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Monday, April 20, 2015

Rhubarb Bakewell Tart

I don't even remember when did I make this. But I remembered I was hosting a dinner for relatives.

I was hesitant to post this, as it didn't look pretty, because I compared it with Tesco's picture.
Why did I didn't get the same effect?

I thought I will bake this again one day and get a nicer shot, as it tasted really good. But after all these years... I just never got around doing it a second time. I shouldn't wait any longer.

I did some changes to it, like doing my own crust and adding orange zest into the filling, and reducing the sugar in the filling. Somehow I ask myself, is the puree on the bottom really needed?
It is almost not seen, even when my rhubarb is red. Or maybe I can only blame myself for using only 2/3 of the original amount. Hmm.. rhubarb is just too expensive for me to be liberal.

Anyway.... this tart is good. I don't want to think too much on how it looks. My guests from Australia all gave me thumbs up.

see that faint 'line' of rhubarb puree?

Rhubarb Bakewell Tart

By WendyinKK
Reference: Tesco   

100gm butter
1 egg
165gm flour (9% protein)

Rhubarb compote
330gm rhubarb
2 Tbsp orange juice
75gm sugar

125gm butter (I used salted)
100gm sugar
2 large eggs
Zest from 1 orange
90gm ground almond
40gm flour
½ tsp baking powder

1.Mix butter with egg together until smooth. Add in flour and mix until a dough forms. Leave the dough for 30 minutes-1 hour, covered and chilled in the fridge.
2. Toss the rhubarb with 75g (3oz) of the sugar then put into a saucepan. Sprinkle with 2 tbsp orange juice, simmer until the rhubarb is tender enough for mashing, then cool.
3. Roll out the pastry to line a 23cm (9in) loose-bottomed tart tin. Leave excess hanging over and prick the base with a fork. Chill for 20 minutes until firm. Preheat the oven to gas 4, 180°C, 160°C fan. Line with nonstick baking paper and baking beans and bake for 15 minutes. Remove the beans and paper, then bake for a further 10 minutes. Trim the edges when cool.
4. Remove the rhubarb from the syrup. Mash half and spread over the pastry.
5. Prepare filling. Beat together sugar, butter, almonds, eggs, orange zest, baking powder, salt and flour until creamy. Spoon the mixture over the rhubarb purée, then scatter with the remaining rhubarb, and 1 Tbsp sugar.
6. Bake for 45 minutes, or until golden and risen. Cool in the tin until warm. (I don't know why mine turned out so dark at the top.... maybe I should reduce the time)

I'm submitting this post to Best Recipes for Everyone April 2015 Event Theme: Fun with Almond organized by Fion of XuanHom’s Mom and co-hosted by Doreen of My Little Favourite DIY


  1. Love the filling. This tart will make such a great dessert especially when you are having a party.

  2. This looks absolutely delicious! I've not seen rhubarb here, it's a vegetable I'd like to try!

  3. You have a good looking bakewell tart. I'm drooling.... no doubt it mist be a yummy one!!!

  4. I love eating this rhubarb pie during uni days in Australia. Rarely seen rhubarb here until recently.
    Yours look so yummy,

  5. Hi Wendy,
    It looks really rustic! I have never tasted a rhubard tart before.. Haha!
    Must try if I have a chance!
    Thanks for sharing this lovely rhubarb tart to BRFE.



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