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Friday, November 28, 2008

Banana Cake 香蕉蛋糕

Best made with pisang emas..

Ingredients (A)
300gm flour
1 ½ tsp sodium bicarbonate
200gm sugar

Ingredients (B)
3 eggs
300gm banana (pureed)
180ml vegetable oil
180ml buttermilk (or substitute with 180ml milk poured over 1 Tbsp lemon juice)

1. Sift flour and sodium bicarbonate.
2. Mix with sugar.
3. Mix (B) together.
4. Combine (A) and (B) to a smooth paste.
5. Pour batter into a 9X13 inch baking tray.
6. Bake at 170C for 45minutes to 1 hour.


  1. Hi Wendy, i'm siti..
    Just to tell u that i really fall inlove with yr blog fr the first day i found yr blog. Thank you so much for sharing n hope that u will continue doing what u love. All the best n God bless. Warmest rgds, siti.

  2. Siti,
    Thanks for liking my blog.
    Sorry, but are u the Siti Zubaidah that I know ???

  3. Hi Wendy,

    No lah...hehehe. My full name is Siti Jaleha.
    I'm residing in Singapore.

  4. shabbycottage67,
    Cold storage, or just subtitute with milk and lemon juice as stated in the recipe.

  5. I tried this . It was really nice. but mine color was different. Did u use brown sugar or any color? thanks a lot

  6. Hi Wendy

    In your recipe, when u said the word'Mix' may i know is it to whisk it or just mix with a spoon.

    PLs advise



  7. Angela,
    Mix is just mix, nothing special about mix. You can use a whisk to mix or a spoon, nothing vigorous.

  8. Hi Wendy,
    Can I use melted butter as my vegetable oil has just ran out.. If yes, what is the amount of melted butter I should replace with?
    Thanks for your reply.

  9. Lynn,
    Yes you can, with the same amount

  10. venix,
    If you are using sunflower oil, canola oil or corn oil, you can use those, as they are all vegetable oils. Palm oil might give the cake some weird 'smell'.

  11. can i used sodium bicarbonate instead of baking soda?

  12. hi thanks lot sharing this nice recipe my 2 kids dont like eat banana but they love to eat this banana cake.. most of the time i make this for my kids thanks again... love your blog from ..srilanka


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