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Sunday, January 6, 2008

Tangy Melting Hearts 酸熔心

Chinese New Year coming soon....

I had this idea of creating a melt in the mouth cookie with a strong citrus taste.

This is the first attempt. I like them a lot..... but my hubby who doesn't like sour stuff find them not so appealing. He asked me to substitute the taste, but retain the texture.

So, any suggestions? Maybe orange... hmmm....

Tangy Melting Hearts Recipe

125gm soft margerine, softened
100 gm icing sugar, sifted
1 pinch salt

Cream the above together
This is (A)

half egg, beaten
juice from 1 lime (limau nipis)
juice from 1/2 lemon
grated zest from 1 lime, 1/2 lemon

Combine and put into (A). Mix well and this becomes (B)

Sift 150gm corn starch, 50gm superfine flour, 1 tbsp custard powder and combine with (B) until smooth.

Pipe out heart shapes and decorate with a sugar heart in the centre.
Bake in a preheated oven 180C for 7 minutes.

Practice makes the heart shapes better, tho not perfect
All ready for the oven.

Try not to brown the cookie, and if the cookie base is not totally dry from the baking and cooling, place cookies overturned in a flat plate , microwave on medium for 1 minute or 2. U'll get crispy cookies after that.

The centre piece was nice and not browned, I baked it for 6 minutes, and microwaved on med for 1 min. The other 8 surrounding the fair one was baked for 7 mnutes.


  1. Wendy, the cookies look so tasty and attractive especially with the heart shape.

    Doubt it must be very tasty yummy... yummy...

  2. Thanks. Hey, hope there's some left for u to try during CNY.

  3. What is preheat oven. At what temp and for how long need to preheat an oven before the cake is baked. I don't bake cakes or cookies. I normally use steaming. Thank you and have a nice day .....

  4. anonymous(pls leave a name),
    Steam cookies??
    Preheating is heating the oven before use. How long to preheat depends on your oven, you can read the product manual. The temperature is the baking temperature.


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