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Monday, December 7, 2020

Product Review: Origin Superior Coolmax® Latex Pillow

Normally I don’t do product reviews, but if I happen to really need it, I will. So about a month ago, sleep quality has deteriorated, and I actually blame it on my pillow, it’s been very much well used over the years. And then I received an email asking if I will do a review for some latex bedding products. 

I checked out their website to find out about their products, it helps me to decide, to accept this collaboration or not. Now... I grew up sleeping on latex beddings, and still do. Yes my current King Size is a latex bed (it’s 10 years already and I’m thinking to change it) but too bad. King size mattress wasn’t in their list for me. I was contemplating, should I should I not because a mattress at the wrong size is quite troublesome. 

So in the end, I just chose two pillows instead of a mattress. 

The Origin Superior Coolmax® Latex Pillows arrived two weeks after I agreed ..... and I just can’t wait to try it out! 

Thanks to Origin for the pillows and do drop by Best in Singapore read to know more about pillows

Origin Mattress

Best in Singapore 

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