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Monday, January 5, 2015

Fruit Pie Cake, Frozen themed for my Lyanne

Happy New Year!

A last minute decision to bake. Her birthday was on 31st Dec, just few days back.

I celebrated Lyanne's birthday few days earlier with a red velvet snowflake cake (to be blogged next time) ... and when it was her real day.... I felt bad not making her a Frozen themed cake. She had been asking for an Elsa cake as well weeks before. I had a meeting until 4pm and rushed to the shop to get something related to Elsa or Frozen. I only managed to get these mini figurines at RM18.90. Plastic and so expensive. But thinking they can play with it after the cake was gone, I bought it.

I had 2 hours to get it done.
Now a Frozen themed cake... there must be snow. A quick cake with white snowy look..... so I made this cake that I once made for my niece.

Back in May, when I made this for my niece who wanted a Olaf cake, I had no idea how to do it..... as there was time constraints. The Olaf cake was supposed to be brought to location an hour's drive away and no buttercream no fondant... how will a big dairy cream cake last the journey? So, I decided to bring all the components and do the final assembly in situ, of which includes trimming the cake to shape. It was a big cake, but light in texture. I got myself a big cake board but it can't fit the fridge by 1/2 inch! I used the fridge's glass shelf to plate the cake. hahaha!

Here's what I used to decorate the cake. Buttons, mouth and eyes with Oreos, Nose with carrot, and hands and hair with chocolate biscuit sticks.

It didn't look pretty, the proportions were out... but all that mattered was the smile on my niece's face. A 3 year old looking at her huge Olaf and grinning from ear to ear. At least it looked like an Olaf to her. My family enjoyed the pie cake a lot. That time, I used a lot more fruits than today.

When my daughter saw the cake.... she didn't think much. She thought it's a tea time cake as she already had her snowflake cake. And when she knew the cake was then decorated with Elsa and the gang (thanks to the little boy who went shouting in the house announcing it) , she went ecstatic, jumping up and down! I had to calm her down. She quickly changed into her Elsa costume and I took pictures of her together with the cake.

I was relieved. She was so happy.

So, what's a Fruit Pie Cake? It has sponge crust , filled with fruits and piped cream... almost like a pie :)
It's a lazy cake.

I didn't have to slice any cake evenly, I didn't have to take out my cake turner, I didn't have to use a spatula to even out anything, If you choose to pile on the cream, just skip the piping and let it go rustic.

You can use any soft fruits that you like. Bananas, strawberries or mangoes. It's just as nice.
This made up sponge recipe is my favourite so far.

Fruit Pie Cake

by WendyinKK
For 8 or 9 inch base 

3 egg whites from Grade C egg (55gm each)
50gm sugar
1/4 tsp vinegar or pinch of cream of tartar

Yolk batter
3 egg yolks
2 Tbsp oil (30ml)
20gm sugar
2 Tbsp water
1/4 tsp vanilla extract
50gm cake flour
10gm cornstarch
1/4 tsp baking powder

Fruit of choice
Whipped cream

1. Line the base of a 2 inch tall pan (8 or 9 inch diameter)
2. Preheat oven at 180C.
3. Mix egg yolks, oil and sugar together. Then add in water. Mix.
4. Sift flour together with cornstarch and baking powder into the yolk mixture. Mix until smooth. Set aside.
5. Prepare meringue. Beat egg whites until frothy. Add in vinegar or cream of tartar and beat until soft peaks. Gradually add in sugar and beat the meringue until stiff (hooked).
6. Add 1/3 of the meringue into the yolk batter and fold. Add another 1/3 of the egg whites and fold.
7. Pour the yolk batter into the remaining meringue and scrape the yolk batter bowl clean. Fold the batter until even with quick strokes.
8. Pour the batter into the lined pan and level.
9. Put into the oven, turn down the temperature to 160C and bake for 30 minutes or until done.
10. Let the cake cool down and remove from pan. (the middle might sink a little)
11. When the cake has cooled, top with fruits and cream.

Almost all characters on the cake, except for wicked Hans. I banned him from the party.
Can't wait for night to come and blow the candles!


  1. Happy belated birthday to Lyanne !! So good to see ur new post Wendy.. Happy New Year 2015!
    Hope you can post more in this year :)


  2. Wow, Wendy, your Lyanne certainly grown up to a pretty princess now.

    Blessed belated birthday and New Year 2015.

    Priscilla Poh

  3. Beautifully executed, Wendy! Your girl's delight shows on her face.

  4. Happy belated birthday to your girl...could see that she's so happy...I like that last pic of your boy:)

  5. Greetings from Kuching,

    Have been a silent follower of your blog for a long time now and just want to say your daughter Lyanne is growing up to be a beauty. Great blog you have there and looking forward to more posting.

    Flo Choo

  6. Happy New Year, may I know where did you get the frozen mini figurines. Thanks

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Hahaha, your kids are so cute in that last picture! Lovely idea on fruit pit cake. :) BTW, the last comment got a typo and I had to delete haha

  9. Yen Ang,
    Happy New Year to you too.
    Baking supplies shop. I bought them at a local shop in K. Kangsar

  10. Hi Wendy,

    still remember u posted your kids's bb photos and now they have grown so much...

    Time really flies.

    My elder gal was born on 31st Dec too :)


  11. Hi Wendy!

    I love the cake! Clean, simple, and fuss free, but still carries the theme nicely! My little one was oooo-ing and ahhh-ing at your Olaf cake! hehe Thanks for your wonderful sharing! A very belated happy birthday to your girl, and happy new year too!

  12. the piping looks so lovely! thanks for this recipe and blessed birthday to your beautiful daughter!

  13. It's a nice n simple cake. May I know is the cream the Swiss meringue?

  14. Michelle,
    I used stabilized whipped dairy cream

  15. so cute... I so did not have the heart to eat


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