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Saturday, February 23, 2008

Chicken and Oyster Mushroom Soup 平菇鸡汤

This soup was created way back in 2001, when I was still staying with my buddies after graduation.

I never liked Chicken Rice Wine Soup, I like it before the wine is added, but not after the wine. So, my grandaunt will always ladle out one bowl for me before she adds the wine. That was when I was a child.

Many many years later, I wanted to do 'that pre wine chicken soup', and there were these mushrooms in the fridge almost going to go rotten if I don't cook it soon. So, in they went into the soup... and it made it even more delicious. The grey oyster mushrooms added an extra touch of sweetness to the soup..and it thickens the soup a bit.. lovely addition..

This soup has lots of ginger in it, and my hubby is no fan of ginger... yet, he says it is good! Best taken on a cold rainy day...

Chicken and Oyster Mushroom Soup Recipe

1 chicken whole leg or 2 thighs (cut small)
1 tsp salt

3/4 cup of ginger (roughly 6 inches), smashed with the back of a cleaver. (If u like to eat ginger, by all means, slice it or julienne it)
2 tbsp oil
4 cups water

200 gm grey oyster mushroom (torn to smaller pieces)

1. Marinate chicken pieces with salt for 15 minutes.
2. Heat wok, fry ginger with oil until slightly golden.
3. Put in marinated chicken and stir fry for 3-4 minutes.
4. At this point, if you want to discard some oil, you may do so.
5. Pour in water and bring to a boil. Simmer chicken soup on medium heat for 10 minutes.
6. Add in oyster mushrooms and simmer for another 3 minutes.
7. Taste and place onto a bowl.


  1. Hey Wendy,

    I tried this recipe yesterday evening and it's delicious! I did julienne the ginger though because i love the spicy strong taste of it. I think next time I'm gonna try it with chicken keel or ribs instead as the thigh is quite oily for my liking.

  2. Shazzac,
    I remove fatty bits before I cook this.
    Breast or keel will be a good choice too.

  3. Tried and it was good...perfect for the current chilly wearher :)
    Thanks Wendy!


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