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Thursday, June 22, 2017

Nasi Liwet Solo Komplit

Nasi Liwet Solo is a famous coconut rice dish in Surakarta, Central Java, also known as Solo.

There are two types of nasi liwet in Indonesia, one is Nasi Liwet Solo and the other is Nasi Liwet Sunda, of which is popular in Bandung.

Nasi Liwet Solo Komplit is Nasi Liwet with all the works, namely Ingkung Ayam (Coconut Chicken Stew), Labu Siam (Chayote in Spicy Coconut Gravy), Telur Pindang (Stewed Eggs) and Areh Telur (Coconut custard). It's a very filling and rich meal, with lots of eggs and coconut.

Monday, June 19, 2017

Ingkung Ayam ~ Indonesian Chicken Coconut Milk Stew

Ingkung Ayam is a chicken stew popular in Central Java. White coconuty chicken stew that has hints of aromatics but it wasn't spicy at all.

The recipe I cooked wasn't as complicated as the version in Jogya, but it came together with Nasi Liwet Solo's recipe.

Serve the chicken in large pieces or tear it into strips to serve in Nasi Liwet Solo.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Durian Cheesecake

My second daughter Lyanne is a durian monster. She's a very picky girl who loves plain rice and anything carbo but hates meat and vegetables. She isn't an adventurous eater but surprisingly, she loves durian. Love is an understatement. She's mad about durians. Durians aren't available all the time and when it's durian season, she will be pestering her grandpa to get her durians and he will gladly scour the town and get her the best that he can find.

Monday, June 12, 2017

Chayote in Spicy Coconut Milk @ Sayur Labu Siam

This way of cooking chayote is easy and nice. I have never eaten chayote other than those cooked with Chinese cooking methods.

This dish is part of Nasi Liwet Solo.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Sticky Date Pudding with Cinnamon Butterscotch Sauce

I used to think this doesn't sound delicious.
I used to think dates in cakes sound soggy.
I used to think cake like puddings to be weird.

It was after Eid-ul Fitr and dates were on sale. Very very cheap!
Each year, muslims will consume dates during the fasting month of Ramadan and once Syawal approaches... the dates goes on clearance sale.. and it goes cheaper and cheaper as the days go by.

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