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Monday, January 28, 2008

Secret Recipe Inspired Tossed Noodles

One Sunday afternoon, hubby asked me to cook something. Remembered I had this vegetarian soba in Secret Recipe…and I have most of the ingredients in the fridge. I improvised a bit on the recipe, adding in egg shreds and sausages, taking out the celery and changing the soba to air dried noodles, and some other modifications.

Here it goes..

Secret Recipe Inspired Tossed Noodles Recipe

2 eggs (beaten with some salt and oil, made into thin omelets, cooled and shred)

Half big red onion, 2 sausages, half a carrot, half a chili and 2 big pieces of button mushroom. All cut into thin strips.

Medium fire, heat a table spoon of oil in wok. Saute red onion til soft, add sausages, fry for half a minute, add carrot, chili and mushroom. Cook until they wilt slightly. Off the fire.

Cook 2 pieces of air dried noodles (I used Cintan, you may use soba if u like) in boiling water. Drain.

Seasoning : 1 tbsp light soy sauce, 1 tsp sesame oil, 1 tbsp onion oil. Toss everything together.

Cut 2 leaves of lettuce into strips and toss in. Lettuce is in last, to make sure they remain crisp and uncooked.

This is not a strong tasting dish (u know, those smokey, garlicky fried noodles, full of wok smell “wok hei”)
It looks like fried noodles, but doesn't smell like one.
If one likes the noodles in Secret recipe, one will enjoy this too.

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