No signs of labour so far.. it's oredi 28 Dec today. A day past my due date.
Baby's rather big, 8 pounds or 3.6kg as on monday. Doc's rather worried about the size. Lydia was only 6.5lbs, or 2.93kg at birth.
So, he won't let me past my due date for long, scared baby will get too big for me.
Tomorrow, Monday, 29th... will be pain day. The day when I will be induced.
I remember being induced when I had Lydia, the pain was.....urrghhh!!!! Well, my waters broke.
Utterly breathless!
I didn't have time to breathe, having severe contractions with just seconds in between to breathe, and I was only 4cm dilated.
I can't stand it anymore! Epidural please!!!!!
Hubby's oredi said, epidural again this time. It's difficult for him to see me having so much pain..
I still have to wait and see... who knows I might have natural contractions tonight, w/o waters breaking. Then I might build up my own pain resistance and refuse the epidural.
I don't know, I just don't know, and I'm anxious.
I'll be going thru traditional chinese confinement, where I will be lavishly fed with all sorts of goodies, chicken essence daily, lots of ginger and herbal concoctions. If one is not careful, one may end up like a fattened goose at the end of the period. Anyone that may be interested in what I had during my confinement, can get a copy of my menu. Just tell me.
I will not endure unhygienic confinement practices like not bathing(I bathe with maternity herbal bath infusion) or not touching water(I've heard that some are not even allowed to wash hands, imagine after going to the loo!!!), altho I will endure not washing my hair, at least the first 12 days). Well,my baby won't be playing with my hair, so to give the old folks the peace of mind, I'd endure this.
I just wonder, how can one take practices that were used in cold China and apply them in hot & humid Malaysia?? Even chinese herbs has to be refrigerated here, if not, they'll go mouldy. I guess I might turn mouldy too if I don't bathe for a month. YUCKS!
We're going to name our baby, Lyanne ... pronounced as lee-ann
Lyanne Chua May Thung
May Thung 美彤 means beautiful red.
Lyanne... mommy, papa and jie jie(Lydia) are waiting for u.... please be quick..
New Youtube Channel
Now that my home's internet speed is upgraded, I can make more videos!
This is my new channel
Please subscribe!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
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wish u all the best, gal.. take care.. am sure u r a great mama..
ReplyDeleteHi Wendy
ReplyDeleteBeen enjoying reading your blog and all your wonderful receipes:) )
Am preparing for my next confinement, saw some of your confinement dishes and they looks pretty yumm..will be interested in your full confinement menu. Would really appreciate if you could send me a copy?Regards
ReplyDeleteIt's available my blog now,
You can type in the search box "confinement menu" and you will get it.