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Saturday, August 9, 2008

Wintermelon Tea 冬瓜茶

Days are hot...

Wintermelon tea is a nice drink to cool down a bit

There's this Malaysian brand of drinks called Yeo's and to me, they make the best asian beverages (in packaged form, of course)

And they do have Wintermelon Tea as well... rather pricey.. About RM4 (depends on where u buy) for half a dozen of 250ml packs.

Well, I decided to try and make mine... all for less than RM8 for 4L of Wintermelon tea or more.

To make a less sweet version, just wash (or even soak in cold water) the dried wintermelon pieces to get rid some of the sugar.. if u prefer sweeter, just leave them as they are. Don't cut on on the wintermelon if u want it less sweet, that way, u'll cut on the aroma too...

3 cups dried wintermelon pieces (washed and sliced thinly to release flavour)
1/2 cup dried longan
5 L water (the dired wintermelon will soak up a lot, and you'll be left with about 4L

Bring water to a boil and put in dried longan and wintermelon slices. Simmer for 1 hour.
Strain the beverage and leave to cool before chilling in the fridge.


  1. Wintermelon tea, I usually drink the soy ones, would love to try wintermelon but I don't see it in stores.

  2. ms 2 be,

    Where are u from?? I can't see ur blog. Tx for dropping by.

    In Malaysia Yeo's packet drinks range consists of Sugarcane, Lychee, Chrysanthemum, Green Tea, Soy, Herbal Tea, and not forgetting, wintermelon. Hmm.. did I leave out anything else.. Besides Justea range, which are flavoured tea.

  3. Hi,
    Is dried winter melon pieces the same as gula kundur? I wanted to try this and just bought without thinking....Now I'm not sure its the same thing because I think it looks more like rock sugar than dried winter melon....

  4. Jiyuu,
    kundur is Malay for wintermelon.
    Gula kundur means candied wintermelon.
    You've bought the right thing.
    Rinse of the upper layer of sugar if you are worried about it being too sweet, but don't rinse after u cut it.


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