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Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Cassava Bibingka - AFF Philippines~ Merienda #1

July is the month of Philippines delights! Hop over to Swee San's blog to read up more about our event this month.

For the past few months you have been reading so much savoury recipes on my blog and this month I'm going to turn sweet tooth. I know many of my fellow Facebook friends are waiting for this month.

I have always been interested to try out the cakes and sweet stuff from Philippines. They do have a huge liking for sweet things, desserts, pastries and have a pastry scene on their own with many local favourites.

And for this week, I'm going to try out two meriendas, or something we will call as 'kuih' locally. After reading up on Pinoy cuisine, actually I do find many similarities with the local cuisine. As we are from the same region, there is bound to have something in common.

As for this merienda, we have something similar here as well, and it's called Bingka Ubi. The Pinoy version comes with a custard layer that is sometimes laced with cheese. It is also much richer than the local version.

I made this for a potluck many months back, and my friends told me they like it. This recipe has the sugar level lowered (by about 60%) and adjusted to the local tastebud. But the thing about sugar is always a personal issue, you can add more if you prefer.

Cassava Bibingka

by WendyinKK
Reference: Panlasang Pinoy

Cassava Base
500gm finely grated cassava
125gm coconut milk
125gm sweetened condensed milk
65 gm evaporated milk
65 gm sugar
2 eggs

Custard Top
100gm coconut milk
1 tsp flour
50gm condensed milk
1 egg yolk
Grated cheddar (optional)

1. Prepare a 8 inch square pan and line it with banana leaf or grease it. Preheat oven at 180C.
2. Combine all ingredients for the base and pour it into the prepared pan.
3. Bake for around 50 minutes, or until it turns lightly golden and feels firm.
4. Remove the cassava base from the oven. Cook the custard top in a sauce pan until it starts to thicken, like a runny sauce. Then pour it over the cassava base.
5. Bake the top layer it until it sets.
6. Remove it from the oven and sprinkle cheese over. Grill/Use top heat at 180C until the cheese melts and turn golden.

I am submitting this to Asian Food Fest Philippines Month


  1. Wendy, I am so looking forwards to the Filipino kueh/cakes that you will be sharing :)

  2. Wendy your cassava kuih looks so tempting and beautiful too. Wish I could have a piece.

  3. So similar to one of our kuih-muih. Sweet start to AFF Phillipines :).

  4. Hi Wendy, I cant find evaporated milk, can I use whole milk or cream? Thank you

  5. Pham Tra,
    Both will work.
    Whole milk will make it less rich and cream will make it richer. But they can be used.

    1. Thank you so much. I check your blog everyday, I really enjoy your work.

  6. Phong Hong,
    Me too!

    make la, and join us, hehehe.

    Not as sweet, hehehehe.

    Vi Vian,
    yes, a lot of things are similar but not the same

    Like confetti topping?

  7. Dear Wendy,

    I don't have a sweet tooth and prefer savoury treats but this cassava tray look brilliant and I love your artistic photography.

  8. Hi Wendy,
    This cassava kuih look special with custard topping. Looking forward to more of your Filipino Kueh.

  9. Hi Wendy, I have just made it today. It turns out so good. It makes me remember the one I ate when I was young in my country.


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