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Now that my home's internet speed is upgraded, I can make more videos!
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Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Cream Cheese Souffle Pancake *With Video

It's been a while since I wrote something on this blog.

For those of you who are with me on Facebook, I am still posting my current kitchen adventures.
I am also on Instagram and I'm also planning to make more videos since the internet speed at home has greatly improved.

Few years back, for me to upload one 5 minute video, took me more than 1 hour! It was really a torture, making sure connection didn't break or I would have to start all over again, the waiting, the upload and the processing before the video was complete on Youtube. Now all this is history. I'm done uploading a 10 minute video in 5-10 minutes.

My laptop's screen is making me crazy, the lighting doesn't suit my eyes no matter how I adjust it.
So, I'm doing more stuff with the phone, that's why I'm not posting on the blog, because Google no longer updates the BLOGGER phone app, and it's obsolete now. I have to get on the laptop, do some work for 15 minutes, walk away and rest my eyes before I do more.

Anyway, I do hope that I will be back in action, for real... not just a hope.
I will be posting more video recipes because my internet speed allows me to, and that's who everything is moving now, from written blog to a visual experience. I might not make fantastic videos because I'm just filming and editing with the phone, but I hope I will improve as I go on, just like how I improved in taking photographs over the years. I am still... a noob with the camera functions.

The ricotta souffle pancake I had in Japan.
Looked small, nope, just that the plate was big!

I went to Japan few months back and I had this ricotta souffle pancake there. It was soft and fluffy. It came still foamy and undercooked, maybe they like it that way. So that pancake gave me the inspiration to make this cream cheese version.

So, here's my recipe

Cream Cheese Soufflé Pancake

For one portion:

30g cream cheese
1Tbsp milk
2 large eggs, separated
1/4 tsp vinegar /lemon juice
1+1/2Tbsp sugar
2Tbsp plain flour

Instructions Summary
1. Melt the cheese with milk, mix with flour
2. Beat egg whites with sugar until pointy stiff peaks
3. Fold egg whites into cheese mixture.
4. Gently cook until done.

*For detailed instructions, please watch the video

It’s ok to double the recipe, the batter can wait for a short while.
The pancake is on the sweet side, and if you still prefer to add maple syrup or honey, it’s up to you.
It’s quite filling although it looks light

 Instructional Video for the pancake

Please subscribe to my Youtube channel !
Thank you


  1. Awesome to see you back in action.

  2. Welcome back Wendy! Hope you and your family are well.

  3. Dear wendy, i've been following some of your recipes, btw i'm a woman, sent this from hub account. If it doesn't cost you much trouble, i'd like to ask you to make a video on making egg whites cream. I've made some attempts making them based on your recipe, but i kept failing. Please help me out. Thanks.

  4. Allow me too add my comment before, the recipe i'd like to request a video on is called Swiss Meringue Buttercream. Thanks


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