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Monday, July 7, 2014

Inipit - AFF Philippines- Merienda cakes #1

Inipit is a specialty from the region of Bulacan of Philippines.,created by Eurobake bakery.
It's like a sandwich, made with chiffon cake layers and filled with a potato custard.

When I saw the video on how it's being sandwiched.. it seems that the cake is very thin. And the custard mixture was kind of brownish orangey... something like as if it's made with sweet potatoes or has hints of caramel. Oh well, I just followed some online recipes and made it. It may not look the same as the one from Eurobake, and I couldn't get a taste of the real thing, so I can't comment much about how close it is.

I have adjusted the cake recipe to fit my trays sized 12X16. If you were to use 2 pcs 10X10inch trays, you can scale the recipe down to a 6 egg recipe. And don't forget to scale down the filling's recipe to 2/3 of the amount as well. I also reduced the sugar to almost half of the original amount and frankly... it may still be on the sweet side for the local tastebud.

My dear potato loving girl detected the potato in the filling with just one bite, hahaha. Maybe you can try this and make your 'customers' guess what's in the filling. To me, it's something like the lotus seed filling in mooncakes, so, you can try to imagine before you make this.


Reference: Angsarap and Lutong Pinas
Tray size: 2 trays of 12X16 inches 

Yolk Mixture
160gm plain flour + 1 tsp baking powder
8 egg yolks
100gm sugar
6 Tbsp milk (90ml)
1 tsp vanilla extract

8 egg whites
100gm sugar
1/2 tsp cream of tartar

300gm potato (peeled weight)
60gm butter
3 egg yolks
80gm sugar
125ml milk
3 Tbsp condensed milk
Zest from 1 lime or some lemon zest

Prepare filling.
1. Cut potato into chunks and boil until soft. Mash it together with butter.
2. In a bowl, beat egg yolks and sugar together until creamy. Boil both milks together and gently pour into the yolks, stirring all the while as you pour.
3. Return the yolk mixture to a non stick pan, pour in the mashed potatoes and lime zest.
4. Cook until the potato filling on medium heat until it takes on a translucent look (it looks opaque at first), it won't take longer than 5 minutes.
5. Let the filling cool down and it will thicken further. (cover it)

Prepare Sponge *
1. Preheat oven at 140(fan)/160C. Line 2 large trays with baking paper (12X16inch)
2. Sift flour with baking powder.Combine all ingredients for yolk mixture and mix until smooth.
3. Beat egg white until frothy. Add in cream of tartar and beat until soft peaks. Add in sugar gradually and beat until stiff (with a hook).
4. Fold half the meringue into the yolk mixture. Then pour the yolk mixture into the meringue, scrape the yolk mixture bowl clean and fold the meringue to combine.
5. Spread the batter into both pans and level it.
6. Bake for 22 minutes or until golden and done.

*I actually split the preparation as I don't want to risk preparing and baking two trays together.

1. Spread all the filling onto one cake layer, right on the crust.
2. Top with the other layer of cake, crust side down. Gently press it to adhere.
3. Peel the top paper away and place it back on.
4. With hands holding on to both sheets of paper, flip the cake and peel the other paper away.
5. Sift some icing sugar over and slice the cake to your preference.

Keep cake chilled if not consuming within the next few hours.


  1. You made this dessert looking so lovely! At first glance at your first pic, I thought it was bread slices.....

  2. the video of the woman looks like she was playing mahjong tiles - lol! Your inipit looks good!

  3. Hi Wendy, if I want to bake 2 trays at different time, how can I split the preparation? Thank you so much

  4. Pham Tra,
    I split the recipe for sponge into 2 portions and made the batter for one portion, baked it and made the 2nd portion of batter and baked it.

  5. i wouldn't have imagined that it was potato in it.


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