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Friday, August 15, 2008

Lydia's Birthday

My daughter will be having her Cow One soon... kekeke.... Wot's that??

In cantonese, 'ngau yat' is a nickname for birthday.. and it's her
1st birthday!!!!!

She's going to have 3 parties! One this Sunday, the next on next Saturday and the next on next, next Sunday. 3 parties over 3 weekends. The actual date is Aug 28.

Why so many?? Just take it as, she's loved by too many people!

I'll be cooking for the first and last party.

Menu for 1st party: (few kiddies in mind)
Lasagna, Stock Fried Rice Vermicelli, Chicken Ham Sandwiches, Honey Chicken Wings, Pink Dragon Fruit Jelly, Tuna Patties, Caesar salad, Flower Pot Cakes, and Ribena

Menu for 3rd party: (all adults, except Lydia)
Kerabu Bihun, Spaghetti Bolognese, Garlic Baked Potatoes, Coleslaw, Mango pudding, Honey Chicken Wings and lime juice, and of course, birthday cake! No exact plan yet on what cake to bake..

This was taken when she was just 15 days

I will be posting abt her parties...

Btw.... I still dunno the gender of the bun in my oven.. it's 21 weeks now

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