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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Broccoli Cheese and Salmon Soup - Brassica Trio # 2

This is one very very very delicious soup.
I wanted to try making broccoli soup, and it so happened that I have a salmon steak in my freezer. Salmons are very sweet. They make everything they swim in (well, they’re dead in the pot of course) extra tasty, extra sweet. And when my hubby saw me use the salmon he told me to buy few days back in the soup, he said, “Then what porridge shall I eat later??”. Haha, he intended the salmon to be for his favourite porridge, his salmon seafood congee.
There was no need to throw in any stock cubes or anything. It’s very very very flavourful on its own. With each spoon that my MIL downed, “Oh, this is fattening, but this is good. “ and took seconds and thirds. Hahahaha!!! She was surprised that my FIL the veggie hater, finished his bowl of broccoli soup too.  It’s good to puree veggie and hide it in his diet.
 This soup has cream, butter, cheese…. Fat fat fat!!! But then it’s what makes me love this soup even more. *evil grin*

Come on, I don’t drink this type of soup even once a month, ok!

Broccoli Cheese and Salmon SoupRecipe refered to get the general idea: Kitchen Bitch  Major modifications made my WendyywyServes: 4-6 depending on portion size
250gm salmon (1 large steak)
4 cups water
500gm broccoli(2 heads), stem peeled and chopped, florets cut small
2 Tbsp butter
1 onion (about 100gm), chopped
2 cloves garlic, sliced
Salt and generous amount of pepper
¾ cup cream
1 heaped Tbsp all purpose flour +1/4 cup water
3 slices of cheddar cheese
1. Bring water to a boil and put in salmon steak, turn heat to low and let it simmer for 10 minutes, lid covered. Turn off the heat and fish out the salmon. Let the salmon cool down for flaking later. Save the broth, do not discard it.
2. In another pot, on medium heat butter until melted and put in garlic and onions and cook until translucent. Turn heat to high
3. Put in broccoli stems and cook for 30 seconds and then put in the florets. Cook until the broccoli is well coated with the butter and smells good
4. Pour in half of reserved salmon stock and bring to a boil. Let it simmer for 2-3 minutes after it has boiled, until the broccoli is tender, but not mushy.
5. Let it cool down for 5 minutes before you blitz it with an immersion blender or a jug blender. If using jug blender, make sure you have an opening in the lid, if not it’ll pop open when you turn on the blender and everything will be in a mess.
6. Meanwhile, flake the fish. Be careful and remove all bones, especially the “side” bones
7. Bring blended soup back to a boil, add in balance of salmon stock. When it has boiled, add in cream.
8. Thicken it with flour mixture and season the soup with salt and pepper.
9. Put the flaked salmon back into the pot and turn off the heat. Put in cheese slices and stir to melt.


  1. Hai! Wendy....

    sedapnya sup ni...:)

  2. I just posted salmon also...nice soup!

  3. Wendy, this is the first time I see broccoli and salmon soup. I think my family will love this. Having this once in a while won't be a problem, hehe. Want to try one day!

  4. I've made broccoli soup before, but w/o salmon in it. This looks good, shall try it next time when I cook this soup.

  5. I can feel your satisfaction seeing your in laws enjoy your food...

  6. I love anything salmon and this looks good. Enjoy and sweat it out later. Salmon is good for you and the baby. Your child will be more brainy :))
    Not only your MIL and FIL love it, I too even though I dont get to taste it but I can imagine how good that soup is. Have KIV this and my to do list is getting longer each day :p

  7. My youngest daughter and I love salmon,I'll try this recipe...thanks for sharing

  8. Ever since I had brocolli soup in an Italian restaurant, I have always wanted to try cooking it! This recipe of yours looks similar to the one I had! Yum!

  9. gosh! looks so creamy and delish!

  10. I love this soup if it's not too cheesy! but i know can always reduce the cheese. Funny but i love cheese in pizzas and must be plenty of that! You know few weeks ago, i was searching for a diary free broccoli soup, just to see if i like that, maybe for breakfast. I think i've seen one..cannot remember.

  11. Hello Wendy,

    The 3/4 cup cream you mentioned here, what type of cream is it? I always have a mixed up whenever recipe called for "cream". Single cream, double cream, full cream milk, fresh milk?

  12. Mel,
    Cream is definately cream and not milk.
    You can use double cream if you want it creamier or single if you want it to be less.
    I use the only type available here, which is whipping cream at 35% fat content.

  13. Thanks for citing my original recipe. This modified version looks GREAT!

  14. Mavis,
    thanks for dropping by.
    the soup was great!


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