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Friday, March 8, 2013

Mee Racun @ Poisonous Noodles of Batu Pahat - MFF Johor #4

What a name!
Dare to eat?

It's named as such because it is said to be addictive. It won't cause fatalities. LOL
This noodle is a spin-off from the famous Muar Bandung Noodle, but it uses lamb shank instead of chicken and seafood.

My dinner

I didn't think much about cooking this, until my reader Aishah posted a picture of Mee Racun that her dad cooked. It was totally salivating! Much more than what I see cooked by the hawkers. I was totally poisoned by her picture and so the following week I made it

Annie of Annielicious Food asked me if this noodle is really that addictive? Hmmm.... My hubby asked me to make sell this noodle. Well, you see, he is a mutton/lamb nut. The flavours are all his favourites, Spicy but sweet at the same time, and served with his favourite yellow noodles. I'd say, it depends on your preference. It's delicious alright, but i am not addicted. Because I can't eat sweetish savoury food too often.

Mee Racun
Recipe reference: Yanis Kitchen  

400-500gm lamb shank
1 toe sized ginger (25gm), bashed
½ tsp whole black peppercorns, cracked
3L water

Chilli paste
10 dried chillies
5 shallots
3 clove garlic

150gm ketchup (I used Kimball brand)
150gm chilli sauce (I used Life brand)
2 tsp salt
1.5 Tbsp sugar (or to taste)
½ tsp white pepper
¾ cup oil
500gm yellow noodles, blanched

Few stalks of Indian mustard, blanched
Few pieces of napa cabbage, blanched
1 egg, whisked for minute
1 potato

1. Prepare broth. Bring water to boil and put in everything. Bring back to a boil and lower to a simmer for 3 hours.
2. Peel potatoes and slice into 5mm thickness. Stack the potato slices and cut into quarters.
3. Crack egg into bowl and whisk it for 1 minute until frothy.
4. Heat 3/4 cup oil in wok or pan.
5. Fry the potato slices until golden. Dish up and drain.
6. Pour half the egg into the oil and it will puff up. Fry until golden and repeat with the balance of egg. Cut eggs into bite sized pieces.
7. With the balance of oil, sauté the chilli paste until it turns glossy. Pour the chili paste into the broth pot. Put in seasonings and bring it back to a boil. Taste and adjust with more seasonings if needed.
8. Turn off the heat and serve with blanched yellow noodles and the other condiments

His dinner

His supper

My supper

If you notice, the meat turns darker and darker, the longer the gravy is kept. It is indeed more delicious this way. So, if you can, make it in advance and keep it for a few hours before meal time.

Bon apetit!

I am submitting this to Malaysian Food Fest Johor Month hosted by Annie of Annielicious Food


  1. OMG!! *droll* it's already 9pm here.. but see this, I think I can't sleep tonight LOL - what a name, really, the ingredients are kill me already, lambshank... what a precious recipe..

  2. Fuyohhh... This is indeed poisonous!!!

  3. Looks good and it makes many meals!

  4. Racun tak racun, nampak memang sedap! Dah tahan looking at that last picture.... Thumbs up eventhough I have not tasted this before!

  5. Poisonous?! What a name!

    Wendy, Can I have the 6th plate? :D

  6. Wow wee...looks damn good la! (>人<;)

  7. ni mee mati...bukan racun lagi dah...ha ha ha...mati tengok uuu.

  8. OH MY GOD wendy! all those colours just make me want to dive in! And i KNOW i won't be able to stop. No wonder it's called poisonous.Agree with keeping longer, I find most stews get better and better with time! I always try to make stews a day before an actual meal! (if got time to plan la..)

  9. Wow... The title that caught my attention, would I dare to eat?
    Oh definitely :D ....happy to be poisoned by scrumptious food n wake up in 'Food Heaven' ;P

  10. Nisa's mom,
    hahaha, u're another lamb nut too?

    hahaha, go cook la

    Phong Hong,
    I always cook at least 4-6 portions each time i cook noodles with a gravy that takes a long simmering time. Very wasteful if cook just 2 portions.

    Try to go to BP.

    chef and sommelier,
    LOL, that didn't exist.

    Too bad spicy hoh, if not u can try and cook

    gerauge bang,
    hahaha. Mati sebab mee yang sedap berbaloi!

    LOL. Yeah, they always taste better. Rendang tastes so much better on the 3rd day, LOL

    Lisa H,
    Worth being in heaven for food, haha.

  11. Intoxicate me please! Looks like something worth dying for :)

  12. Wendy, If I'm not mistaken the original mee racun was made with spaghetti. Well you know how the johorean like spaghetti so much that we use spaghetti as laksa. I tasted one long ago in the most popular mee racun stall in Batu Pahat ( one that started it all )but I don't quite remember if they use spaghetti or yellow mee.

  13. Alamak Wendy, only saw this now. Looks really good and I have another way of using lamb shanks. :-) But thanks, will definitely be making this one day soon.


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