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Thursday, January 29, 2015

Black Sesame Cookies

A simple black sesame cookie with only 4 ingredients, that is if you find toasting the sesame not difficult :)

Black may not look auspicious for Lunar New Year, but i think most of us, do wear black during the festival nowadays. We have modernized, right? Hehehe.

I used to 'not like' black sesame, but I guess, my taste have changed. I am in love with it now. I used to find it bitter, but then I found that, if the sesame was toasted correctly.. it will taste awesome. Thanks to store bought sesame tang yuan :)

The composition of this cookie is almost like a shortbread, except that I increased the portion for dry ingredients, if not, I don't think I will enjoy working with the texture. If you still find the dough to be too sticky to roll with, add a Tbsp of flour, but not too much, or else, it might turn out not as good.

Black Sesame Cookies

Recipe by WendyinKK

100gm salted butter, softened
60gm icing sugar, sifted
120gm plain flour
50gm finely ground toasted black sesame (DIY recipe)

Decoration: Black sesame seeds

1. Put the ground sesame into your mill/grinder and put in some of the measured flour. Grind it together. It will make the sesame finer. Mix the powdered sesame with the rest of the flour, set aside.
2. Mix softened butter with icing sugar until combined.
3. Pour in all the flour mixture and mix until just combined.
4. Leave the mixture for around 15 minutes, and it will be rollable.
5. Shape cookies according to preference. If you want to roll out and use a cookie cutter, a cool dough will be easier to work with.
6. Decorate with some black sesame seeds.
7. Bake in a preheated oven at 170C for around 15 minutes until the edges are slightly golden. Baking ime depends on the size of your cookies. The cookies might be slightly soft when they are hot from the oven, and will crisp up upon cooling.
8. Keep in air tight containers.

My daughters who weren't keen in the beginning... changed their minds after I insisted they take a bite. They told me these were good, despite seeing their hated seeds as deco.

It took only one night and my son secretly finished them all.
I don't know if I should be angry with him for secretly eating or happy because he likes it so much.


  1. Hi Wendy cant wait to try out these loving cookies! TQVM!

  2. I made black sesame cookies before and really love how they are not as sweet. Your cookies look delicious!

  3. Black sesame has a nice fragrance, I'd love to try this but I don't have a grinder/mill! :)
    Ahhhh looks yummy though.... You ground the sesame really fine....

    1. Fern,
      You can use a blender, but grind the seeds together with flour

  4. Hello I'm Francesca and I am Italian. I was looking for recipes from the world and I came across your blog. I like very much, there are many recipes from which I can take inspiration. I joined your supporters, if you want a challenge, too. Thank You.

  5. Hi Wendy

    Thank you for sharing this wonderful recipe with your helpful tips. Simple, fast to make and also fast to disappear as they are addictively delicious. My kiddos are asking for more.


  6. Hi Wendy,

    May I know roughly how many pcs it yields per recipe? Tq :)

  7. Michelle Siew,
    It depends on how thick and how big are your cookies. I can't tell you how many.
    But this amount is not much, it can probably fit a small cookie container, the type with a red cap.

  8. Thanks for the recipe! Just tried it today and it turns out yummy! Will probably reduce sugar next time as my family members found it a tad sweet though i love the sweetness.

  9. Hi Wendy, how do u make the sesame sees decor on top to stick? Thanks.

  10. Simply Susan,
    Just gently press them on.

  11. How soft is softened butter ?

  12. Kate,
    Soft enough for you to cream easily with a spatula.

  13. Hey im just wondering why this recipe doesn't have any eggs or baking powder and soda. Will it still work?

  14. Hi Wendy,
    Just tried this recipe, it's really yummy.But I'm using white sesame seeds, I found out that maybe its too brown. The cookies taste slightly sour...

  15. Hi,
    I just tried you recipe, I used moscovado sugar (didn't have icing sugar), and it's delicious! Thanks for sharing it.


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