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Friday, January 16, 2015

DIY Icing Sugar

Icing sugar, or confectioner's sugar in the US, is also known as powdered sugar.

I have been making my own since 1996 and I don't always buy it. Why?
Because of the price, it's double of regular sugar.
And I don't want to eat any any anti caking agent if I can.
Plus I don't know why the ants at my house won't crawl into the pack of icing sugar when left around. *suspicious look*

It's not difficult and you can use either the blender or the dry mill attachment that comes with your blender. Food processor is not recommended.

If you take notice of the icing sugar wrappers, there is cornstarch as ingredient. The amount of cornstarch can range from 2% to 5%. I go with 5%. But most of the time, I just dump in.

Use quality corn starch. Important!
Some cornstarch smell weird and funny, and imparts a weird aftertaste. The one I like the most is the one imported from Netherlands. I have tried Korean and French... still the one from the land of tulips is my fav! The packaging of your cornstarch will tell you the country of origin, unless you buy from Baking Supplies shop that repacks it and comes without any information except the price.

Always read food labels.

Here's what you need.
Sugar and a packet of quality cornstarch.

200gm sugar + 10gm cornstarch
or simply,1 cup sugar and 1 Tbsp cornstarch

How to do it?
Just dump it into your blender/mill and grind away.
If you are using the mill, I suggest you split the grinding to 3 for best results.
Then sift the icing sugar in a fine sieve.

From 200gm sugar, I am usually left with not more than 1 Tbsp sugar in the sieve.
If you are making more, just pour the leftover sugar into the next grind.

I keep my icing sugar in an air tight container to keep away the ants.

It's not difficult to make.
Try it :)

my mill is yellow due to turmeric. 


  1. Thanks for the tip, Wendy! Best to make our own :)

  2. thanks for your sharing.....……^^

  3. Thank you for tips, simple to do. This is very helpful for me.

  4. Love your wonderful and tested proven recipes. The professionally taken photos make it even more tempting. Cheers!

  5. May i ask will the icing sugar dissolve quickly on a cool moist cake? Need help on this as i wanted to make the snowing look on my cake

  6. Sidney,
    Icing sugar is still sugar that melts upon contact with moisture.
    Use Snow powder, found at baking ingredient shops for a lasting snow effect


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