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Monday, May 15, 2017

Crispy Stuffed Tofu Puffs

My husband doesn't like eating tofu puffs. But I love it a lot.

This is one of the ways that he will eat it. These can be eaten as a snack or as a dish. It's great as party finger food too.

I've quit teaching for almost 11 months. I thought I will pick up my blogging speed again... but it just never did.

It just wasn't like how it used to be. Once the rhythm is broken, it's hard to pick up again. Gone are the days when I post at least 3 recipes a week, and definitely gone are the days when I blog 6 days a week. I'm pushing myself to post something once a month, minimum.

The amount of backlogs on my computer is piling up. Even though throughout this year of being a SAHM, I haven't been dealing with my creative kitchen juices, but the recipes that I've compiled all these years have yet seen the light.

This recipe has been in my computer for around 5 years or more. Back in those days I was posting by themes each week and a tofupuff week just never came by.  So, here it is now, nothing spectacular but just a simple dish I love to eat.

Crispy Stuffed Tofu Puffs
by WendyinKK
Makes 20pcs

10 tofu puff cubes

70gm minced pork*
70gm minced prawn**
1 water chestnut, finely chopped
1 Tbsp grated carrots
1 Tbsp finely sliced spring onions
1/2 tsp salt
Generous dash of pepper
1 Tbsp cornstarch
1/2 egg

1. Mix ingredients for filling together.
2. Half each tofu puff and turn the tofu inside out.
3. Put fillings into the fried side.
4. Deep fry the tofu puffs on medium heat until the tofu turns nicely golden.
5. Serve warm with chilli sauce.

*Can be replaced with chicken
**Can be replaced with fish paste

1 comment:

  1. Hi Wendy, this is so good n crispy, my family love it. I replaced it with fish paste & prawns. Thanks for sharing!

    God Bless,


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