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Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Braised Balsamic Chicken with Mash - Chicken #2

I lurrrrrrve this chicken. It’s very easy to make and it’s very delicious. In my personal opinion, very very delicious.

Like what NEL said, if you have that bottle of Balsamic vinegar and don’t know what to do with it, try this. I served this with mash and it was perfect! I only needed to add some green pea shoots by the side and it’s a complete meal.

If you’re having guests over, this will be perfect as it can be prepared hours in advance and just reheat it to serve, unlike fried stuff that should only be done at the last minute. And handling this is a lot easier than roast chicken, no hot pans to deal with if you want to quickly serve dinner to your guests.

Braised Balsamic Chicken with Mash
Recipe source: WendyinKK
Inspired by : NEL the Batter Baker 
Serves 4

1 kg whole chicken legs (4 pieces)
¾ tsp salt
Cracked black pepper
Ground oregano for sprinkling
1.5 cups of chopped onion
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 bay leaf
½ cup balsamic vinegar
1 cup water
2 Tbsp honey
Salt and pepper to taste
Olive oil for cooking

1. Marinate chicken legs with salt. Sprinkle with pepper and ground oregano. Set aside for 30 minutes or longer.
2. Heat a pot/wok and put in few tablespoons of olive oil. Put chicken legs in, skin side down and cook on high heat until skin turns slightly golden and fry the other side. (No need to be cooked). Remove chicken from the pot and set aside.
3. With oil still in pot/wok, sauté onions and garlic until the onion looks translucent. Put in balsamic vinegar, bay leaf and water. Put in chicken legs, bring back to a boil and and lower to a simmer for half an hour.
4. Flip chicken pieces and turn heat to high. Put in honey, salt and pepper and reduce gravy to preferred amount. Thicken with some flour+water if needed, but I didn’t.
5. Place some mash onto serving dish and top with chicken. Spoon some gravy over, don’t forget the onions bits, delicious!


4 russet potatoes
2 Tbsp butter
½ cup milk
Salt and pepper to taste

1. Peel and cut potatoes into huge chunks (I cut into 3 for each tatoe)
2. Bring about 5 cups of water to boil and put in 1 tsp salt.
3. Put potatoes in and boil until softened.
4. Drain water and put into a bowl. (while it’s still piping hot)
5. Put in butter, half the milk, and pepper.
6. Whiz with a hand held mixer until smooth.
7. Taste and adjust with salt and more pepper if needed. Add in more milk and whiz til smooth. (Take note that mash will thicken upon cooling, so it should be at the consistency of icing when you’re whizzing it)

photography took too long... the chicken fell, hahaha!


  1. OMG! OMG! OMG! This is soooooooooo delicious. Thanks Wendy for sharing this recipe.

  2. wah, the process looks easy so I just have to get balsamic vinegar then :)

  3. Even without tasting it, I know it's going to be very delicious. I lurrrvve this too !

  4. Looks and sounds delicious! I always have balsamic vinegar in my kitchen. Time to try something new :)

  5. Im bookmarking this too. I like easy to cook dish.

  6. Hi Wendy! I love this recipe and the plating style!

  7. I have balsamic at my pantry. Hooray ! Got recipe to try and use it. Thanks for sharing. I think I'm going to love it!

  8. I made something similar using apple cider vinegar, when it's drying and the honey turned caramel-like, it's super tasty and fragrant. I will definitely give this a try, I'm sure it's yummilicious!

  9. Hi Wendy, this is yummy! Mash potatoes with braised chicken, I definitely will fall in love with this. Can I replace balsamic vinegar with other type of vinegar like apple cider?

  10. Min,
    Apple cider vinegar hmmm.... I am not so sure about it, because apple cider vinegar has a very strong smell.
    I think Chinese sweet vinegar will do a better job

  11. Hi Wendy, it tastes so good, I love it! -- Cookie

  12. Is the taste of balsamic vinegar very strong as my hubby doesn't really like chinese vinegar?


  13. Jaynelle,
    Balsamic vinegar after reduction will not taste the same. It mellows out


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