My dear blog readers,
Today I visited my gynae, and he told me, that my baby is fully engaged and will be out anytime soon... I'm 37wks+4 by today
So, I might not be posting anytime soon... but will resume to my passion of cooking and baking when I'm in better health later on. Or maybe I'l post confinement recipes during my confinement.... dunno yet...
Keeping my fingers crossed that it'll be soon. baby's at 3.3kg now..rather big.....
New Youtube Channel
Now that my home's internet speed is upgraded, I can make more videos!
This is my new channel
Please subscribe!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Thanks for dropping by my blog.
All comments are greatly appreciated.
If you have tried any of the recipes and blogged about it, please provide a link so that others may have a look at it too :)
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From 15/11/13 onwards, I will NOT reply comments with no name.
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