I've been talking so much. Maybe it's been so so long since I've shared anything.

We only finalized our boy's name lately. The Chinese name was selected by my hubby with the middle name following the family's poem. And the Christian name was shortlisted by me and selected by Lydia.


Now, a little fun.
Correctly guess the name of my boy and I'll send u something. A can of Nestle Dulce de Leche (only for Malaysians as postage is very expensive) or 3 pods of Tahitian Vanilla Beans (anywhere in the world).  One gift for the first correct answer for each name.

Christian name starts with "R"
Chinese name has less than 7 strokes. The middle name is 尚. Ask your friends if u know NO Chinese. It's a common word that is easy to write.

If u get both names correct, you get 2 gifts from me.

Happy guessing and the answer will be given when you see his face on my blog :)

Simple rules to the game:
1. Giveaway is open to anyone from anywhere.
2. Two Chinese names and one Christian name per person. Any extra guesses and the whole submission will not be counted.
3. Absolutely anonymous guesses will not be counted. Leave me a name.
4. Closing date is.... before I announce the answer.

I won't be posting daily anymore, but I'll try my best to post weekly trios.
I promised pics of my new kitchen, that'll have to come later, I've not fully settled everything.
 : )


  1. Welcome back and congratulation on your baby boy..

    I think your son's name probably could be " Ruben" or Raymond

  2. Welcome back Wendy!

    My guess of ur boy's Christian name is Ryan.

    Wishing you a smooth delivery.

  3. hi wendy,
    good to know u are back...ohh, we are in the same situation 38th week...but i'm having my bb girl this time and congratulation for your soon to birth bb boy..take good care~

  4. Geet,
    Just one name. Choose either one only.

  5. Welcome back, Wendy! The new house looks so spacious and the girls sure are thrilled about it. Have you inaugurated your kitchen aide yet :)

  6. Hi, welcome back! And congratulations on the arrival of your baby boy...Let me guest.....Robin..?

  7. Shirley,
    Hahaha, have yet to get the right transformer.
    Got an underpowered one, need to go and change it.

  8. So happy to see you settle down. You have a lovely home to welcome you little baby boy. Can't wait to see him.
    Well, my guess is Remy. :P

  9. Welcome back, Wendy and congrats on the arrival of the baby bo.

  10. Hi Wendy, congratulations. Wishing you a smooth delivery.
    Let me guess, English is "Ryan" and Chinese is "尚文".

    mary ng

  11. 尚文,尚兴?when u giving birth,please let me I can visit ur new house and ur new baby.If my baby I will prefer 川。

  12. Welcome back, also Big congratulations on your new house and on the arrival of baby boy. Even i have moved to my new house, still not fully settled till now, currently doing water features and pergola, very messy..once ready, I will visit you and the rest to my new house ya. Take care.

  13. Welcome back and great news huh bb boy :))) I think the name is Reuben . Take care and looking forward to reading more of your new place and bb :)

  14. hey wendy,

    great to know that you're back and your new house look spacious. I can't wait to see how your kitchen looks likes. Really hope you show us how your kitchen looks like :) i'm guessing your son name is Ryan. Anyway, congratulation :)

  15. Welcome back Wendy.. I miss your posts!

    Do take it easy and congrats on your new house.
    Glad you have help as I know how it feels... :)

    p/s: I would love to say Ryan but since it has been said, I will put in for 'Russell'.

    Take care... Jenn

  16. welcome back wendy! I missed you and your post so much! your new house looks so cosy!

    My guess is Rayner?

  17. Welcome back, Wendy! So happy to see you again ^_^

  18. Congratulation on your baby boy, miss your post.
    I guess is Rayden and 尚文 ?

  19. Welcome back! Congratulations!

  20. OiLai,
    Haha, all ur kids' names are related to water.
    I do hope a Chuan will come by very soon.
    As usual, after me, will be ur turn.
    Does that mean Yi Chuan is coming soon?

  21. Welcome back. Double congratulations to your new house and arrival of baby.

  22. happy to read this..its been a long time..oh and congrats for your 3rd pregnancy..its a boy yaaiiyyy..shrinking during pregnancy..only gain 5kg max..wahhhhh...

  23. Welcome back! My guess is Ronald, and chinese names are 尚宇, 尚伟 :) Wishing you a smooth delivery !

  24. Hi Wendy,
    Welcome back & thx for your msg. Yeah, sure you understand my dilema...
    Congrats o the new house and most of all on the coming baby boy. Somehow, this name straight away crop up in my head "Ronald" and if I can do second guess "Raymond".
    Wish you safe delivery & restful confinement.

  25. Welcome back!! And glad to hear that you have moved to your new place successfully...

    Hope to see your boy photos soon. My guess is Raphael. :)

  26. Welcome back! Congrats on your new house and baby boy. My 3rd baby will be same age as yours. Hoping a girl.. 

  27. Wendy, it is so nice to have you back and I can appreciate that you feel relieved that you are now beginning to settle in your new home. Looking forward to have a peep at your new kitchen. I will guess the name of your boy is Rich. Take care and have a smooth and safe delivery. HUGZZ!

  28. I not planning to get a third child,except accidentally get it.I really salute u can take care 3 children.Yi hang always cry recently,I cannot tahanlah.congratulations to u.

  29. Welcome back! Quite a lot time never come here lo kekeke Waakaka u not update ...

    Wah... Good news to hear that your baby boy coming soon :) Happy for you.

    Can i guess more that one name

    R = Ryan, Richard, Rain
    Chinese = 尚华, 尚好 ...

    Am i right?

  30. hi wendy, so nice to see your post this morning, just coming to comment now. Actually 2.6kg is not really small i think average but lydia at 4kg was big! My guess would be Roger.

  31. Voon,
    I potong ur entry la.
    Lu beh hiao read ah? Hahahaha!

    Yeah, the boy is small by comparison to his sisters, but I know he's average as doc expect him to be around 2.9 when born. Ur twins sure smaller la. I'm glad he's not too big, takut also leh if big. Last time Lyanne made me worry so much, just in case doc needs to potong me to get her out.

  32. OiLai,
    I still dunno if I can cope with 3 kids.
    I hope I can.
    Lyanne also had a period of crying. Lau gai about everything. Especially before sleep time.
    It's around 2 year old to be like that.
    Lydia was also around 2 when she lau gai a lot.

  33. Hi Wendy!!
    Welcome back & congratulations & good Luck & Take care....for EVERYTHING!!!
    And my guess will be ROYDEN!!

  34. Ray, Robyn, Ross! Chinese would be...尚中! Congrats on your new home!

  35. Welcome back and hope everything is well with you. Looking forward to read your posting :)

  36. The Chinese name, I guess is 尚安 or 尚乐 :)

  37. Hi Wendy,

    Glad that you are back, i have enjoyed reading your blogs and trying out your recipes.

    My guess for chinese name : 尚伟,尚宇

    English name : Rueben

    Have a safe delivery!


  38. Hy,
    chanced upon your space while blog hopping...awesome blog you have with very interesting posts..
    Am your proud follower now..:)
    do stop by mine sometime..

    Tasty Appetite
    Event: Letz Relishh Ice Creams

  39. Congratulations, Wendy, on your new home and to the incoming addition to your family!! I'm so happy for you and your family and I'm especially happy you're back! =) My guess for your son's name is Reid. It's always been one of my favorite boy names.

  40. Hi Wendy,


    My guess for chinese names: 尚宏,尚弘?
    In fact, i wish it to be 尚杰 (name after the great chinese preacher John Sung)!! but 杰 got 8 strokes...

    English name : Roger


  41. May be i'm not a good mother ,don't know how to teach them.hang hang very 霸道,he wants the things u have to give him.every night have to take him out and walk walk.I believe u can do it,for me u really a good mother.what model of KA mixer u bought?I saw few model online,but the electrical shop here only got one model.

  42. not easy to guess but i'll try: 尚言. 7 strokes:).

    otherwise, i believe is 尚文...

  43. by the way, congratulations!!! salute you for going to no 3~.

  44. OiLai,
    Who said u're not a good mother? Let me knock his/her head. You are a good mother, just that you are not a fierce mother. I use cane quite often and they know how it taste like. And both Mike and I do not believe in giving them everything they want. No lau gai for them and us, if they do, they eat "wong seen mun chu yoke". We always believe, 三岁定八十。
    I'm using a Pro500 model which is not commonly found in Malaysia, but in Ipoh got one shop that carries it. If u buy oven from them, they will give u good price for the KA. If not, it's quite pricey. If u plan to get a built in oven, I'll tell u the shop. You can order there and they'll bring it to KL for u.

  45. Jasmine,
    Oh, I didn't know John Sung's name is Jie.
    I wanted this name initially, but hoh, my hubby wants otherwise.

  46. Wendy,

    Yes, 尚杰 is a good name, has good meaning too, still not too late to change...

    Have a safe delivery!

  47. Whua!! So many comments oredi?! Missed you so much la...
    I wanna make a guess too!! The name Ryan came up first but since so many's guessing that, I'll change my choice la :P
    Just for fun's sake, Rudolph...maybe? :D
    ...and chinese:hmmm...尚亨,尚安...? (It's good to have you back!)

  48. Hello Wendy,

    I hope you can read on time …to get some weight, not you but your BB. My aunt had the same problem that you (don't look like she is pregnant with twin; look slimmer that before...), the twin didn't gain enough weight at 8months (less 3 lb each), so my mom prepare double boil chicken in porcelain pot (雞汁) with a few slices of ginger (can add more if you like ginger). You can use chicken leg if you can prepare twice a week but she use a whole chicken to get enough broth for twice/week. Don't add water to the chicken, just cover with the pot lip and steam for 1-2h. My aunt consume a whole month and the BB gain 1-2 lb/week. At birth, they weight 6 and 6.5lb.

    A lot of Singaporean or Malaysian parent like to name their boy, Ryan. But in the USA, parent usually use: Rene, Ricky, Ross or Russell.

    Good luck!


  49. Wecome back! Missed you so much and glad to hear that your 3rd baby is a boy ... Congrats!

  50. Dear Wendy,

    Congrats and welcome back!
    My guess is Ron for english name and 尚安or 尚业 for chinese name.
    Have a quick and safe delivery!


  51. Jamie,
    Thanks for the concern and suggestion.
    My baby is not exactly underweight, it's within the norm, but just smaller in comparison with my other babies.
    The technique you mentioned is making Chicken Essence and it's found on my blog as well.

  52. Hi there Wendy,

    Would like to check regarding your boy's chinese name that has less than 7 strokes; is it in "traditional chinese" or "simplified chinese"?

    Thank you.


  53. Shelly,
    Simplified I guess.
    I don't think traditional Chinese is much in use here, except for some newspapers. Even in school, simplified version is used and taught.

  54. Hi Wendy,

    Welcome back! Congratulations on your baby boy and moving into a new home. Must be really tiring and make sure you rest kau kau whenever you can.

    My guess for your boy would be: Rudy

    Chinese name would be: 尚志,尚希

    Thank you.

  55. Wendy~ welcome back!!
    Congrats for everything!
    Now, let me guess the names~ hehe...

    English name: Riley
    Chinese names: 尚兴, 尚立

    Congrats again!!

  56. I would like to guess too, but the name Rueben is being chosen by so many. ok how about Rudy.


  57. Hello Wendy

    My heartiest congratulations to you & your hubby! Wow! your boy is so cute and huggable!

    xiangros, SG


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