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Saturday, November 25, 2017

It's been 10 years!

Hello to all,

Today marks my blog's 10 year anniversary.

I started blogging after I had my first child and this year she turned 10 in August. The first recipe that I blogged about was the Moist Chocolate Cake that I bake quite often. And until this day, I've posted 1288 posts, of which should be around 1200 recipes, at least. Many of the recipes are with referred sources (usually with some personal adaptations to suit my preference) and recreated by me without any recipe to refer to, and I'm always proud of the recipes that I created by myself.

Looking back.... My most active years were 2010-2013 and in 2010 I posted for mostly 6 days a week. 2011 I slowed down a bit due to my house move and a new baby. I really slowed down when I went back to work. I tried hard to upkeep my tempo, but it was hard. Even when I finally resigned and left the working world, it's hard to go back to how it was.

Why did I resign from my lifelong paying job as a Government School Teacher then? Blogging earns alot, right, with all the high readershipI get....... Some people tend to think I earn a lot from blogging. If USD20 a month is a lot, please .... I'm really not earning enough to even buy the annual amount of butter I use in a year. Being a mother is difficult. Being torn between children and work, I chose to stay home and be just a mother and wife. I didn't resign to focus full time on blogging.

Maybe sometimes I felt silly, that I share recipes for free, and some people, knowing that my created recipe works, just use it for commercial publication that isn't for free. This type of feeling just makes me feel demotivated. But what can I do? I feel happy when people try the recipes I shared and feedback to me. And I am happy with all the new friends I made on Facebook when reader connect to me, and that's what I should focus on.

Many years ago, I was tagged by ShuHan from Mummy I can Cook to do a '7 posts' post. I responded to her invite, but I did it the wrong way instead by listing my fav 7. LOL. I guess I should revisit that and do it right this time.

1. The most beautiful post
2. The most popular post
3. The most controversial post
4. The most helpful post
5. The post that was surprisingly successful
6. The post that did not get the attention it deserved
7. The post I'm most proud of

1. The most beautiful post

I don't know.... the most beautiful..... maybe the rainbow ones? Like Rainbow no bake Cheesecake, Rainbow Jelly, Rainbow this rainbow that?

To me I find it most heartwarming to write about my children, but as time goes by, they are growing up and I should refrain from posting too much about them. And I do get feedback from readers saying how much they loved it when I wrote about my children, about them growing up, the pain and the worries and the joy... They are beautiful to me, and beautiful to write about.

The carousel cake could spin

But if it's about the most beautiful creation I've ever done... it will be the Montebello Torte. Utterly delicious and beautiful.

2. The most popular post

All time popular :
1. Mrs NgSK Butter Cake
2. The Best Melt in the Mouth Pineapple Tarts
3. French Buttercream
4. Coconut Raspberry Lemon Cake
5. Batik Cake
6. Ratatouille
7. Homemade Pineapple Jam
8. Arrowhead Chips
9. Mango Cheese Charlotte
10. Durian Cheesecake

#3, #4,and #6 is popular because of Pinterest. They were being pinned and pinned and pinned.
#9 was due to a feature by a prominent website and #10 was due to a feature by AFC.
#2, #7 and #8 were popular Chinese New Year recipes and #1 was the all time ever popular unexpectedly viral recipe.

Dessert recipes are definitely most popular on my blog, but I love cooking savoury dishes more.

3. The most controversial post

I will say... it's " KL Hokkien Noodle "

The controversy didn't happen on the blog, but due to the video on Youtube.
I am not a Youtuber, not purposely making the video as Youtube content, but as supporting content to my blog post. Instead it garnered a lot of negative comments about how it was being cooked, saying that's not how hawkers cook it or the original method, or how slow I was in cooking just one noodle dish.

Oh well, haters are gonna hate. They didn't read the wordings or understood the title of the video, saying it's a method for home stoves of which doesn't have the same heating as a commercial stove.

And I was really worried when I recreated Kampar popular hawker fares..... worried that I get backlash for trying to be smartypants and then spreading the recipes around..... it's people's lifelihood, and me trying to crack their recipes... it was a scary period, hahahaha!

4. The most helpful post

I think..... it could be "How to keep spring onions for days or weeks ". There were a handful of positive feedback from this tip.

Usually it's my step by step picture recipes that I get feedback that it was helpful.
8-9 years ago, it was the Orange chiffon cake that helped many because back then, the novice baking scenario was way different from now, there aren't many pictorial guides around, unless one buys a book, even that, books back then don't contain that many pictures.

Some also find my Homemade Pineapple Jam to be helpful, because I talk about choosing pineapples and why this why that... well, if you don't find me long winded.

5. The post that was surprisingly successful

I was really taken by surprise by Mrs NgSK's butter cake.

It was just a butter cake, I thought. And everybody knows how to bake butter cakes, so it seems to me, cos every body who bakes when I was a child seems to make only butter cakes. And I thought not many people like to eat butter cake, because I always hear people saying it's fattening with so much butter and so old fashioned and easily available at even coffee shops.

The only problem with the one I make and the one sold is that, mine cracked like crazy. That's why I decided to ask Mrs Ng for her recipe ratio. The response I got from that posting was overwhelming and the recipe frenzy went worldwide with many Youtube videos being made by others to show how to bake this cake. Mrs Ng herself told me, she was really surprised and happy that her friends from overseas responded to her that it was very popular wherever they are.

Another one will be "Nasi Goreng Kampung". Oh my..... this one.
My picture was used by many Ala-Thai restaurants in Malaysia in their menu. Good thing is they never removed the watermark, so they never claimed it's theirs. My readers wrote to me either through email or Facebook, reporting all these restaurants who are using them. So, maybe that leads to all the hits to the recipe. LOL. It's just a very common fried rice.... and I thought huh? Why? What a way to get famous, hahaha.

6. The post that did not get the attention it deserved

I think, it has to be Kuih Bangkit.

Kuih Bangkit recipes were really popular back when I started blogging, and many people seem to want to try making them. But the feedback I read from all the recipes were also not that good because making traditional cookies that need a feel of the hand is hard to gauge. I do hear that the outcome is crunchy, or hard or total failure that they have to be discarded. Many people tend to be scared to try it again.

I, never thought of making it, because it's cheap to buy from factory made ones, of which are tasty too, but since it's a favourite of many in my family, I decided to try making some. It really was tricky, and I managed to make a precise recipe that doesn't need gauging after a few attempts. But maybe times have changed and, people after failing multiple times from previous attempts, could no longer be interested to try making kuih bangkit, LOL! That's what I was told in Facebook. It's the phobia of failing again!

It's ok, but at least I have a recipe that I like to use now, my own recipe.

7. The post I'm most proud of

I have won two competitions before, a cooking and a baking one. But I don't really feel proud of winning and blogging about them. I'm just happy that I've got them done.

I love recreating recipes of food that I have eaten before. Making the right guesses always makes me jump in delight. I'm happy when my senses are accurate, when I could get it right because it's a sense of personal achievement.

I'm most proud of the family recipes that I could recreate. It feels like I didn't let the flavours die off. It's never about winning competitions.

Kwongsai Stuffed Tofu

Pan Fried Pork of Grandaunt's

I hope I will continue to blog for as long as I can, I need to get my mojo back. Blogging nowadays isn't like how it was 10 years ago... the scene has gone quiet. I'm not talking about comments, but a lot of my fellow blogging friends have slowed down, as much as I did, or worse many have stopped.

Pray for me, that my passion for sharing will continue to burn.
Til then.... Happy School Holidays to all Malaysians.


  1. Certainly you are not the best food blogger in the world, but you are my favorite! Your recipes, your photography, and after knowing you more via Facebook, I love your personality as well!


    1. Rose,
      thank you for allowing me to get to know you too.
      One day , we shall meet up for a cup of tea :-)
      Congrats to you on your new book!

  2. Congrats on 10th anniversary blogging! I might be a slient follower but I emensely enjoy you blog.continue blogging,looking forward to many more years of blogging.

  3. i was seaeching i internet for authentic Hainanese pau that it led to your blog. I was thrilled to read about the texture diffrences between dimsum and old-school Hainan pau. Maybe there are some written in Chinese but I cant read, therefore your contribution write up about it is totally a treasure worthy to keep. Being borned to a pau making Hainanese father, not many non-Hainanese friends are aware or know the different texture. Thank you so much Wendy! Your pineapple tart jam is another treasure. I printed out those recipe and archived them in arch files. I dont trust digital nor internet because some bloggers suddenly blocked public viewing and some may de-activate them.

  4. Tahniah Wendy. Teruskan usaha berblogging. Blog Wendy sangat kemas dan cantik! Banyak perkongsian maklumat dan resepi Amie dapat dari sini.

  5. Hi Wendy, I am also a stay at home mum to three girls. One is away in college now and two more teenagers about to leave in the next few years but it’s absolutely worth it! You get the chance to impact your children’s life and mold their thoughts. Your children will thank you someday!
    By the way, your post on Mrs SK Ng’s butter cake is well loved by many. I only bake this cake for special occasions!! Please know that even though you may not post as often, your recipes continue to bless many. ��

  6. Hi Wendy, Congratulations on reaching such a significant milestone. I love reading your blog. Coming from Kampar and a former student at ACS too, I love your posts regarding Kampar food especially the Jau Yuen (fried fish balls) post. The recipe I used the most from your blog is the char siew filling which I use frequently for steam bao and siew pau. Thank you so much for being so generous in sharing. - P/Han

  7. Oh Wendy,
    Thank you for ten years of slogging and the incredible generousity in sharing your expertise in recipes, cooking hacks and life experiences with the world.
    Doubt you realise the full impact of the joy and positivity your work has brought to the WORLD!!! Your Mrs Ng's buttercake recipe has gone viral globally and is used by many bakers, just look up youtube! Your recipes not only work, the background story behind each one transports readers using those recipes to a happy, happy place of warmth and love. You are a credit to the betterment of our asian culinary heritage and culture. More than just as an amazing food blogger you are a food institution for SE Asia. That's why you are my all time favouritest blogger. Happy 10 year anniversary and thanks for all your efforts and generousity. [Please threaten legal recourse to those profitting from your hard work unethically.]

  8. iam glad to find your blog .your creative dessert ideas, cakes, buns make me good cook to my family .love your blog may god bless you for ever. from.. one of your srilakan fan( big fan)

  9. Wow! That's milestone to commemorate, Wendy! I have been a long time follower (way before I started my own) and your blog was one of my inspirations. I also want to thank you for dropping a comment on my earliest posts. I was thrilled and it gave me much encouragement. Your writing, your recipes and your beautiful photos are much admired. So here's to another 10 more years to come! Please keep blogging :)

  10. U r an inspiration. Do.not.stop.

  11. Congratulations (*_*), when I start read is your confinement blog, although I am silent reader, really happy your kindly sharing wonderful recipe.Honesty, I love to keep dumpling leaf pork recipe but I never try yet,lot recipe in my waiting list.Cheers,thank you, wish you have a more 10 years,good try + good recipe + successful

  12. Hi Wendy,

    Congrats on your 10 anniversary of blogging
    I enjoy reading your blog and hv tried many of your recipes.
    It's alright to slow down but please do not stop. 加油! 加油!


  13. I just love visiting your blog. I love the way you show the step by step. The beautiful pics, the wonderful recipe. You even made it easy for us. I can print or save it in PDF at a click of a button. I love this. Cant find it in other blogs. You gave me confidence to cook and bake. I check your blog without fail everyday. How u started as a teacher, then a mother, and winner the cooking contest, conducting contest, create your monthly theme. You made us proud. You are a superwoman. Although I am a silence reader, but I am a great supporter. Whenever I need a recipe, I would always come to your blog. I miss when u started to teach again. Your blogging became less active. Keep on blogging, dun let it stop. Your are my inspiration. Congratulations on your 10th year anniversary. Keep up the good job !!! Cindy Lye

  14. Well done. You have blessed many through your blog. Keep going.

  15. I don't leave comments often enough, I want to say thank you for generously sharing your recipes and stories. You're really easy to like, congratulations & happy anniversary!

  16. Bravo Wendy for making it this far. Really appreciate all the recipes and hard work especially figuring out how to recreate those delicious food you've tasted and sharing it with us.
    Keep up the good work & looking forward to many more good stories & recipes from you.

  17. Dear wendyikk, i am one of those who was taken up with your post on MrsNgSK's Butter Cake recipe. My other personal favourite is the Mocha Checkerboard Cake.. Like your husband, mine enjoyed it as well. I wanted to leave you a note to let you know that when my spirits are down, I visit your blog to get an uplift -- 10/10 times it works.. So as I write this, I am a little teary eye-ed. Thank you for your dedication and most of all your generosity.. It takes a special kind of person to blog and your 10th anniversary is a sure testament of what a special person you are. Wishing you only the best always and I will continue to be your No 1 Fan:)

  18. pls dont ever stop blogging! I love your blog. :)

  19. Congratulation. Love your blog. You are one of my favorite food blogger. Thanks for your generosity in sharing your recipes.

  20. Hi Wendy!

    Happy 10th Anniversary of blogging.!

    I'm a recent reader who stumbled upon the awesome recipe of MrsNgSK ButterCake. Made it last Sunday and it turned out deliciously awesome - altered the sweetness but still turn out soft, yummy and melt in my mouth!

    I understand that at times people tend to take these recipes and sell them but from my experience,as I usually bring extra's to office (as I share-share fats together in the office) friends/colleagues tend to ask if I could bake it for them, especially if its an awesome recipe like this simple MrsNgSK ButterCake.

    Just want to say thank you for sharing awesome stuff online because it helps people like me - spread the joy of eating great home made dessert..!

  21. eNazZ,
    Thanks for the feedback. I reduce the sugar when I bake this nowadays, tone down a bit.
    It's ok to sell bakes made from recipes on this blog.
    It's not ok to copy my recipes in word form, publish in a book and sell the book for gains.

  22. Hi Wendy

    Congratulations on your 10th year anniversary on blogging. I just wanted to say thank you for all your wonderful recipes throughout the years, it’s provided a lot of joy and comfort to many of us living overseas and missing home. I have been a big fan for most of the ten years. In fact whenever I want a Malaysian recipe or cooking inspiration, I start my search by looking through your blog. Keep blogging and keep inspiring. All the best Wendy!

  23. Hi Wendy,
    Congratulations !!

    It was MrsNgSK's butter cake recipe which lead me to your blog years ago. Since then it become my family fav tea break cake till to date. I would says, this is 1 of the reason for me to venture in baking seriously. Now I am a part time baker. Pls keep blogging as your blog indirectly inspire many people out there.

  24. Congratulations! I am a silent follower and I enjoy reading your blog. Thank you for sharing the recipes, especially the detailed instructions. Keep up the good work.

  25. I was actively reading your posts between 2010-2013. But after i returned to my work since 2014, I hardly had time to do so.
    Occasionally, I will come back here, because I like to read your write up! Will not miss every single post of you. Please continue your good work! Table for 2 or more!

  26. Congratulations Wendy! Love your posts....and the recipes.

  27. Hi Wendy,
    Thank you for sharing your tested recipes with no restraint. I've tried some online recipes, only to be dissappointed with the outcome. However, your recipes are truly sincere, genuine and honest. I really appreciate your sharing and hope to keep trying out your recipes.
    Keep blogging keep sharing. You are truly an inspiration :)


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