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Thursday, November 2, 2017

Coconut Pancakes

My mom used to make this quite often whenever she had extra coconut milk from our weekly kaya making sessions. But since she doesn't use measurements, they always come out different. LOL.

The version I made today is inspired by a popular backpacker's cafe in Tanah Rata, Cameron Highlands, called T Cafe (now renamed to Lord's Cafe). I read online (prior to my trip) that it was one of the most popular items on the menu, and so I ordered it. It arrived as one large round thin pancake, at least 10 inches big at 2-3mm thick. When I tasted it... it was a soft thin pancake that reminded me of Mom's coconut pancake but it had a nice hint of lime. Sprinkled on top was toasted coconut. That piece of thin pancake wasn't cheap and 1 slice didn't make me feel even 1/8 full.

This time.... I ate to my heart's content. My hubby enjoyed it, and him being the tang hater, asked me to skip the lime for his portion, if I were to make it again.
My eldest didn't quite enjoy it, as compared to regular crepes or pancakes. She doesn't like anything coconut much
My 2nd girl loved it.
My boy loves it too. He's a coconut lover, just like mommy.

Coconut Pancakes

by WendyinKK
Makes six 9inch pancakes

120gm plain flour
100ml coconut milk
275ml water
3 Tbsp sugar, or as you please
1 egg
2 Tbsp grated coconut (optional)

Butter for greasing pan
Lime wedges
1/2 cup Toasted grated coconut*
Extra brown sugar for sprinkling

1. Mix coconut milk with water and egg.
2. Mix flour with sugar. Make a well and pour half of the coconut milk into the flour mixture. Stir with a whisk until smooth. Pour in the balance of coconut milk and stir.
3. Add in grated coconut and leave it for 1 hour.
4. Heat a frying pan on medium low heat and lightly grease it with butter.
5. Pour some batter into the pan and swirl it around. (I used around +/-100ml for each pancake) Let
6. Fry the pancake until the edges turn golden brown.
7. Squeeze some lime juice over the pancake (I used 1/4 of a lime for one pancake and don't squeeze in one spot). Lightly sprinkle some toasted coconut (about 1tsp)and fold the pancake.
8. Serve, with extra lime wedges, toasted coconut and brown sugar

*Toast grated coconut in a pan until it turns slightly brownish and fragrant.

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