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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Hannah's 2 Minnie Mouse Birthday Cakes - Cheesecake Trio #1


I made 2 cakes for my dear niece to be cut n day 1 and day 2 of Chinese New Year.
She requested for a Minnie Mouse cake and gosh, a Minnie Mouse cake? She must have caught the bug on her trip to Disneyland last Nov. I turned down her request as I can't figure out how to do that just before CNY. As you all know, fridges are stuffed so so full during this period that keeping a cake with cream in a stuffed full fridge is CRAZILY difficult.

But I felt so bad letting her down. Really felt so so bad. So I googled for Minnie Mouse cake and then I got the idea of instead of making Minnie's face, I could just use her trademark, polka dot ribbons as my deco theme. And use chocolate cut outs to make the Minnies. The cut outs have no facial features, but with those ears and ribbons, no one couldn't recognise it's not Minnie. And further more, she has told me before she loved my Strawberry Mirror Cake and would want to have it again this time, and I also turned her down because I don't want to make repeating cakes for the same person. Well, this request was 2 months before the Minnie request. So, I made up my mind to make 2 cakes for her. One oreo cheesecake to be cut at my mom's and the strawberry mirror cake to be cut at my sis in law's parent's house, since they've never had this cake before. A pink cake is perfect for Minnie. Both are gelatin set cakes, as I didn't want to do frosting and worry about getting them smudged when I shove them into the stuffed fridge. Cake rings are there for a purpose. : p

I went around town scouting for suitable ribbons. It was only at an old shop that I could get it. Those popular fast moving art and gift shops carry only the latest designs and these polka dot stuff are infact, quite old. I've been seeing them around since my school days!!! I finally found one that is suitable.

For the Strawberry Mirror Cake, instead of having the mirror on top, I set the mirror on 2 separate pans.
When they were set, I half froze them. Then I made the bavarian cream filling and sandwiched the mirror layer between the bavarian cream. So altogether there was 3 layers of cake and 2 layers of mirror sandwiched with bavarian cream. Haha, if you have no idea, this is the layout from bottom to top:
Cake, Cream, Mirror, Cream, Cake, Cream, Mirror, Cream , Cake, Cream.
I planned to do white polka dots for the cake, Minnie's trademark, but then I was too tired to do that step. A choc cut out is good enough, Haha

I can't get a picture of the interior as the I didn't see the cake being cut. But the reviews I got was that it was fabulous! Yeah with almost 1kg of strawberries in that cake, how can it not be fabulous! Haha. But the actual fact is that, it's not a common cake. The relatives on my SIL's side have never eaten such a cake, and some of them requested for the recipe.

Ok, now about the Oreo Cheesecake. Well, don't know why I came up with the idea of using Oreos and stacked them to make the cake. But then, initally, I wanted to do a dome with Minnie's ears and ribbons on top. Which was why this cake was so short. But in the end, I ran out of cream. I didn't want to do an empty dome, was worried it'll soften and collapse during the 1 hour journey from KK to Kampar, so, no cream, no filling, no dome, no Minnie ears and ribbon. In the end, I made cut outs and hand sewed the ribbons. I didn't have proper Minnie cookie cutters and had to make do with my bear cookie cutter. The ears where smaller than Minnie's but no one realised it until I told them, it's actually a bear's cut out, not Minnie's. It was totally acceptable for those who saw the cake. Hahaha!! That means, the ribbons did a very good job in portraying Minnie.

I concocted my own formula for this cheesecake, threw in whatever I fancy and used lots of oreos for some stacking effect. I could only do 3 layers as that was all the batter that I have. If I used a smaller cake ring, then I could do more layers.

Oreo Stacked Chilled Cheesecake
Recipe Source : Wendyywy

250gm cream cheese, softened
100gm sweetened condensed milk, room temperature
1 tsp vanilla extract
300gm whipping cream, cold
1 Tbsp + 1tsp gelatin
50gm water
3 tubes of Oreo (more or less)

1. Separate oreo cookies. Discarding all the cream except for 25 pieces of halves.
2. Finely mill the 25 pieces of cookie halves with cream.
3. Press the milled cookie crumbs into a cake ring on a cake board /springform pan. Keep chilled.
4. Put water into a heat proof bowl and sprinkle gelatin over the water. Let the gelatin sit for 2 minutes. It will bloom. Then melt the gelatin either in the microwave (30 secs on high) or over another bowl of boiling water. (method seen here). Let it cool down.
5. Beat cream cheese until smooth and put in condensed milk and vanilla and beat again. Beat in gelatin solution until just combined.
6. In another clean bowl, beat cold whipping cream until soft peaks.
7. Fold the half the cream into the cream cheese mixture using a large whisk. Repeat with balance of cream.
8. Put in slightly more than half cup of cheese mixture into prepared pan. Spread it out. Arrange oreo halves (no cream) all over the cheese.
9. Repeat step 8 twice. You’ll have 3 layers of cookies.
10. Gently pour all the remaining cream cheese over the cookies and level the “cake”
11. Put into fridge to chill for at least 5 hours before unmoulding.

The Minnies were all ripped off by the kids.


  1. this is so lovely and look extremely delicious! (:

  2. Great effort I have to say to have the mini mouse trademark instead of the dome. Very "ma fan" to make dome lah. And hand sewing those ribbons is also a bit of work too.  lovely cakes! Oh yes welcome back !

  3. She's a lucky girl, had 2 cakes for her birthday!!
    These cakes looks great....and yummy too!

  4. Sweetylicious,

    It was brain cracking to accomodate to their request, it just gets more and more challenging each year.

    Haha, my daughters gets 2 cakes too. More excuse for me to bake.


  5. wan yee...finally you are back...

  6. Wendy, I can imagine how pretty the strawberry cake is. Totally agree with 1kg strawberry, definitely a winner.

  7. Wow, very cute lovely cake! I love it ;)

  8. Woah, lucky girl! Love how you layered the cake with cookies! Nice!

  9. very nice! what a sweet auntie to bake her 2 cakes! If somebody asked me to bake something related to a cartoon character cake, i think i would probably turn them down. I'm really bad at that. Ribbons make them look very pretty and yes, yes, i know..resembles minnie mouse! sewing curtains still not enough??..still want to sew ribbons..!

  10. Uncle Pete wants Mickey Mouse cake leh......LOL!

  11. Joanne,
    You ate this cake right?

    Haha, yeah.


    It was well recieved, big and small alike.


    I turned her down initially too. But I felt so bad la. I sewed these way before my curtains and these are far far simpler. Done in just 15 minutes.

  12. Uncle Pete,
    Just replace the ribbon bow with a bow tie :)

  13. wor, you brought some to our house? Oh yea, Lydia left a little toy at my mama's place.

  14. Both cakes looks pretty and delicious, not surprised the kids loved them:)And I wouldn't have noticed those are teddy bears print if you didn't point that out!

  15. Joanne,
    Mesti u guys oredi balik rumah.
    We cut this cake on day 1 CNY for Hannah's birthday.
    Lydia hah.. haha, throw it away la.

  16. Haha, that's really cute. I guess if I were one of the kids, I wouldn't be able to resist tearing off one of them "Minnies" too. ;)

  17. Hi Wendy, may i know how big is this cake or your pan size? i do not own a spring form pan yet. i'm kind of new in making cakes. thanks!

  18. Anonymous,
    You can either use 7,8 or 9 inch pan. No prob.
    This is a 9 inch pan, therefore the cake's kind of thin, about 1.5inch only.
    You can either use a springform pan or a cake ring. Regular pans won't work here, because you won't be able to take out the cake nicely.

  19. Many Thanks, Wendy! :)


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