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Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Kueh Sarlat - AFF Singapore #4

My final AFF entry.....

Kuih Sarlat is known as Seri Muka here in Malaysia,  generally comes with white rice and green custardy layers. Seri Muka is the favourite of my man.. and also my little man now, haha!

This time, I shall try it with some blue pea extract, like how it's common in Singapore. I heard this colour combo is also found in Malacca... but it's for Singapore this round. No arguments please. Acknowledge the similarities, and embrace the differences.

I was careless this time around as I over steamed the custard layer, and hence.. the waves.... yeah, bring on the surfboard! I tried to find the smoothest pieces to shoot, hahaha!

This recipe is adapted from the Seri Muka recipe in my blog way back in 2009, and the original source of the recipe is from Rohani Jelani's Kuih Asli Malaysia cookbook.

Kueh Sarlat

Adapted from Kuih Asli Malaysia by Rohani Jelani

Rice layer
300gm glutinous rice
50ml coconut milk
200ml water
1 tsp salt
2to3 Tbsp of concentrated blue pea flower extract

Pandan Custard layer
150ml eggs (3 medium, grade B or C)
150ml coconut milk
150ml pandan juice
180gm sugar
15gm cornstarch
30gm all purpose flour

1. Soak rice for at least 2 hours. Drain. Put rice into a baking pan suitable for steaming. Mix it with coconut milk and salt. Add in water. Make sure the water is abt 3mm above the rice. If added in the stated amount and it seems slightly more, it’s ok. But not higher than 1cm definitely! If water level’s too low, add more water. Cos it depends on how well u drain the rice.
2. Steam rice on high heat for 20-30 minutes until rice turns translucent. Remove from heat and immediately fluff rice with a fork or chopstick. Remove 1/3 of the rice and mix the 1/3 with blue pea flower extract.
3. Place half the uncoloured rice into a 8 inch round pan or 7 inch square pan. Put all the blue rice evenly over the first layer of white rice. Then top up with balance of white rice. Level and press rice to compact it. U may either use a flat bottomed glass or a layer cake press. If ur hands are heat resistant, u may use it too!! Haha! But do it over a aluminium sheet or baking paper. Do this while the rice is still hot. Return compacted rice in pan to steamer and steam until custard is ready.
4. Mix all the ingredients for custard layer and cook in a heavy saucepan on low heat, stirring slowly all the time to ensure it doesn't burn until it thickens slightly. Remove from heat.
5. Pour (4) over compacted rice and steam on medium low heat for 25 minutes. Do not use high heat as it will cause the kuih surface to be uneven… suitable for surfing.
5. Cool kuih thoroughly before cutting into pieces.

I am submitting this to Asian Food Fest Singapore Month


  1. Oh I love this kuih. Thanks for the important tip about not over-steaming the Kuih.

  2. My favorite kuih, but no chance to try it out yet. Thanks for sharing!

  3. I will attempt this soon... need to pick out the rice from the glutinous rice?
    will it affect much?

  4. Yvonne,
    A good rice doesn't need picking. Sakura brand is one of the best that I've used. But actually doesn't matter much

  5. Lynn,
    thank you for your praises, actually I did a lot of reading for each country and I do not know much prior to that.
    According to the link you provided, it is mentioned that it is good for grilled meats.

  6. Hi Wendy,

    I know I am 4 years late to this! But I wanted to tell you: the reason why Singapore and Melaka both feature the bunga telang-laced glutinous rice is because of the Baba-Nyonyas, who are plentiful in Singapore and obviously Melaka (asal kita). We (I am a Baba) traditionally add air bunga telang like this *supposedly* to entice children to eat the kuih, but really, I think, because of the prettiness of the marbled effect, haha. Baba-Nyonyas are all about the cantik-ness of a thing :D


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