New Youtube Channel

Now that my home's internet speed is upgraded, I can make more videos!
This is my new channel
Please subscribe!

Friday, July 22, 2016

Papaya Pork Rib Soup 木瓜排骨汤

I didn't intend to boil this soup.

My BIL bought an immature papaya and although it looked ripe on the outside, inside it's still pale and crunchy. He didn't know what to do with it and so he handed it to me, so that it won't be wasted.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Strawberry Doughnut Cake

Two years ago, Lydia asked for a Doughnut cake on her 7th birthday.
Pink doughnut with sprinkles....
I made the cake earlier in the day. Did the strawberry syrup and reheated it to complete the glaze at night.

The only food colouring on this cake came with the sprinkles.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Bean Paste Pork Belly 豆酱爆猪腩肉

I'm back to staying home as a full time mother and wife. Left my life-long paying job. This is my first post after quitting but I guess I can't blog at the same pace as I did years ago.

Back in 2011, After I won Blogger’s Masterchef, we had a dinner with his side of relatives at SuperTanker somewhere in TTDI the same night itself. We ordered this plate of pork belly and my hubby loved it.

My man is a belly lover.

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