New Youtube Channel

Now that my home's internet speed is upgraded, I can make more videos!
This is my new channel
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Monday, December 7, 2020

Product Review: Origin Superior Coolmax® Latex Pillow

Normally I don’t do product reviews, but if I happen to really need it, I will. So about a month ago, sleep quality has deteriorated, and I actually blame it on my pillow, it’s been very much well used over the years. And then I received an email asking if I will do a review for some latex bedding products. 

I checked out their website to find out about their products, it helps me to decide, to accept this collaboration or not. Now... I grew up sleeping on latex beddings, and still do. Yes my current King Size is a latex bed (it’s 10 years already and I’m thinking to change it) but too bad. King size mattress wasn’t in their list for me. I was contemplating, should I should I not because a mattress at the wrong size is quite troublesome. 

So in the end, I just chose two pillows instead of a mattress. 

The Origin Superior Coolmax® Latex Pillows arrived two weeks after I agreed ..... and I just can’t wait to try it out! 

Thanks to Origin for the pillows and do drop by Best in Singapore read to know more about pillows

Origin Mattress

Best in Singapore 

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Asam Pedas Melaka

I love asam pedas. It's so appetizing. I have guests coming for dinner and it's perfect! Dishes like this is hard to cook with just 2 adults eating. Lots of work involved.

I went to chat with my colleague who married a Malaccan and cooks Malacaan food quite often. She told me, Asam Pedas Melaka is spiced, and if I were to cook Merlimau style, there has to be burnt coconut, as taught to her by her mother in law. As she is not staying with her in laws, she just played with the dish, adding anything she fancies. Yeah, that's what I will do too, if I'm not blogging about heritage dishes.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Soft Fluffy Yogurt Pancakes

My kids love pancakes. All sorts of them

I was using my good old trusty buttermilk pancake recipe for years, most of the time substituting the buttermilk with natural yogurt. But my eldest have developed some ‘dislikes’ to my pancakes over the years. And she can’t explain why, but the other kids are still enjoying them as usual. She told me she has been forcing her self to eat , because she doesn’t want to upset me. Well.....  it’s ok. I’m glad to know the truth

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Chocolate Buns with Coffee Buttercream

Inspiration came to make something chocolatey and laced with coffee for tea time, and my kids now are big enough to have some coffee, well... not all my kids though. The second one still refuses anything with coffee. 

Friday, May 22, 2020

Nasi Kerabu

Nasi Kerabu is from the state of Kelantan. Famous Famous!

Usually when it's sold not in the state itself... it always comes in blue. But if one were to eat it in Kelantan, it can come in yellow or even dark green, depending on what is used to tint the rice. It's like a salad rice, tossed together to be eaten, healthy, depending on which side dishes you take.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

French Apple Cake

Cake is fresh and warm as I’m writing this, again with the phone.
I’m excited to share this recipe with you all.

During MCO, I prepare tea time daily, because we have early lunch. And whatever that’s left from tea, the kids will eat as supper. They are growing up now and they eat a lot :-)
My kids don’t eat the same cakes. And this cake pleases my eldest, but my Second kid won’t touch it.
So, I will bake things they like on rotation. Very few of my bakes pleases every kid in the house. They just don’t have the same taste buds.

Friday, April 17, 2020

Tosei or Dosa

I’m writing this post with my phone.
Malaysia is currently under  Movement Control Order for Covid19. Stuck at home, can’t dine out, we yearn for food that we love eating out. My kids have Tosei once every fortnight and they love it.

So I plucked up my courage and tried making this at home.
Many recipes online require raw rice , like idli rice. It’s not something I can get easily in Malaysia and most recipes don’t provide exact water amount. Vague instructions like ‘just enough’, ‘not too thick not too thin’ doesn’t help the noob like me who has never ever seen it made from scratch. Eyeballing takes experience, like real life experience seeing and feeling the batter.

I messaged one of my readers , Thenmathy on Facebook, and she guided me from purchasing to fermenting... I’m grateful for her help.

So here is my version of Tosei, that will remove the guessing game.

Friday, February 21, 2020

Coffee Hazelnut Friands & why I've been MIA for so long


I'm sorry that I've been away for more than a year.
Last year, I thought I wanted to be blogging again, but some health issues came up.

After I blogged about the Chocolate Ombre Cake, I went to Vietnam with my friend for few days. It was a tiring trip and I had trouble sleeping. And when I came back, there was more travelling with the kids, my body ended up exhausted. Two days after reaching home (finally), I fetched my mom for her medical appointment, and as I was driving home, the pain came.... simply put it as, my fourth time going into active labour. Yes, it was that type of pain, as if I was labour induced. Stopped my car beside the road and called my brother, who was the nearest one to me at that moment. I couldn't breathe whenever the pain came, you know, like when the strongest contractions come?
I was rushed to the hospital. I lost my ability to stand for the next few days because my spine flared up very badly. A month later, I flared up again. Anyway, cut the story short, it took me two hospitalizations to finally got diagnosed as having Spinal Osteoathritis. Couldn't stand for long, couldn't carry my handbag anymore, couldn't walk for long, .... took me one year of resting to be actively back in the kitchen. I started cooking again a month after my second hospitalization. But it was all simple meals, that I needed a few rests in between.

I thank God that I could stand and walk again, and it's a blessing to be able to do that. Actually it's not really a big issue, but when I was bed ridden, I realized that being able to stand each day, is really a blessing, His grace.

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