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Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Waterchestnut and Lotus Root Drink 马蹄莲藕水

The current El Nino heat wave in Malaysia is making many children sick.

2 of my 3 kids are down with on and off fever, with the highest temperature recorded at 39.5C. Many of their friends are down with fever too. Schools in the states of Perlis and Kedah are closed to keep children indoors, as public schools do not have air conditioning.

In my school, ice water is available for the students and all outdoor activities are postponed until further notice. This heat is not our usual hot days.

Some time ago, I made this drink out of curiousity and I find it to taste good and refreshing.

Waterchestnut is considered cooling in TCM and lotus root is believed to dispel pathogenic heat. I kept it in the fridge and it felt to good to have a serving of this when the weather is so hot.

The ingredient proportion is adjustable to your own preference. Use more or less water, as preferred.
The lotus root I used is the local fresh lotus root that is crunchy, and normally used for stir frying (see hot and sour stir fried lotus root recipe). It is different than the ones imported from China that we use to boil soup with. (Lotus root soup recipe)

As both waterchestnuts and lotus roots grow in ponds or lakes with mud around them, it is always better to lightly cook it instead of eating them raw.

Waterchestnut and Lotus Root Drink 马蹄莲藕水

by WendyinKK

1 ft long fresh young lotus root (around 3 nodes)
10 water chestnuts
2 blades of pandan leaf (optional), tied into a knot
Rock sugar to taste
2L of water

1. Peel lotus root and waterchestnuts. Slice thinly or chop them.
2. Bring water to boil, and add in pandan leaf, waterchestnuts and lotus root. Add in some rock sugar.
3. Simmer until rock sugar melts.
4. Turn off the heat and let it cool down before chilling.

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