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Monday, April 6, 2015

Strawberry Crumble Buns

I miss the smell of fresh bread from the oven, but kneading bread made from bread flour takes too much of my time. I was googling for some recipe and this image caught my attention. It was an image from a bakery in Poland, .. and the strawberry and the crumble and the icing, so yum looking.......but no recipe. So, I used the name and googled for a recipe.  And settled with this recipe. My mind just kept thinking about it for days until I finally got my strawberries and turned my thoughts into reality.

I rarely bake bread now since my Kitchenaid died after 2 years of weekly use, sometimes fornightly.
This is one of the rare ones I made manually since that day. Plain flour is much easier to knead manually than bread/high protein flour. But they don't stay as soft as those made with bread flour. But such bread with fruits are better eaten soon. You can opt for bread flour if you wish, but you will need to increase the liquids, just add until you get a really tacky dough and knead until the dough turns smooth.

It was quite a pain to shoot these buns as the sky was gloomy. Most of the shots didn't turn out right and the kids were waiting to eat and asking me to speed up. And then the sky drizzled..... the wind blew and the rain fell on the buns.. LOL. Didn't soak them wet, just moistened them a bit.

My kids enjoyed these buns for tea. The middle one opted for no icing.

Strawberry Crumble Buns @ Drożdżówki z truskawkami

Source: Thermoprzepisy 

250gm plain flour
40gm sugar
1/4tsp salt
40gm butter
1 egg
120gm milk
1tsp instant yeast

40gm flour
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
30gm cold butter
30gm sugar

200gm strawberries
More milk for brushing

Sugar drizzle
Icing sugar + water (add enough water until it's pipeable)

1. Combine ingredients for dough and knead til smooth
2. Cover and proof til double
3. Make 12 portions, form each portion into a patty about 1 cm thick
4. Proof 30 minutes
5. Make crumble by rubbing all the ingredients together. Keep chilled.
6. Preheat oven at 180C.
7. Press proofed dough pieces with a glass(flour the base) and make a dent.
8. Place strawberries in the dent.
9. Brush with milk and sprinkle crumble
10. Bake for 15 minutes on Middle rack or until golden
11. Pipe sugar drizzle over if preferred


  1. Wendy, your strawberry crumble buns look so attractive. Look at the soft and fluffy texture of the bread.

  2. Wendy, wow, time flies, seeing your kids growing from babies to young girls and boy. They look healthy and beautiful, all attributed to eating your home cooked food.

    Priscilla Poh

  3. 哇。。。。 小宝贝很可爱。吃得很开心。我看了都忍不住了啦。。。。。 很赞, 很棒。

  4. Hi Wendy, which brand of plain flour have u used? So for bread making, there is no need to buy the special bread flour? The bread make using plain flour will it stay soft say after a few hours. Thank you. --- Adeline

  5. Adeline,
    I don't have any preferred brand as they don't come with brands. I use bread flour from bread ingredient shops that pack in plain plastic bags.
    The bread stays soft for hours, but you must keep it covered in a plastic container


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