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Thursday, October 2, 2014

Farewell Asian Food Fest....

It's been a great 12 months.
Seriously great!

A big thank you to all my hosts, Alan, Lena, Shannon, Annie, Sharon, Alice, Alvin, Kelly, Swee San and Grace.
Thank you for writing the write up, hosting and doing all the postings and cooking to spur others into trying out Asian cuisine, and most probably going out of our own comfort zone. It wasn't easy and I'm glad it all turned out well.

Thank you to all fellow bloggers who participated, and sorry if there were instances when we had to send you a PM for certain issues. I hope that you will forgive me.

And lastly, thank you all the readers who have supported this event in your very own way. Thank you.

And as for those who remember, I mentioned before that there will be an event that focuses on China's cuisine. I am not the organizer, and the organizer mentioned to me, that we shall take a few month's rest.

I would also like to apologize to everybody as I seem less proactive this time compared to MFF.
I do hope that my blogging mojo will come back soon, as now I am feeling great slacking...... not a good news eh! Haha.

Here is the original AFF page with all the FAQ's, if you like to read it.

And here is our Facebook page of which you can access for as long as it lasts :)

And here are all the monthly events..... have a look

West Asia
Hong Kong and Macau
India Subcontinent
French Indochina

or just scroll all the way down!


  1. Hi Wendy, you are doing a great job with AFF. It a good resource for us and we have learned a lot from this event. I was looking at Lena's post on Thailand. Many great dishes to try when I visit the country next month. All the best.

  2. MFF or AFF, you have done an incredible job, Wendy! Your blog posts are still wonderful, never mind how many posts you managed. You have 3 kids, hubby, house to care for, plus teaching, and blogging..... that's multi - tasking. I have been too lazy to blog since start of year. My bad habit comes back... i only enjoy cooking/baking. Hates to take notes, edit photos and to blog about it. Takes up too much time.

  3. Kimmy,
    Wah, so nice can visit Thailand. Enjoy your trip and jiak bao bao ooooo

  4. Fong,
    Thankyou for the encouragement.
    I hope I can be more 'siu sar' and just let go of everything, haha. But so wasted after so many years effort.

  5. Hi Wendy! What an excellent job u hv done! I always admire yr fully charged energy and ability of multitasking. My energy is going to die off anytime, and 'almost' giving up........

  6. Well done Wendy! You have done an incredible job. I love all your posts, they always well written and beautifully photographed. Hope you'll continue to post as I have learnt a lot from your blog and I would like to thank you for your generosity and passion.


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