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Monday, January 19, 2015

How to Prepare Mandarin Segments

Mandarins are abundant at this time, when it's around Lunar New Year.

If I need to use Mandarin segments in my bakes, normally I will buy canned mandarins because I had no idea how to peel away the membrane. Mandarin membranes can't be easily sliced off as the segments are loose , unlike oranges that are snugly bound.

This time, it came upon me the idea of blanching and peel, just like how we peel nuts. I tried it and it works!

1. Peel the mandarin. Separate into segments and remove all the stringy stuff.
2. Blanch the segments in boiling water for 10 seconds. Adjust the time to suit your fruit. Blanching for too long will make the mandarin arils too fragile.
3. Drain the segments and put them into water to cool off.
4. Snip the inner end of the mandarin membrane.
5. Peel away the membrane.
6. Mandarin segments are ready for use.

How they glisten in the sun... all shiny and smooth :)

and against the sunlight... I like this shot :)


  1. hi Wendy, thank you for the tips! may be can use for grapefruit as well? ^^

  2. Wendy, how clever of you! I have tried peeling the membrane but it is so messy and the arils break up and I end up popping into my mouth instead hah..hah.... Thanks for sharing this tip.

  3. Vivi,
    I think the usual method of paring the skin away, then slice in between membranes will be easier for grapefruit, as grapefruit is tight like orange, not loose like mandarins.

  4. Thanks Wendy for your tips...This'is very usefull for me

  5. Love it, thanks for showing how to do this. I have to make a salad and didn’t want the canned fruit 🍊


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