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Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Lotus Leaf Rice 荷叶饭

These lotus leaves are bought 4 years earlier. Haha, I just never got around making them. Actually I didn't intend to buy, but when I saw them at Aeon, I can't help but get a pack, just in case I don't see them anymore.

I wanted to recreate the mini Lotus Leaf rice packs, served during my wedding reception many years ago.

There are no fixed rules on how to make these. There are some that is just rice with meat, some are more luxurious. The main idea of using lotus leaves to wrap the rice and steam, is to infuse the rice with the fragrance of lotus leaves. That's just it. But always wrap with cooked rice as this parcel is not tied and boiled.

These rice parcels are perfect for a  make ahead meal. Just reheat it and it is ready to be served.

If I'm not mistaken, in Hong Kong, there is a rice wrapped in lotus leaves called as Lor Mai Kai 糯米鸡. But in Malaysia 糯米鸡 is steamed in a bowl instead. Lotus leaf rice seems to be another thing on its own here.

I find that my outcome had a brownish tinge on the rice. I am not sure if it's because of my aged leaves. When I parboiled my leaves during cleaning, the boiling water turned brown like Chinese Tea.

When I have lotus leaf rice at dimsum shops, I do not find that layer of brownish colour on the rice. Taste wise, it was not affected.

Lotus Leaf Rice 荷叶饭

by WendyinKK
Makes 12 small parcels

300gm glutinous rice, soaked for at least 2 hours or overnight.

1 Chinese sausage, chopped
1/2 cup diced Chinese mushrooms
Few dried scallops (conpoy), soaked overnight in the fridge to soften (reserve the soaking water)
1 Tbsp dried shrimp, soaked and chopped
1 shallot, sliced
4 salted egg yolks or more, steamed for 2 or 3 minutes.
3/4 tsp salt or more
Pepper to taste

4 or 5 lotus leaves
(boiled in a large wok of water for 5 minutes, rinse and divide into 4 pieces each)

1. Drain soaked rice.
2. Heat wok and put in 2 Tbsp of oil. On medium heat, cook Chinese sausages until fragrant and lightly golden, push aside (or dish up if you like).
3. Put in sliced shallots and saute until lightly golden, then add in chopped dried shrimp and cook until fragrant and the shallots would be golden by now.
4. Add in scallops and press with spatula. The scallops will turn to shreds and cook until the scallops are fragrant.
5. Put in diced mushrooms and push the Chinese sausages back into the wok center. Cook for a short while.
6. Put in rice, salt and pepper. Fry for 2 minutes. Put 1/2 tsp rice into your mouth and taste, then spit it out. Make sure it is under seasoned for now, but not bland.
7. Put rice into a heat proof container. Level the rice and heat up the scallop soaking water and pour over the rice. Top up with more hot water, until it just covers the rice.
8. Steam rice on high heat for 20 minutes.

The next instructions, please refer to pictures below.

To form:
1. Line a 8 inch square pan with plastic wrap.
2. Fluff the hot steamed rice with a fork or chopstick. Then place half of the rice into the lined pan.
3. Level the rice (No need to compress), then coarsely crumble salted egg yolk over.
4. Top with the balance of rice.
5. Cover with plastic wrap and compress the rice by using a flat bottomed glass or anything suitable.
6. Let the rice cool down and peel the top plastic wrap.
7. Flip the rice onto cutting board. Cut into 12 pieces.

Final assembly:
1. Place one piece of rice onto one piece of torn lotus leaf. Wrap as shown in picture.
2. Place the parcels, seam side down onto steaming rack. Steam the rice parcels for 15 minutes.

These rice parcels can be kept at room temperature for 8 hours, as long as they are not opened. Any longer, please chill it. Reheat by steaming. If you intend to keep it longer than 3 days, please freeze them.

We like it with a middle layer of salted egg yolk.
The ingredients I used


  1. Hi I can't really see clearly from the photos but when you wrap the rice, does it come in contact with the top side or underside of the leaves? The Hk dim sum teachers will say the underside will leach chlorophyll which causes a green or in ur case Brown tinge for the rice?

  2. kit,
    Thanks for the enlightenment.
    Frankly, I do not know which side I used, but all of them have a brown tinge on the surface, of which I suspect is tannin, rather than chlorophyll. The boiling water I used to soften the leaves, turned to look like pu-er tea. LOL.

  3. Kit,
    I think I used the top to wrap, cos when done, the veins show on the outer side.


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