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Monday, February 2, 2009

Lyanne's Full Moon

We didn't really celebrate it this time.. cos her full moon is during Chinese New Year. U know la, Chinese New Year is difficult to get restaurants.

As for Lydia last time, we had a lunch reception in Kampar, and a week later, another dinner in Kuala Kangsar.

We didn't do the head shaving thing or other chinese belief practices, as we believe that my daughter is pure and clean even from the day she is born, no need so wash away the bad stuff.

Her life is in Gods' hands and we rest assured that God will lead the way for her.

So, this time, I prepared gift packs to "reply" the gifts that were given to her by friends and family.
I didn't order, cos, I don't want to force myself to deliver everything on the same day, plus, during CNY season, people may not be at home. And the ordered stuff cannot be kept. So, if I have extras, what to do with it? That's why I decided to DIY.

What's in the box------- Pickled ginger, pickled papaya, red eggs, Angku agar-agar and cake (choc or sponge cups(2 pandan, 2 coffee, and 2 orange. The orange ones shrunk, dunno why, but still tasted ok))

The pickled stuff were prepared my my confinement lady before she went back for CNY (she was off a week earlier), and I didn't want to order traditional angkus, as they cannot be kept and I don't think many people will want to eat them. Agar ones are better.

I started giving away the packs since the 3rd week, few days before CNY, like my colleagues, as I knew they'd be away for a week. And on the 1st day CNY I gave away gifts to friends and relatives on my side of the family, as I went back for CNY on day one. Hubbys' side mostly were given away 2 days b4 CNY. And by today, the last 2 packs, done! Why overdue? Cos I can only see them today.

It may be time consuming or tiring to prepare these stuff DIY. KK is not a place where I can get Ayamas or other shops to order full moon gift packs. Altho there are people taking orders here, but it's troublesome for me in the end, in the event of delivering. I'd rather DIY, so that I can take my own sweet time.

Lyanne's been good so far, feeding and sleeping well. Thank God!
And my confinement has come to an end! Woohooo!!!!!!

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