New Youtube Channel

Now that my home's internet speed is upgraded, I can make more videos!
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Monday, May 29, 2017

Squid Curry

Bought a nice thick squid from the night market and I love squid.

I went through my kitchen to see what I have and cooked this. I'm not sure what to call it, taste is a bit like Thai Red Curry, but I didn't put in coriander root, nor did I use any kaffir lime rind, but just the leaf. There are no spices in it like an Indian curry.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Chocolate Sponge Cups

My kids bring food for school recess almost everyday. They prefer homemade and homecooked food rather than eating canteen food.

I made these one fine afternoon and my kids raved about them. It's the first time I'm recording this attempt down as I always make them without a fixed recipe. I just put in whatever I feel like putting.

Monday, May 22, 2017

Pork Belly and Daikon Stew 萝卜焖猪肉

I love this dish from Mixed Rice Stalls.
Found a recipe online and made it few years back.
Can't quote the source because the link I copied from years ago seem to be broken now.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Torch Ginger Chiffon Cake

First of all, I know it sounds weird. Very weird to use Torch Ginger in a chiffon cake.

Few weeks back, I was in Taiwan, and I had my taste of ginger flower in a chiffon cake in Neiwan, Hsinchu. The flower I tasted was Hedychium coronarium known as 野姜花, and it's a type of ginger not found here. Maybe not that I know of, maybe some people do plant them in Malaysia, but I've just never seen it myself.

Monday, May 15, 2017

Crispy Stuffed Tofu Puffs

My husband doesn't like eating tofu puffs. But I love it a lot.

This is one of the ways that he will eat it. These can be eaten as a snack or as a dish. It's great as party finger food too.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Victoria Sponge

Cake baked in 2014

To us Malaysians, sponge cake will be soft, cottony and airy with not much oil in the cake..but this cake will resemble to us.. a pound cake, where all measurements are equal, and it's sweet and buttery, not a bit like the sponge cakes we are used to.

Victoria Sponge is a classic English cake, is also known as Victoria Sandwich. It was named after Queen Victoria. Two layers of buttery cake sandwiching a layer of cream and jam.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Talam Keladi Berlauk ~ Taro Cake, Malay Style 马来芋头糕

The Chinese community in Malaysia has a kuih called WooTauGou 芋头糕 or some call it as Yam Cake or Taro Cake. Usually sold at old fashioned breakfast joints, or tea break stalls, or some even sell it as supper fare. It's a flavourful savoury kuih loved by many.

This talam keladi berlauk, translated as 'Taro Tray with Savoury Toppings' is not the same as the Chinese version. The flavour is richer, much richer, although it looks similar.

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